Half Life 3 najava


Half Life 3 najava

  • Pridružio: 09 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 15879
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Ma ja iskreno sumnjam da ce Half Life 3 izaci skoro. Jednostavno mislim da Valve ne zeli da izbaci nesto nedovrseno ili nesto kratkotrajno. Ja mislim da oni zele da izbace neku igru slicnu Doti koja ce se igrati godinama unapred i od koje ce moci da imaju konstantnu zaradu. Left 4 Dead je dobra igra, ali ne donosi toliku zaradu, jer nema In game payments koliko ja znam. Dota je nesto drugo, postoje setovi za 20-30 eura, koje kupuje ogromna kolicina ljudi i tu su ogromne pare. Dok ti ovako kupis igru jednom i igras je koliko oces, a nema dodatne zarade.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12402

Citat:"The only reason we'd go back and do like a super classic kind of product is if a whole bunch of people just internally at Valve said they wanted to do it and had a reasonable explanation for why [they did]."
"But you know if you want to do another Half-Life game and you want to ignore everything we've learned in shipping Portal 2 and in shipping all the updates on the multiplayer side, that seems like a bad choice," Newell continued. "So we'll keep moving forward. But that doesn't necessarily always mean what people are worried that it might mean."

Make of that what you will, but it appears Newell isn't willing to commit to either confirming the existence of Half-Life 3 or squashing the hopes of fans once and for all.

Valve just recently unveiled the Source 2 engine and a VR headset it's creating with HTC to bring to market. Putting those two together sounds like a fantastic way to create a new experience for Half-Life fans.


  • Istrazivanje Windowsa
  • Pridružio: 12 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 1023

Kakva je igra Half-Life? Igrao sam prvi deo koji dobijas uz CS 1.6.Zanima me da li je zaista legendarna igra i da li daje zabavu?

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12402

Chet Faliszek : "Ne. Rekao sam ne" na pitanje da li će Half Life 3 biti VR igra

Citat:We know virtually nothing about Half-Life 3. We don't know if it exists in any kind of incomplete state, or if not, if it will exist at all at any point in the near or distant future. We don't even know if Valve wants to make it exist at this point. But we do know, thanks to Valve's Chet Faliszek, that it will not be a VR game.
As reported by VG247, Faliszek was asked following his talk about VR at EGX if Half-Life 3 would be a virtual reality game. "No," he replied, before moving on to discuss how the bandwidth requirements of VR headsets mean they won't be going wireless anytime soon. But the Half-Life inquisitor wasn't ready to give up quite so easily, so he asked again.
"I said no," Faliszek answered again. And that, apparently, was that.
So, Half-Life 3 isn't being developed for VR? Or Half-Life 3 isn't being developed at all? For such a succinct answer, it sure leaves a lot of room for interpretation. On the other hand, he didn't deny that it's being made. Half-Life 3 not VR confirmed.


  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12402

"Misteriozni fajlovi" se pojavili u poslednjoj zakrpi za Dotu 2, gejmeri žele da veruju da su ovi fajlovi povezani sa HL 3

Citat:Are these just some old files that were misplaced and have nothing to do with anything, or do they have to do with Dota 2? Or are they actual files related to the development of Half-Life 3? Here are the files so you can look for yourself: hl3.txt / rpg.txt / ai_basenpc.txt.

Fox Mulder was unavailable to comment, but a spokesperson for the FBI tells us that he wants to believe.


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