  • Pridružio: 18 Mar 2007
  • Poruke: 163
  • Gde živiš: Angmar

The Wish Granter

The endings in this section are all provided at the courtesy of the Wish Granter that you can find inside the Sarcophagus. They're not considered the "best" endings, but they are still nice to explore - especially because you are granted your wish, but likely not in the way you really had in mind. I kinda' like that.

I Want To Be Rich

You'll be granted this ending if you have alot of money when you approach the Wish Granter - you'll need 50000 RU or more. By the time you're ready to head into Pripyat and beyond you should pretty much be loaded unless you've bought alot of weapons and/or armors from the different vendors - and even if you have, you're likely to have more than enough loot that you can sell to reach the money limit for this ending.

I Want The Zone To Disappear

This is possibly the "best" ending that you can get at the Wish Granter because of your sincere desire to get rid of the Zone - unfortunately the result is not what you may expect. Your reputation needs to be at least 1000 for you to obtain this ending. You can see your reputation in the Ranking section of your PDA. Your reputation increases by doing missions, killing bandits and hostile stalkers (such as Mercs and Monolith).

I Want To Rule The World

You'll obtain this ending if you have killed both leaders of the neutral factions - ie. General Voronin of the Duty faction and Lukash of the Freedom faction. The cutscene shows you making your wish after which you're aborbed by (or sucked into) the Wish Granter where you'll be able to "rule the world".

Humanity Is Corrupt, Mankind Must Be Controlled

This ending is obtained if you have a terrible reputation - I believe it needs to be -1000 or lower.

Many thanks to Christian Mundt for saving me alot of time by providing me with a savegame near this ending! Much appreciated!

I Want Immortality

This ending is obtained if none of the criteria for the other endings are met (ie. you dont have alot of money, you dont have either a good nor bad reputation, etc.).

Many praises go to j1r for providing me with a savegame leading to this ending! You rock, dude!

The C-Consciousness Project

These endings are only available if you met with Guide and the Doctor, and you picked up the door decoder inside the stash in Pripyat. You will need to find the Monolith control room inside the Sarcophagus as well. Refer to this page in the walkthrough on how to get there.

Joining C-Consciousness

This ending is obtained by reaching the Monolith Control room and after having talked to the hologram you agree to join them. This is, at least in my personal opinon, the least satisfying ending because it's short and it basically means that all your efforts throughout the game has been in vain - sure, you help the C-Consciousness project, but you're basically allowing them to continue with their experiment and hide the truth about the Zone from the outside world.

Refusing to join C-Consciousness

This is often referred to as the "best" ending since you've gone an extra way to obtain it, but more importantly because it means that you've discovered the secret behind the Zone and the plot in general - and finally because you've refused to help the C-Consciousness project keep the secret of the Zone (and, I guess, by destroying the C-Consciousness). This ending is obtained by reaching the Monolith Control room and after having talked to the hologram you refuse to join them; you'll be teleported outside Chernobyl and have to escape. Once you reach the final destination you'll be treated to this cutscene.

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  • Mr_X 
  • Novi MyCity građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Dec 2007
  • Poruke: 4

Ja dodjem do onog dela kada nekog naucnika ne mogu da mu se setim imena (uninstalirao sam igricu iznerviralo me) moram da ispratim kroz tunel do nekog autobusa i onda tu dodje do eksplozije i ja se budim iz nesvesti, on mrtav. Isad treba da se vratim do nekog bunkera kod nekog profesora da mi da specijalno odelo protiv radijacije da bi mogao da idem u "zonu" i kada dodjem do njega i kliknem da razgovaram sa njim ispadnem na desktop iz igrice i svaki put tako. Ne znam dal je neki bug ili sta...
Jel se desavalo nekom ovo?

  • Acid_Burn  Male
  • Moderator foruma
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  • Hellraiser
  • Demon to some. Angel to others
  • Pridružio: 07 Jan 2005
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  • Gde živiš: Beneath the Black Sky

Mr_X ::Ja dodjem do onog dela kada nekog naucnika ne mogu da mu se setim imena (uninstalirao sam igricu iznerviralo me) moram da ispratim kroz tunel do nekog autobusa i onda tu dodje do eksplozije i ja se budim iz nesvesti, on mrtav. Isad treba da se vratim do nekog bunkera kod nekog profesora da mi da specijalno odelo protiv radijacije da bi mogao da idem u "zonu" i kada dodjem do njega i kliknem da razgovaram sa njim ispadnem na desktop iz igrice i svaki put tako. Ne znam dal je neki bug ili sta...
Jel se desavalo nekom ovo?

Meni lichno nije ali znam dosta ljudi kojima jeste...postoji ili je barem postojao patch koji je to reshavao...nisii treba da uninstaliras igru Smile

  • Pridružio: 09 Jan 2006
  • Poruke: 1882
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Desava se, nije bas nepoznat pojam za STALKERa. Ima takvih malih bubica. Meni se desi na nekoliko mesta da jednostavno me zbaci na desktop. Snimim igriicu pre toga, probam ponovo i ona radi.Sta da kazem Smile.

  • Mr_X 
  • Novi MyCity građanin
  • Pridružio: 05 Dec 2007
  • Poruke: 4

Probavao sam ja nekoliko puta iznova ustvari ne nekoliko nego 100 puta jer mi se bas igrala ali svaki put me izbaci na desktop. Probacu da nadjem neki patch pa cu da je instaliram ponovo, nisam izbrisao game saves.

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