Sada sam video da ima čoevk 65 godina pa razumem zamenu zbog načina na koji se snimaju animacije.
Citat:"Basically, before we would use motion capture," he explained. "So we would hire an actor to play the body of Sam. Then we would have Michael Ironside play the voice of Sam, and then we would have animators animate the facial of Sam. So you kind of had this thing where you have three performers - you had Michael Ironside for the voice, the animator that's doing the performance for the face and then you had another body performer.
"So on Blacklist we knew that we wanted to raise the bar of our scripted events, of our cinematics, and to do that we knew we had to go to performance capture. The difference between motion capture and performance capture is that with performance capture, you're capturing everything at the same time. So we had one actor doing the body, the voice and the face. We have a camera that's recording all the facial animations so right there, because you're capturing a true actor's performance, and the level of quality is raised instantly.
Dakle realno su mogli da nastave da rade po starom ali su se ipak prebacili jer je ovako lakše i realističnije.
Opet, nisam ni ja ljubitelj menjanja glumaca a i ne sviđa mi se što je Fisher recimo u prošloj igri leteo sa balkona na balkon 24/7 kao da ima 20 godina ...
Lambert mi je jedan od najomiljenijih likova u igrama takođe i SC je uspeo kroz par igara da me veže dobro za njega... Teško su mi pale neke misije ...