lnenad ::Kakva tecna i sigurna igra. Nadam se da ce biti repriza protiv Sitija.
I ja se nadam
S obzirom da je City ispred nas, bezi nam 3 boda, znaci, It's a must
Samo Arsenalova odbrana treba da pazi na malog opasnog Silvu koga ja obozavam, ali naravno i na Teveza.
Wenger VS. Mancini def. je Wenger bolji strucnjak e sad videcemo, s obzirom da Man. City volim samo zbog D.Silve(joj sto je bas tu presao ) ovde def. navijam za Arsenal bez dvoumljenja ikakvog
Blesavi Rusi, al ovo 62 % kiseonika(znaci prazno) i strelica prema glavi
Citat:The captain of the Russian national team and Arsenal midfielder, Andrei Arshavin, has appeared on the pages of a pupil’s chemistry textbook by accident, the Komsomolskaya Pravda tabloid newspaper has reported.
The famous footballer served as an example to study the chemical elements of a human organism. Andrei Arshavin was pictured on the background of a bright diagram in the uniform of his former team Zenit, St. Petersburg.
It is interesting that oxygen was found in the greatest amount in the footballer’s organism – 62.4 %. It is followed by carbon – 20.7 %, hydrogen – 9.9 %, nitrogen – 5 %, as well as well some iron, zinc, manganese, boron and fluorine.
An editor of the Drofa publishing group, Anna Yshukova, said: “I am not a specialist in football. But I can assure you that we did not choose his person especially for the textbooks. This is just a coincidence. We just took a person to illustrate the diagram.”
TOP GUN ::Blesavi Rusi, al ovo 62 % kiseonika(znaci prazno) i strelica prema glavi
Citat:The captain of the Russian national team and Arsenal midfielder, Andrei Arshavin, has appeared on the pages of a pupil’s chemistry textbook by accident, the Komsomolskaya Pravda tabloid newspaper has reported.
The famous footballer served as an example to study the chemical elements of a human organism. Andrei Arshavin was pictured on the background of a bright diagram in the uniform of his former team Zenit, St. Petersburg.
It is interesting that oxygen was found in the greatest amount in the footballer’s organism – 62.4 %. It is followed by carbon – 20.7 %, hydrogen – 9.9 %, nitrogen – 5 %, as well as well some iron, zinc, manganese, boron and fluorine.
An editor of the Drofa publishing group, Anna Yshukova, said: “I am not a specialist in football. But I can assure you that we did not choose his person especially for the textbooks. This is just a coincidence. We just took a person to illustrate the diagram.”
Buuuuuusiii ahahaha kakvo tarabljenje, nisu imali sanse posle crvenog. I odlicno sudjenje Klatenburga. Idemo sad punom parom jer se i Koscielni vratio, vracaju se i Robin i Verma i Ramzes, izgleda da ce uskoro puna ekipa da igra, ja msm da se to vijekovima nije desilo
Dobili bi i da nije bilo crvenog, sa malom rezervom jer je Djuru bio teska rupa u prvom poluvremenu. Ovako laganica i gol bandere za kraj Volkot cim je usao poceo da objasnjava Vidi se da je zeljan igre.
Shamak opet vise nego koristan
PS: mislio sam da ce Nasri uzeti da sutne penal posto je faul bio na Fabregasu...