Poslao: 27 Apr 2011 15:01
- Toni
- Super građanin
- Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
- Poruke: 1108
- Gde živiš: Petrovgrad
CNN gost Partizana!
Znate lika, Pedro Pinto, vodi fudbalske emisije na CNN, zrebove za takmicenja...
Ovo je posle derbija
Belgrade derby was full of nice not nasty surprises
Citat:I attended my first Belgrade derby on Saturday and all the preconceptions I might have had were happily blown away in the brisk Serbian wind.
The fixture is widely regarded as the most fiery and dangerous derby in world football but despite the game almost being a title decider, the sting was taken out of the occasion by Red Star ultras refusing to turn up at Partizan’s stadium.
Religious convictions had told them the game should not be played on Easter Saturday so they boycotted.
So there was no violence whatsoever, but that didn’t stop a huge number of riot police being there.
You wonder how the fans manage to cause trouble with the meanest-looking police unit imaginable. Massive men covered in thick riot gear which has led them to be nicknamed ‘Ninja Turtles’.
I also never realised how close Partizan’s ground was to Red Star’s stadium. There are almost as near as Anfield and Goodison Park.
Partizan’s home was smaller than I imagined, an open bowl with a running track, but the fans still made for a decent atmosphere despite the lack of Red Star supporters. There were a few flares and banners but nothing I had not seen in Italy or Marseille.
The press facilities were the best surprise. A carpeted cabin for each reporter with the units running the whole length of the pitch with perfectly-working broadband. You would struggle to get anything better anywhere in the world.
I also was lucky enough to cross the pitch at the end for a prompt news conference with the coaches in a lovely oak-panelled boardroom which somehow did not fit with the grey concrete in the rest of the ageing stadium.
As for the game itself, which Partizan won 1-0 to take a big step to retaining their title, the standard was probably akin to the English Championship or the lower end of La Liga.
The game was a bit niggly, but none of the fouls were more outrageous than any other feisty derby game in world soccer.
Look out for Partizan central defender Stefan Savic. He is only 20 but reminds me of Chelsea’s David Luiz or Inter Milan’s Andrea Ranocchia and will surely end up at a top European club before long. Very composed and decent on the ball.
Nemanja Tomic, Partizan’s tricky winger, also caught the eye and has almost as many tricks as Cristiano Ronaldo.
I thoroughly enjoyed my trip to the Belgrade derby and was glad that all the presumptions associated with the fixture are not always true.
Ako je Tomic video ovo onda smo ugasili. Taman su ga malo odvikli od driblanja a sad ce opet da pomisli da je Kristijano
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 27 Apr 2011 17:17
- Bojan
- Prijatelj foruma
- Pridružio: 13 Nov 2003
- Poruke: 11059
- Gde živiš: Novi Sad
Vezano za ovog Evandra, sto niko ne pominje da je i Sale Ilic izasao povredjen?! Pricamo onako kako nam najvise odgovara, klasika.
Ne smatram da smo mi nesto specijalno dobri i da nas treba sad dizati u nebesa. Naprotiv, smatram da smo sasvim solidni, ostali jesu losi sto ne treba da umanjuje nasu vrednost. Suludo je da se poredimo sa Arsenalom i slicnim ekipama tog kalibra. Za mene je recimo uspeh sto smo izbacili Anderleht, oteli nam prolaz sa Fenerbahcetom. Samtram takodje da smo sasvim solidno i prvu LS odigrali. Da se razumemo, ovde svi igraju bunker a kad se izadje napolje drugaciji je stil igre i moramo da igramo onako kako nismo navikli. I to smatram otezavajucu okolnost. Iz tog razloga je za mene licno svaka pobeda u Evropi duplo jaca.
Kad se ne udje u LS onda zna biti gadno ali onda se mora nesto prodati da bi se prezivelo i pokusati sledecu sezone da dodjemo do nesto para. Na kraju krajeva ziveli smo nekako i pre LS.
Neki boljitak u fudbalu mogu da ocekujem kad se pojavi neko da bude gazda i to ne ocekujem neku veliku promenu ali malu ocekujem. Kome je u interesu da dodje i da investira u nas fudbal kad su tribine prazne. Taj ili je lud ili nesto muti. U sportu inace ce biti bolje kad i nama samima bude bolje u drzavi a to ce biti, heh, plasim se nikad.
Poslao: 27 Apr 2011 18:46
- Toni
- Super građanin
- Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
- Poruke: 1108
- Gde živiš: Petrovgrad
Bojan ::Vezano za ovog Evandra, sto niko ne pominje da je i Sale Ilic izasao povredjen?! Pricamo onako kako nam najvise odgovara, klasika.
Odgovoreno je, pametnom dosta.
PARTIZAN: Dokazi o derbiju - crno na belo
Onaj indijanac Oumaru rascopao glavu Miljkovicu i dali nam gol odma u nastavku napada. Rec nismo rekli...
U subotu izasao povredjen Sale, povredio se Evandro. I ? Ali dobro ajde, upravu su oni, oni nemaju zamenu za Evandra, kod nas u sredinu predje Babovic, ako nemoze on, udje Vukic
I aj smara ovo, stalno vestacki prave drugu temu umesto derbija i igre. Nije vise ni zanimljivo.
U subotu Jagodina !!!
Poslao: 28 Apr 2011 01:09
- Toni
- Super građanin
- Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
- Poruke: 1108
- Gde živiš: Petrovgrad
Stojke shvatio razliku...
Citat:Лав ће бити Гробар
Владимир и његова супруга Бојана 2. маја добиће новог члана породице Стојковић, сина Лава.
– Биће прави Гробар! Много лепих ствари сам доживео у Партизану и зато наследника желим да васпитавам у духу овог клуба – рекао је Стојковић.
Intervju http://www.zurnal.rs/2011/04/28/stojkovic-ne-zelim.....ezentaciji
Poslao: 28 Apr 2011 09:43
- strucnjak96
- Super građanin
- Pridružio: 26 Jan 2011
- Poruke: 1390
- Gde živiš: Beograd, Zvezdara
Pa to za Evandra ovi cigani se stalno zale na nesto ! Uvek je njima neko kriv, ili sudije ili navijaci !
Pa dokle vise !
Poslao: 28 Apr 2011 10:00
- Sirius
- Moderator foruma
- Sad radim sve ono što pre nisam stizao.
- Pridružio: 17 Maj 2006
- Poruke: 18637
- Gde živiš: I ja se pitam...
Gazprom je mnoooogo ozbiljna firma. Prolazio sam letos pored njihove centrale u Moskvi. Smrzao sam se koliko moćno izgleda i kako su demonstrirali bogatstvo. Međutim, ako se oni ozbiljno dohvate ''Zvezde'', onda će iz Ljutice Bogdana leteti perje...Mnogi će morati da se pozdrave i sa foteljama i sa počasnim ložama...
Poslao: 28 Apr 2011 18:22
- rapha
- Mod u pemziji
- Pridružio: 14 Feb 2005
- Poruke: 9113
- Gde živiš: Beograd
Sirius ::Gazprom je mnoooogo ozbiljna firma. Prolazio sam letos pored njihove centrale u Moskvi. Smrzao sam se koliko moćno izgleda i kako su demonstrirali bogatstvo. Međutim, ako se oni ozbiljno dohvate ''Zvezde'', onda će iz Ljutice Bogdana leteti perje...Mnogi će morati da se pozdrave i sa foteljama i sa počasnim ložama...
Kakvo bre perje?! Ima da bace napalm, pa sve ponovo da prave, od nule.
Poslao: 28 Apr 2011 18:44
- Toni
- Super građanin
- Pridružio: 18 Jun 2008
- Poruke: 1108
- Gde živiš: Petrovgrad
Sale Ilic i Lazevski nam ne igraju protiv Jagodine, a ni sledeci vikend. Povrede na derbiju. Sale ce valjda biti spreman za finale kupa 11. maja. Neznam za Lazevskog.