Nisu optimizovane za vistu? ;-)
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Bas sam juce video jednu graficku pise optimizovana za Linux i cadegu Wink
Mora da je to "future is here".
Stator si cuo npr za CRYSYS igru optimizovanu za Vistu? Wink
Npr graficke koje su se do sada najbolje pokazale pod vistom
kao operativnim sistemom.
Da ne duzim Stator preporucujem ti da procitas par postova na slashdotu
na tu temu. Tacnije
Reality #1 - DirectX 10 won't be offered for Windows XP.
DirectX 10 is significant a departure from the driver model of DirectX Graphics 9.0, dropping the code-bloat of antiquated DLLs for a more resource-efficient scheduler and memory virtualization system. It's a definite leap forward, but Microsoft decided to focus on moving the PC platform forward with DX10, rather than succumbing to the square-peg-round-hole integration of DX10 into Windows XP. Strangely, the move has been praised by the a lot of Mx-haters in the tech community, who seem to recognize what Vista can genuinely do to move graphics-intensive computing forward. While former iterations of Windows seemed like money-grubbing tweaks, Vista seems to have what it takes to increase high-end performance and quality. Oh, and AeroGlass and Flip3D are pretty cool, too.
Reality #2 - Mx is still Mx.
Despite the options for WinXP gaming, the simple fact remains that gamers will have to upgrade their OS and GPU (if not more) to get the most out of their games in the coming years, a prospect that Microsoft and its hardware manufacturers are, no doubt, salivating at. We can wail, moan, and threaten to make our next computer a Boot Camp-equipped Apple (Vista reportedly runs on such a computer, by the way), but PC gaming is here to stay, and Vista is the inevitable price of progress.
In my opinion, WinXP had a good run (better than any of its predecessors that I can remember) and complimented this old-ish computer well, but it's about time to retire my rig to email, solitaire, and family blog-viewing duties in my parents' spare room. With Vista and it's wave of enhancements, Microsoft seems to have paced its market well .
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Zatim sjajno:
If you play games (and maybe even if you don't), you care about the next big version of DirectX. DX10 is going to be Vista-only. It relies on the new driver model, so don't expect some sort of eventual back-port to Windows XP. So what's new in DX10? A lot. In fact, DX10 changes so much that it's well beyond the scope of this article. Here are a few of the big-ticket items.,1697,1931918,00.asp
Sto se tice ubacivanja linuxa to je bio nastavak teme ali je tema splitovana
tako da i sad nema neke logike ;-)