Њузвик преноси писање локалних литванских медија који су пре неколико дана јавили како су литванске власти забраниле плакат којим је најављен концерт Мејдена у Каунасу 23. јуна...
Citat:... Lithuanian authorities have banned poster advertisements for Iron Maiden’s world tour because the band’s trademark Eddie the Head skeleton mascot may frighten children...
According to a Lithuanian spokesman for Live Nation, the promotion company behind the tour, local authorities had expressed concern at the effect this might have on children and ordered all posters be taken down immediately.
Vytautas Paukštė told... : “Right now, we have to decide how to carry on forward, but we must also immediately take down the posters.” He said the band’s promotional team was surprised at the decision as the promotional materials used were no different than in any other country.Стра'ота!