Najnovije vesti iz igračkog sveta


Najnovije vesti iz igračkog sveta

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12403

Zenimax uputio upozorenje indie developeru zbog "Fallout" reči u naslovu

Jordan Maron, koji je indie developer i poznata ličnost na Youtube servisu - CaptainSparklez) mora da promeni ime svoje igre "Fallout Fortress" zbog toga što u naslovu igre ima "Fallout".

On je objasnio u video prilogu da dok je radio na igri još od prošlog avgusta nije imao nikakav kontakt sa ZeniMax-om do prethodne nedelje. Iako će promeniti naziv, on kaže da nije očekivao nikakve probleme sa svojom igrom jer nema nikakvih dodira sa Falloutom.

On takođe navodi da su odustali od suda zbog toga što Bethesda ima mnogo više resursa, što tim trenutno ne može da priušti.

Članak takođe navodi da je ZeniMax takođe imao spor sa Mojangom zbog toga što se u Minecraftu koristi reč "scroll"...

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12403

Riot Games pravi veštački greben u obliku Nautilusa - jednog od championa te igre

Australija će dobiti veštački greben u obliku Nautilusa.

Citat:See that unhappy looking fellow above? That's Nautilus from League of Legends, and he's about to be immortalised in the form of an artificial reef. When statues and plaques don't cut the mustard, only an artificial reef will do.
Riot's Oceania office announced the news today following last month's Ocean Week, which tasked Summoners in the region to contribute at least 275,000 points over the course of a week for a variety of prizes. To the surprise of no one, the champion-themed artificial reef stretch goal was unlocked in just three days, and Nautilus was voted from among three champions. Fizz and Nami lost out.
As for when the reef will appear, Riot is currently consulting with an artificial reef company and a marine biologist in order to determine where on Australia's east coast ol' Nautilus should go. That means it's probably a little way off yet, but once finished every contributing player will have their name etched into the reef.
Since opening a Sydney office last year, Riot has expanded its League of Legends presence in Oceania, most notably with the new Oceanic Pro League.

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12403

UK će dobiti svoju prvu e-Sports arenu

Gfinity je najavio da će izgraditi arenu koja će imati 500 mesta za igrače koji žele da prate Digitalni Sport.

Arena će se izgraditi u Londonu i otvoriće se u Martu a do kraja Septembra će biti domaćin 30. događaja.

Ukupna suma nagrade za ovu godinu će biti 500,000 dolara a igrači će se takmičiti u FIFA, CoD, Hearthstone i CS:GO igrama.

Više o tome :

Citat:We thought that eSports needed its own home in the UK, so we decided to create one. Based in London, our brand new eSports arena will be a hub of competitive gaming activity, hosting live events, delivering exclusive content and allowing you, the fan, to witness it first-hand. With space for up to 500 spectators, we want YOU to come and see the heart-pounding, adrenaline-fuelled action up close and personal and over the course of the next year, you’ll be able to do just that. Tickets will be available for every arena event, more details will be released soon.

Izvor :

US inače prepoznaje e-Sport igrače kao profesionalne atlete zahvaljujući Riot Games-u :
Citat:Well, now according to Riot Games eSports manager Nick Allen (speaking to Gamespot), after a long back and forth with the government, the U.S. finally now recognizes eSports players as professional athletes, and will grant them visas under that identifier. This will dramatically streamline the process for foreign players to enter the U.S. for events, and it’s a big victory for the scene. Allen describes the difficulty of getting the government to take them seriously:

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12403

Haos u Japanu - Sony izgubio listu 123 pobednika "PlayStation 4" "Anniversary" edicije

Kompanija šalje svoja najdublja izvinjenja i zahteva da se takmičenje održi ponovo istim procesom.
Oni koji su izgubili svoje unikatne kodove će moći da učestvuju u izvlačenju tako što će poslati kodove svojih hardvera.

U izvlačenju su mogli da učestvuju svi korisnici koji su u Japanu kupili PS3, PS4, PS Vita ili PS TV u određenom vremenskom periodu. Ti korisnici su dobili unikatni ID koji je kasnije izvučen.
Podaci su nestali a Sony nije izjavio kako, samo je izneo informaciju da privatni podaci pobednika nisu ugroženi.

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12403

Gasi se Maxis

Citat:"Well it was a fun 12 years, but it's time to turn off the lights and put the key under the door. #RIPMaxisEmeryville," Pierre tweeted earlier this afternoon. In subsequent tweets, he clarified that "the shop is closing down," and "Everyone's out of a job."
Electronic Arts confirmed the closure with the following statement:
"Today we are consolidating Maxis IP development to our studios in Redwood Shores, Salt Lake City, Helsinki and Melbourne locations as we close our Emeryville location. Maxis continues to support and develop new experiences for current Sims and SimCity players, while expanding our franchises to new platforms and developing new cross-platform IP.
These changes do not impact our plans for The Sims. Players will continue to see rich new experiences in The Sims 4, with our first expansion pack coming soon along with a full slate of additional updates and content in the pipeline.
All employees impacted by the changes today will be given opportunities to explore other positions within the Maxis studios and throughout EA. For those that are leaving the company, we are working to ensure the best possible transition with separation packages and career assistance."

  • Pridružio: 04 Avg 2008
  • Poruke: 505

Odose u istoriju svi dobri izdavaci i igre,ostaju nam gomile slicnih igara sa mnogo jakom grafikom za koje teba nasin kompjuter a koje,sto se tice gameplaya nude:
1: brzo pritiskanje spacebara vise puta izmedju cutscene-a
2: brz stisak enter-a u datom trenutku (ukoliko uspete presli ste nivo)
3. na desetine minuta dosadnih cutscene-a po ugledu na jos dosadnije holivudske filmove

Tesi me cinjenica da svi ovi izdavaci ostavljaju iza sebe sjajne igre koje mogu da se igraju iznova i iznova.
Steta za Maxis,jos veca steta za sjajni i kreativni SimCity 5 koji je propao samo zbog zle pohlepne EA......uaaaaa EA Evil or Very Mad

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12403

Valve je konačno pokazao fizičku verziju Steam kontrolera :

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12403

Visceral Games izjavio da želi da se vrati Dead Space serijalu

"Mnogo, mnogo ljudi ovde u Visceralu imaju toplo mesto u srcu za Dead Space. Trenutno smo zauzeti sa Hardline-om i ... drugims stvarima... ali Dead Space je definitivno nešto čemu želimo da se vratimo" Steve Papoutsis je rekao GamesTM-u. "Postoji mnogo interesovanja između nas oko rada na novoj Dead Space igri".

EA nije ništa rekla o novom Dead Space-u i navela je kako Dead Space 3 nije ispunio očekivanja - No shit sherlock kada ste je upropastili; bez obzira na to što je bila prva na gaming listama u svoje vreme - jer su pohlepni i ništa ih neće zadovoljiti. cap cap

Sve u svemu voleo bih da DS 4 bude neka mešavina između prvog i drugog ali sa dosta horrora. Nešto mi nije strašna dvojka bila...

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12403

Potencijalni teaser za Overlord 3

Citat:Gnarl, the oldest of the minions, serves as the Overlord's chief adviser. He also has a Twitter account, established in 2009, which suddenly sprang back to life today. He was only able to post a handful of tweets before the charge in his "glow slate" ran out, but before it did he issued an ominous warning, writing, "This won't be the last you hear from us meat sacks, remember... Evil always finds a way."

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12403

Nvidia najavila novu liniju grafičkih kartica koje će biti čak 10 puta brže od Titan X-a

Citat:Pascal će doneti grafičke kartice sa maksimalno 32GB memorije a postoji mogućnost uparivanja do čak osam kartica u SLI režim, što teško da će koristiti čak i entuzijasti. Osim toga, Pascal donosi i 3D memoriju koja omogućava tri puta brži protok podataka i tri puta veći kapacitet frejm bafera nego na aktuelnoj GPU generaciji a GPU i CPU razmenjivaće podatke i do 12 puta brže nego do sad.

Nastavak :

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