Najnovije vesti iz igračkog sveta


Najnovije vesti iz igračkog sveta

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12403

Piratska grupa 3DM prestaje sa razbijanjem SP igara

3DM je jedina piratska grupa na sceni koja može da razbije Denuvo zaštitu.
Poslednje dve igre koje koriste ovu zaštitu još uvek nisu razbijene.

Phoenix - vođa 3DM-a je izjavila na svom blogu da je odlučeno, nakon sastanka grupe, da 3DM više neće razbijati single-player video igre nakon Kineske Nove Godine (8. februar).

3DM je mesec dana pre ove izjavave izjavio da je drugi sloj Denuvo zaštite na igri Just Cause 3 pretežak za razbijanje.

Phoenix spekuliše da će piraterija biti "stvar prošlosti" za otprilike dve godine.

3DM će navodno napraviti pauzu od godinu dana a to vreme će iskoristiti za analizu tržišta i procenu porasta prodaje legalnih igara.

Osim JC3, nije razbijen ni Rise of the Tomb Raider a nakon ovih komentara, ne verujem da će bilo koja igra koja koristi Denuvo biti razbijena ubuduće. Eventualno ako koriste tip zaštite koje su druge piratske igre koristile.

Po meni, piraterija neće da nestane. Možda neće biti novih igara "na izvolte", ali većina današnjih igara ne koristi Denuvo. Druge igre koje ne korite DRM se mogu naći odmah po objavi na torrentima itd.

Izvor : PC Gamer

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 09 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 15879
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

I mene to interesuje, cisto onako statisticki. Voleo bih da piraterija sada stane 100% i onda da se vidi kakav to uticaj ima, mada to je nemoguce naravno.

  • Istrazivanje Windowsa
  • Pridružio: 12 Jul 2012
  • Poruke: 1023

Ako piraterija stane zamislite koliko ljudi ne bi moglo da igra odrednjene igre jer nemaju novca da ih kupe.
Naravno svi mi govorimo da se borimo protiv piraterije a opet uzimamo njihove stvari.

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12403

Riog Games odlučio da ugasi Dominion za League of Legends

Svega 0.5% igrača je igralo Dominion režim a Riot sumnja da su u pitanju botovi.
Zbog toga je doneta odluka da se Dominion ugasi 22. februara.

Postoji šansa da se vrati ovaj režim kasnije ali to trenutno niko ne može da garantuje.

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12403

Korisnik je otvorio diskusiju na Steam-u za igru Firewatch i napisao ovo :

Citat:So this game was 18$. I purchased it because i enjoyed games like this. And I enjoyed this game. Alot. Like, way more than a healthy amount. But it was 2-3 hours. I feel like there could of been more, and im thinking of refunding. But here is my problem: I loved this game. It was a unique game with awesome narration and storytelling. I like the developers. I mean seriously, have you seen how active they are on theese forums? What other dev is that connected to their community? I want to support the developers, but there was so much more i could of got with my 18$. Should i refund, or hold on to it?

Dobio je odgovor od člana tima :

Citat:hey there.

I thought about not responding, because normally ppl who want to refund are rude and unpleasant and I choose to not engage and dwell on it.

You seem nice and I figured what the heck, why not have a conversation about this, now that I have read it and it’s right here in front of me.

So here is what I think. As the developer. Sorry if it’s a bit stream of consciousness because I want this to come from the heart.

The 11 of us all took a lot of risk to make this, and sacrificed financially to give Firewatch a chance. We all could have had much better paying jobs elsewhere, but we all thought this game idea had potential to be something special. We seemed to like each other ok, so we all took a big leap of faith. Two years, we say. Let’s give this a go, worst outcome is we all hate each other and go back to various money jobs, but we all could say, WE TRIED.

Two years +. We are all crammed in a tiny office, sharing one bathroom. It is not a glamorous thing, making an independent game. It is just a small room full of computers and a used microwave and $10 office chairs we luckily got from craigslist. Life happened during those two years: there were big breakups, profound illnesses of loved ones, a baby, etc. The dev team got to be like family, because that’s how making an indie game is, you are all in it together, through thick and thin, supporting one another bc if you don’t, there is no way in hell this game would get made, let alone any chance of it to be worth more than a bucket of ♥♥♥♥.

We were excited, but terrified. We felt free, but were constrained. I have been in this industry for 15 years almost, and this is the hardest I have ever worked. We all gave it our all, to make this weird thing, and we had no idea if it was any good to anybody else. All we could do, was try the damn hardest to make something we are honestly proud of. At the end, if this was a commercial failure, all we have got is what we have made. Nobody could take that away.

So yes, I am sad when people think this game is not worth the money we asked for (which we thought was a fair ask). It makes me feel like I failed them. It is ok if people don’t like the game, but it affects me personally a lot, when people feel like it was not -worth- the time they engaged with it.

But do I blame you for wanting to get the most out of your $18? No. I don’t know your financial circumstances. $18 might be a lot. Or even it isn’t a lot, why shouldnt’ you try to get the most out of it? That’s a fair desire. That’s why we asked for $18 too, because money is something we could all use more of.

So I supopse in conclusion, if you do refund, I am not upset. It’s on me to learn not to care too much. All I ask is that maybe sometime in the future, when the game goes on mega dirt cheap sale, you could gift tthe experience to someone else you think will enjoy it like you did.



te je odlučio da je zadrži :
Citat:I have made my decision to keep the game. Campo Santo had more balls than Donald Trump on steriods to make this game, and they deserve the money. Feel free to talk about games/this game/developers/morals/refunds or whatever, but i will not change my decision.

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12403

"Kada se Assassin's Creed serijal vrati sledeće godine, možda neće imati nove igre na godišnjem nivou" - Yves Guillemot

Nakon potvrde da ove godine nećemo videti novu punu AC Igru, stiže i vest da se razmatra strategija objavljivanja AC igara. Navodno je razlog za to vreme potrebno razvojnim timovima da osmisle nove mehanike i podignu franšizu na novi nivo.

"Ono što vidimo danas je obećavajuće. Moći ćemo da objavljujemo igre redovno ali ne mogu da potvrdim da će to biti na godišnjem nivou".

"Fokusirali smo najbolji tim na ono što radimo sa Assassin's Creedom. Dali smo im svo potrebno vreme da objave nešto što će, mi se nadamo, biti zaista izuzetno i to nam je prvi prioritet"

"Nakon toga, ukoliko smatramo da smo na pravom putu, možemo da nastavimo tom stazom i ukoliko imamo dovoljno novina za narednu igru, možemo da nastavimo naredne godine, ali to nije nešto što će se sigurno objavljivati svake godine (ukoliko nema dovoljno inovacija)"

Još jedan od razloga pauze jeste vreme programerima koje je potrebno kako bi iskoristili nove tehnologije na pravi način.

Glasine kažu da će sledeća velika AC igra biti smeštena u Egipat i da će nositi naziv "Asassinn's Creed Empire".

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12403

Steam objavio SteamVR Performance Test aplikaciju, koja testira sposobnost vašeg računara na VR polju

Aplikacija je besplatna i moja grafa je smeće Very Happy

  • Nemanja Djukanovic
  • Pridružio: 18 Dec 2012
  • Poruke: 1761
  • Gde živiš: Niksic - Crna Gora

Srki94 ::Steam objavio SteamVR Performance Test aplikaciju, koja testira sposobnost vašeg računara na VR polju

Aplikacija je besplatna i moja grafa je smeće Very Happy

Sreca te nisam gejmer pa se ne nerviram oko toga , Srki vrijeme je za mijenjanje a ? Very Happy

Dal to zauzima 1.9 GB? O.o

Kao sto sam i ocekivao , a bitno je meni da radi: CS 1.6 i CS GO Very Happy

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12403

Odavno je vreme za menjanje Very Happy
Srećom pa je MC tim sklopio ovu konfu, za 300 evra je dogurala do ove godine pristojno.
Ja sam prezadovoljan.

Riot Games Objavio Smartphone aplikaciju za League of Legends

League Friends je smartphone aplikacija koja igračima League of Legends igre omogućava da četuju sa prijateljima ili vide ko ih je pozvao u meč.

Riot Games planira da proširi mogućnosti aplikacije a ona je trenutno dostupna samo u dva regiona. Ubrzo će biti globalno dostupna.

Za aplikaciju će vam trebati iOS 8.3 ili Android 4.1.1

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12403

Gabe Newell otpustio komentatora E-sporta, u izjavi : "James is an ass, and we won't be working with him again."

Nakon velikih tehničkih problema tokom ovogodišnjeg e-sport Dota 2 turnira, pojavila se zvanična vest Gabe Newella u kojoj piše da je otpustio komentatora James Hardinga, koji je "vodio" turnir.

Iako nije bilo konkretno trenutaka kojima je zaslužen otkaz, izgleda da se velikanu Valve-a nije svideo način na koji je James vodio razgovor dok su tehnički problemi postojali. Nakon tih trenutaka, James je bio obavešten od prijatelja da mu je Gabe dao otkaz.

Gabe je u izjavi na Redditu napisao da je Valve već imao problema sa komentatorom ali su mnogi iz kompanije smatrali da on zaslužuje drugu šansu, te kako se to ispostavilo kao pogrešna odluka. Uz to je dodao "James is an ass, and we won't be working with him again.".

Osim što je komentator dobio otkaz, Valve je "kantirao" i kompaniju koja je bila zadužena za turnir ove godine.

James je napisao svoju verziju priče na više od 20 strana i smatra da nije profesionalno to što je Gabe napisao da je on guzica.

Ovu dramu možete pratiti :

Reddit :
Youtube snimak dela programa nakon kog je James dobio otkaz :
Izjava 2GD-a :
imao sam originalni link ali ne mogu da ga pronađem ...
Možda je obrisana.

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