Najnovije vesti iz igračkog sveta


Najnovije vesti iz igračkog sveta

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12405

Valve je dobio 15 miliona predloga za različite video igre u sklopu prestižnog Steam Awards programa.
Izdvojili su igre koje su dobile najviše glasova a počevši od 22. decembra, igrači će moći da glasaju za pobednike svake kategorije.

Nominacije :

Citat:December 22nd 10 AM PST
The “Villain Most In Need Of A Hug” Award - Some people just need a hug.
-Borderlands 2
-Dead by Daylight
-Far Cry 3
-Far Cry 4
-Portal 2

December 23rd 10 AM PST
The “I Thought This Game Was Cool Before It Won An Award” Award – This title didn’t have a huge marketing machine behind it, but you found it and loved it. Then you told your friends about it. And they loved it. And now that little game that could is about to win an award… but always remember: you totally found it first.
-Euro Truck Simulator 2
-Stardew Valley

December 24th 10 AM PST
The “Test of Time" Award – This award is for the game that is just as good today as the day you first played it. Newer games may come out, but it doesn’t matter… you’ll always come back to play this one.
-Age of Empires II HD
-The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
-Sid Meier’s Civilization V
-Team Fortress 2

December 25th 10 AM PST
The “Just 5 More Minutes” Award – You have an early day tomorrow. You need to get some sleep, so you’re just going finish one more thing before you decide to tuck in for the night. Just one more. Wait, one more. What’s that you say? It’s 2:30 AM? This award is for the game that keeps you playing late.
-Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
-Rocket League
-Sid Meier’s Civilization VI
-Fallout 4

December 26th 10 AM PST
The “Whoooaaaaaaa, dude!” Award – Some games melt your face. Maybe it was a crazy plot twist. Maybe you just got your wisdom teeth removed. Either way, this game BLOWS YOUR MIND.
-Bioshock Infinite
-Grand Theft Auto V
-Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
-The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

December 27th 10 AM PST
The “Game Within A Game Award” Award - Kinder Eggs. Peanut Butter Cups. Jelly Donuts. All great things stuffed with other great things. Like a mighty turducken, this award celebrates the best mini game hidden within another game.
-Garry’s Mod
-Grand Theft Auto V
-The Stanley Parable
-Tabletop Simulator
-The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

December 28th 10 AM PST
The “I’m Not Crying, There’s Something In My Eye” Award - Games are fun. But sometimes games become more than that, and touch you in a way you weren’t expecting. This award celebrates the game that blindsided you emotionally. You weren’t expecting to cry. It wasn’t in the plan. But it happened nonetheless.
-Life Is Strange
-To the Moon
-This War of Mine
-The Walking Dead

December 29th 10 AM PST
The “Best Use Of A Farm Animal” Award – Animals are rad and almost any game is better for including them. This game used a farm animal in the best way possible.
-ARK: Survival Evolved
-Blood and Bacon
-Farming Simulator 17
-Goat Simulator
-Stardew Valley

Of course, we intended to have a final 9th award, a write-in category where Committee members could suggest a new and exciting award. But the response was so overwhelming that one category didn’t seem enough… and so we decided to add not one, but four new awards!

December 30th 10 AM PST
The “Boom Boom” Award - Let’s face it: explosions are pretty great. In a blockbuster movie they’re thrilling. In a celebration with fireworks they’re beautiful. And when they’re behind a cop putting on sunglasses they’re nothing short of glorious. These games understand the fine art of detonation.
-Just Cause 3
-Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
-Kerbal Space Program

The “Love/Hate Relationship” Award - “Games are just supposed to be fun!”… oh sweet summer child, your naivety is adorable. Games can be more than fun. They can be challenges that demand perfection. These games are punishing gauntlets that make you question your very skill… a crucible that will push you either to greatness or a breaking point. You will wake up family members as you scream. Words will come out of your mouth that would make your mom blush. Your chill friends will ask you, “Why do you play something that stresses you out?”… and you will stare at them with steely eyes and reply, “Because I love it.”
-Dark Souls III
-Darkest Dungeon
-Dota 2
-Geometry Dash
-Super Meat Boy

The “Sit Back and Relax” Award - Did you read the description for the “Love/Hate Relationship” Award? This is the opposite.
-Cities Skylines
-Euro Truck Simulator 2
-Mini Metro

The “Better With Friends” Award – There are some games out there that just aren’t the same when you play by yourself. Maybe you need to have a friend to watch your back. Maybe you need to have a friend that you can stab in the back. Either way, mirth is awaiting those that gather friends to play these games.
-Don’t Starve Together
-Gang Beasts
-Golf With Your Friends
-Left 4 Dead 2

Every day, from December 22nd to December 29th, starting at 10 AM Pacific, a new category will be available for voting. Each category will only be open for voting for 24 hours before moving onto the next category, so be sure to check in every day to vote! All four write-in categories will be voted on simultaneously on December 30th. On New Year’s Eve, the winners will be announced and we can bask in the collective glory of the 2016 Steam Award Winners!

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12405

Playdead (Limbo, Inside) najavio narednu igru konceptom
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Citat:Playdead studio je na zvaničnom Twitter nalogu objavio koncept njihove naredne igre. Oni su u gejming svetu najviše poznati zbog video igara “Limbo” i “Inside”. Obe igre su nezavisne i smatraju se odličnim video igrama, kako kritički tako i među igračima. Inside je objavljen prošle godine i pokupio je fenomenalne ocene, dok se Limbu prepisuje revolucija nezavisnih igara, pored sjajnih kritika. Jasno je da su fanovi oduševljeni otkrićem da se radi na novoj igri ali bilo kakvih informacija osim konceptne slike nema. Oba prethodna projekta su bila u fazi razvoja oko šest godina i ukoliko situacija ostane takva i sada, novu igru nećemo videti uskoro.

The Sims 4 dobio Toddlers nadogradnju

Citat:axis je u zvaničnoj objavi na svom blogu napisao : “Uzbuđeni smo zbog najave, do sada, najvećeg dodatka za The Sims 4 a on dolazi u iznenađujuće malom paketu. “Toddlers” paket je dostupan u vidu besplatnog paketa i možete ga preuzeti odmah!” Oni su takođe izjavili da “slušaju zahteve igrača ali da ne mogu uvek da ih ispune. Novi dodatak je nešto što je bilo izradi dugo i strašno sam ponosan zbog truda koji je uložen od strane tima, kako bi napravili ove neodoljive mališane. “

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  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12405

Strimer preminuo tokom 24-časovnog strima
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Brian Vigneault, jedan od najpoznatijih NA strimera World of Tanksa, je preminuo tokom 24-časovnog maratona, koji je realizovan kako bi se prikupio novac za dobrotvorne svrhe.

Jedan od posmatrača je iz javio da je on ustao negde oko 22. časa strima i nije se nikada vratio. Njegov prijatelj je pokušao da ga kontaktira preko Discorda (aplikacija za zvučni čet). Na poziv je odgovorio policajac koji ga je obavestio da je čovek preminuo.

Za sada nema zvaničnih dokaza da je on preminuo zbog strima ali sve češće u gejming svetu možemo pročitati vest da je neko preminuo zbog dugog igranja igara.

Najčešće su u pitanu krvni ugrušci koji se stvaraju zbog predugog sedenja.

Nezvanični izvori ukazuju na to da je u pitanju bio srčani infarkt.

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12405

Ovih 10 horor video igara očekujemo ove godine
Citat:Gejmerska 2017. godina je već počela odlično za ljubitelje horror žanra. Resident Evil 7 ima čak 86 poena na metacritic skali! No to je samo početak. Ova godina će tek doneti brojne zanimljive horror naslove. Pored mnogih dugoočekivanih nastavaka ćemo imati i mnogo inovacija u smislu gejmpleja i koncepta raznih gejmplej mehanika. Bilo da se radi o survival, psychological ili nekom drugom podžanru, horror žanr sigurno neće ostati “kratak” tokom ove godine. Sačinili smo listu od čak deset video igara koje su najavljene za 2017. godinu a čija je glavna tematika horor! Nadamo se da neće biti otkazane ili pomerene za narednu godinu!

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12405

Far Cry 5
The Crew 2
Asassin's Creed

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12405

South Park : The Fractured Butwhole će se pojaviti 17. oktobra ove godine.

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12405

Preminuo John Cygan, glas Metal Gear Solida
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  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12405

Inside the biggest heist in EVE Online history

Citat:At 5 AM, Gigx received a phone call that would change his life. Minutes earlier, a text message had come through but the 32-year-old Serbian had slept through the beep. The phone call woke him up. It was Nammcek, one of Gigx's subordinates from his EVE Online corporation, Balkan Mafia. He was panicking.

"The Judge is transferring all of our citadels," he said. "He's taking everything."

"So I went from bed—I was still so sleepy—and sat at my PC," Gigx tells me. "I couldn't believe what was happening."

When he logged in, Gigx found his alliance, Circle-of-Two (CO2) in complete chaos. Its citadels, the massive space stations that protects CO2's region of space, were now in the hands of its former allies. CO2's treasure trove of blueprints, the plans necessary to build their capital fleet, had been plundered along with its bank accounts. And worst of all, two separate armies had sieged CO2's crowning gem, a Keepstar citadel that its 5,000 players called home. In the span of an hour, Circle-of-Two lost everything.

"I hadn't even drank a coffee," Gigx says. "You go to sleep and in about one hour everything you've built in 14 years is gone."

But, depending on who you believe, Gigx had it coming.

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  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12405

MAFIA je od sada dostupna na GoG-u

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Ako se ne varam, to je prvi put da se MAFIA pojavila bilo gde u digitalnom obliku od fizičke objave 2004. godine ?

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12405

Počela je zimska rasprodaja igara na Steamu.

Ko je trenutno na forumu

Ukupno su 894 korisnika na forumu :: 64 registrovanih, 5 sakrivenih i 825 gosta   ::   [ Administrator ] [ Supermoderator ] [ Moderator ] :: Detaljnije

Najviše korisnika na forumu ikad bilo je 3466 - dana 01 Jun 2021 17:07

Korisnici koji su trenutno na forumu:
Korisnici trenutno na forumu: 33 bren, A.R.Chafee.Jr., aleph_one, Alexa77, alexbr, anta, Automaticar, bojan581, Boris BM, Boris90, bozo13, branko7, BWG, casual03, Centauro, Dambi, debeli, Djozin, Draganeli, drpera, Dzoni2412, esx66, FGR, fićo32, Flanker-G, Georgius, goranjovic, Kalem, Litostroton, mat, mercedesamg, Mercury, Metanoja, Misa63, mm1811, Mrav Obrad, MrNo, Mzee, nevjerna beba, nick79, nnnnnnnnnn, omen, Paklenica, Prečanin30, proka89, redstar72, S-lash, Sančo, sap, Sass Drake, sedan, Shadow soldier, share00, Str2022, theNedjeljko, Token, Tribal, TripleTwo, Vanderx, Vojkan Petrovic, vuksa72, zivojin32, Živković, 800077