Najnovije vesti iz igračkog sveta


Najnovije vesti iz igračkog sveta

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12404

Napisano: 01 Jul 2014 22:45

Stiže Witcher moba za iOS, Android i Windows phone/tablets uređaje - The Witcher Battle Arena

Tim tj. CD Projekt Red kaže da će igra biti potpuno fer prema svojim igračima, da neće biti potrebe da se igra dosta dugo kako bi se nešto otključalo a da, ukoliko igrači žele mogu da otključaju to brže kupovinom.

Igra će prilikom objave imati osam heroja koji se potpuno razlikuju po stilu igre i mogućnostima.

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Dopuna: 03 Jul 2014 3:47

Još jedan tim se, izgleda, "ugasio" : Airtight Games

Poznatiji po : Dark Void, Quantum Conundrum i Murdered : Soul Suspect

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Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12404

Napisano: 03 Jul 2014 21:21

Čak je i PewDiePie snimio sarkastični video koji pokriva navalu Unity simulatora ...

Dopuna: 03 Jul 2014 21:35

Ko će pobediti ? Profesionalni igrač Gran Turisma 6 ili profesionalni vozač?

Dopuna: 04 Jul 2014 1:07

Novi logo Fox News-a za neku njihovu sekciju tokom programa mnogo liči na BioShock Infinite-ov logo.

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  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12404

Neko je greškom objavio igru... sedam meseci pre nego što treba da se pojavi rana faza

The Tower je igra koja bi trebala da se pojavi tek sledeće godine ! Međutim usled greške novog moderatora koji je dobio pristup istoj, igra je objavljena sedam meseci ranije...

Citat:Dante Knoxx, the game's lead designer, blamed the mistake on a new moderator who had been given access to the game "so I could concentrate on working flat-out and remove some of the community strain from my work load, and the fool has released us seven months early!!"

Izvor : [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

InSomnia tech-demo se sada može preuzeti

Studio "Mono" je objavio tech demo ove igre nakon što je njihova crowdfunding kampanja prešla polovinu zahteva !

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  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12404


Igrači se navodno ne žale više na DLC-ove koliko su se ranije žalili.
Tako je bilo svega oko desetak igrača koji su se požalili za novi DLC za AC IV : Black Flag koji je igračima "spasio vreme" tako što im je otkrio nove skrivene lokacije i dao druge bonuse - koji se mogu zaraditi standardnim igranjem.

Ubisoft kaže da je sve mirno jer sa igračima komuniciraju bolje pa se igračima DLC daje jer ga žele a ne suprotno pri čemu bi bili primorani da plate.

više o tome i nastavak : [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

Konkretno moda na sceni :
Platiš 60 evra za video igru.
Platiš 10 evra za DLC koji ti produži priču ili ispriča pravi kraj. x5+
Platiš 1 evro za cheats...

Šta je sledeće ? Plati 5 evra da pređeš igru sa 100% ? Evil or Very Mad

  • Pridružio: 09 Avg 2011
  • Poruke: 15879
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Nije EA dzabe najomrazenija kompanija. Oni su prvi poceli sa tom politikom. Kupis BF za 60 eura i posle 3-4 DLC-a za po 15 eura GUZ - Glavom U Zid

Sve ide u tom pravcu, da ces ako imas para moci da kompletiras igru 100%, ako to uopste ima mozga...

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12404

NeoTokyo - Half Life 2 modifikacija je konačno objavljena

Citat:NEOTOKYO is a first person shooter that provides a visceral & realistic combat experience in a rich futuristic setting. It is greatly influenced by our admiration for Masamune Shirow (GHOST IN THE SHELL) and Katsuhiro Otomo (AKIRA), and has been in production since October 2004. To play NEOTOKYO you will need to have a STEAM account, and CLICK HERE to go to steam store to install the game ...


NEOTOKYO takes place about 30-40 years from now in a Japan that has drifted into social/political strife due to the inevitable stresses that come from changing times. The Japanese government is grappling with intensified external (Asia geopolitics) and internal (economic/social) problems, and there is mounting pressure from within Japan to return to the days when it exerted influence through military power and strength. A failed legislative push to alter the Japanese Constitution (allowing the Japanese military to engage in offensive actions outside of the country) leads to an attempted military coup by members of Japan's armed forces (GSDF). The coup fails, but was very close to succeeding. In an effort to suppress further coup attempts, Japan's Prime Minister forms a branch inside the Interior Ministry's National Security Forces (NSF) called GROUP SIX. They answer directly to the Prime Minister and are sworn to protect the Japanese Constitution at all costs. They immediately begin to hear rumours of a rogue element of the GSDF Special Forces (JINRAI) maneuvering for a second coup attempt. These JINRAI are Special Operations Group 43 (SOG43), fierce nationalist loyal to their love of country, and a desire to put Japan back into a position of strength and power.

This begins the war in the shadows between the NSF and JINRAI.

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  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12404

Napisano: 09 Jul 2014 15:23

Stigle su nove mape i novi režim u Team Fortressu 2

Novi režim zahteva od igrača da unište robote koji se šetaju u bazi suprotnog tima.

Citat:In Robot Destruction, teams are tasked with taking down the robots that patrol the other team's base. These aren't the deadly bots of Mann vs. Machine mode, but rather rotund, defenceless machines that attempt to flee your aggression. Once killed, they drop points, which can be collected to increase your team's total. In addition, each team has battery, which can also be captured to steal some of the enemy's collected points.
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Dopuna: 10 Jul 2014 4:49

Znatiželja je ubila mačku, zar ne ?

Jedan gejmer je prešao igru i dobio čudnu poruku "What is the square root of a fish? Now I'm sad Sad".
Začuđen u samo značenje te poruke, poslao je tvit timu koji je radio na igri sadržine "So I got this message after beating story with both Para and Cere and I have no idea what it means..."

Nije dugo trebalo timu da odgovori : Citat:Oh that? It means you should probably buy the game instead of pirate it. oSmile

Gejmer se izvinio timu i obećao da će kupiti igru, cela diskusija :
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  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12404

Napisano: 10 Jul 2014 7:09

Pronađen "Easter Egg" nakon sedam godina u Halo 3 igri

Veruje se da je ovo poslednji "Easter Egg" (Skriveni kodovi, poruke, mogućnosti u igri itd. koje se jako teško nalaze). Kako bi ga otkrili, gejmeri su trebali da pritisnu oba analoga 25. decembra bilo koje godine tokom učitavanja. "Prsten" animacija koja se prikazuje prilikom toga će se uvećati i jedva vidljivim slovima će se ispisati "Happy Birthday Lauren!"

Svaka čast onome ko je uspeo da pronađe ovo Very Happy

Dopuna: 10 Jul 2014 23:04

Randy Pitchford, predsednik Gearbox Softwarea govori o Borderlandsu 3

Citat:Gearbox Software president Randy Pitchford is uneasy about the very idea of Borderlands 3, he told Game Informer in a new interview. That's because a third entry in the numbered series--which is absolutely not announced or even in development--would need to be "so crazy and so big" that the developer might not be able to launch a game worthy of its ambition.

Celokupan tekst : [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12404

Napisano: 13 Jul 2014 0:58

Neversoft (Tony Hawk, Guitar Hero) više ne postoji.

Tim se spojio sa drugim timom - Infinity Ward, kako bi radili na CoD Ghosts-u ranije, što je dalje dovelo do potpunog spajanja i kreiranja jednog tima. Novi tim ostavlja "Infinity Ward" kao ime i svoj logo.

Izvor :
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Dopuna: 13 Jul 2014 1:25

Watch_Dogs prodat u više od 8 miliona kopija

Ukupno 10-12 % je prodato za PC platformu, dok trku vodi Xbox One, sudeći prema izjavi Ubisofta.
Inače, Watch_Dogs je prodao 4 miliona kopija tokom prve nedelje i time je dobio novu titulu.

Izvor i nastavak : [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

Dopuna: 19 Jul 2014 16:38

Google neće više markirati igre sa mikro-transakcijama kao "Free" u Evropi :

Citat:The pressure to stop referring to games with in-app purchases as "free" continues to grow. As part of an announcement from the European Commission today, it was revealed that Google will cease using "free" to describe such games. This news comes not long after a UK ad regulator declared Electronic Arts had to stop running certain advertisements for the microtransaction-heavy Dungeon Keeper mobile game that referred to it as free.

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  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 12404

Napisano: 20 Jul 2014 16:15

Shadowgate Remake

Dopuna: 25 Jul 2014 6:46

Šuška se da Google kupuje Twitch...

Citat:According to VentureBeat sources "familiar with the matter," Google has reached a deal to buy streaming site Twitch for $1 billion.

Neither Google nor Twitch have commented on the report, but if VentureBeat's sources are correct, it would confirm a rumor that first floated to the surface in late May. At the time, Variety claimed that an announcement of the deal was "imminent," while the Wall Street Journal said talks were still in the early stages.

The acquisition would give Google control over the two biggest forces in online video. YouTube, which it acquired in 2006, is the biggest video platform on the internet, while Twitch entertains more than 45 million users per month, and is far and away the most popular platform for livestreaming on the internet. According to the VentureBeat report, Google's YouTube division headed up the acquisition.

A Twitch representative declined to comment on the report.

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Very Happy :
"Hi! Welcome to new twitch ! Please sign up and connect your G+ account ^^"

Dopuna: 25 Jul 2014 13:43

BioWare objavio teaser za novu igru ?

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