- tapinikol

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- Pridružio: 11 Avg 2006
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nisam nikad video to roze :-) sta bi dao za skroz full profile mora da ima jos 1oo i vise fora i tajna
Dopuna: 04 Mar 2007 9:34
pronasao sam svih 30 sa objasnjenjima evo ih:
2.1 - E A R L Y S E C R E T S
SECRET: A rainbow rank will give you super automatic fire!
EXPLANATION: Collecting the RANK MARKERS in color order (Red, Orange, Yellow,
Green, Blue and Purple) without collecting more than one of each will give you
Super Autofire which is VERY useful with higher up weapons. This SECRET is
highly recommended.
HOW: Using the HURRY UP ships to collect the RANK MARKER you need is the most
effective way of completing this secret, but it can get pretty hairy when
you've got a lot of Homing Missiles coming for you, so make sure you have a
decent weapon and some armour (Laser Beam is recommended)!
SECRET: Collect the skull of death to increase the chance of added weapons,
lives, cash and glory!
EXPLANATION: Yes, you read right, those nasty little skulls are actually
useful. Collecting them will increase the chance of GOOD bonuses being dropped
by baddies. (Things like QUAD SHOT, EXTRA BULLET, MONEY and X2 CREDITS etc.)
HOW: Just collect a SKULL ICON or two to complete this secret!
SECRET: Collect the three coloured skulls to gain triple power of super kind
and the best of speed!
EXPLANATION: Collect 1 skull icon of each color (Red, Green, and Blue) and you
will get SUPER TRIPLE SHOT and a SPEED boost! (Very handy!)
HOW: Just collect 1 SKULL ICON of each colour to complete this secret.
SECRET: To see the color of the missing skull go to the Meteorstorm!
EXPLANATION: When collecting one skull of each colour, the shading of the
meteors in the Meteorstorm bonus level will let you know which colour you
haven't already collected.
HOW: Just collect a SKULL ICON and go into a Meteorstorm to complete this
SECRET: Three skulls of red will make the counting of the gems visible to see!
EXPLANATION: AKA *** GEM COUNTER ACTIVATED ***. Collect three RED skulls and
the GEM COUNTER will be activated. This will show you how many gems you've
collected in the correct game. Collecting 100 will give you a bonus (see SECRET
HOW: Just collect three RED SKULL ICONS to complete this secret.
SECRET: Collecting many small gems may bring you to the collecting of the big
and valuable ones!
EXPLANATION: Collect 100 gems and you will a DIAMOND DROP bonus screen where
you can collect many large diamonds for big points!
HOW: Just collecting gems from a several Gem Bombs is usually the best way to
complete this secret, although it can still take a while to reach the needed
SECRET: When many gems are falling from above pull them to yourself by pressing
EXPLANATION: This is pretty self-explanatory, but yes, pulling down will draw
any falling gems towards you. (Note: Although gems don't seem worth much, it's
worth collecting them when you can (see above)!)
HOW: Just pull down on your joystick/keyboard/whatever when there's a gem on
the screen (after collecting a gem bomb) to complete this secret.
SECRET: Three skulls of blue will make the money from the thief look like the
and when the evil MONEY STEALER ship appears at some point and you manage to
kill it, instead of dropping random coins it will drop all BLUE coins (which
are worth 200 credits each).
HOW: Just collect three BLUE SKULL ICONS to complete this secret.
SECRET: Three skulls of green will make doubler appear at start of falling
EXPLANATION: AKA *** MS MULTIPLIER ENABLED ***. Collect three GREEN skulls and
a points multiplier will appear before each Meteorstorm. It doesn't take a
mathematician to realize that X2 or X5 will equal a LOT of points in a
HOW: Just collect three GREEN SKULL ICONS to complete this secret.
SECRET: At the end of meteor trouble having a multiply will bring you great
EXPLANATION: Completing a Meteorstorm with a multiplier (eg. Like the one
unlocked by SECRET above) will multiply the extra bonus points you receive at
the end!
HOW: Just make sure you've got an X2 or X5 going when you reach the end of a
meteorstorm to complete this secret.
SECRET: Bring death to the Alien Mothership and a new rank may fall to you!
EXPLANATION: Killing the HURRY UP ships (which look a bit like a sort of
mothership, I suppose!) will always drop a RANK MARKER that you need, and not
just a random one like everything else.
HOW: Shoot a HURRY UP ship to complete this secret.
SECRET: When an Alien Mothership has passed eight times a great fortune may be
EXPLANATION: When 8 HURRY UP ships have passed in one level a MONEY SHIP will
appear. It won't fire at you and when you destroy it it will drop a large
amount of money!
HOW: Just survive 8 HURRY UP ships in one level and wait for the MONEY SHIP to
appear to complete this secret.
SECRET: While holding two Aliens use the scoop to force the others away for
extra points!
EXPLANATION: Pretty self explanatory, this one. When you've already collected
two baddies in your Scoop, any addition ones that fall into it will be tossed
away for 2,500 points each!
HOW: Just collect a SCOOP and collect 3+ aliens without one of them dying to
complete this secret.
SECRET: Buying rank markers when all is collected will bring you extra points!
EXPLANATION: If you've already got all 6 RANK MARKERS and buy another one in
the shop, you'll get 1,000,000 points!
HOW: Just buy a RANK MARKER at the shop when you've already got all 6 to
complete this secret.
SECRET: A doubler of money when there is no money will give you 30 seconds of
EXPLANATION: Collecting the XC icon (MONEY DOUBLER) when you have zero credits
will add 30 seconds to that all important green TIME BAR (see GAME BASICS
section to learn why the time bar is so useful).
HOW: Slightly tricky this one, you must collect an XC icon (either in game or
in a Memory Station) with $0. Possibly easier earlier on the game before you've
collected money! Other than that it will just take patience for that one day
when you get an XC icon when you're out of cash!
SECRET: Killing all aliens in one formation before they rest will give you
bonus points!
EXPLANATION: Destroying a wave of baddies as they fly onto the screen will give
you a 10,000 point bonus.
HOW: Just shoot a wave of aliens on a level while they're flying onto the
screen to complete this secret.
SECRET: Killing the Top Alien in a group attack can give you a good score!
EXPLANATION: If some baddies decide attack in a group (usually three), killing
the highest one will give you a 1,000 point bonus.
HOW: Just keep your eyes peeled for a bunch of baddies moving from the pack to
attack you in tandem. Shoot them all (or just the top one if you're a
sharpshooter to complete this secret.
SECRET: Catching the same weapon will bring you more power!
EXPLANATION: Collecting the falling Icon for a weapon you're already using will
give you an EXTRA BULLET (whoop-de-do! .
HOW: Just collect an icon for a weapon you've already got to complete this
SECRET: A mirror rainbow will add D levels to your savings.
EXPLANATION: Collecting RANK MARKERS in Reverse Rainbow order (Purple, Blue,
Green, Yellow, Orange, Red) will add 500 levels to the Levels Played total in
your profile.
HOW: HURRY UP ships offer the best way of collecting RANK MARKERS in a given
order. Just collect one of each without getting one from a Memory Station or
from the Shop to complete this secret.
NOTE: You can only do this once every 50 levels! (Source: AiD)
2.2 - L A T E R S E C R E T S
Understanding of Roman numerals is required to decipher all of the secrets:
II = 2
X = 10
XII = 12
C = 100
D = 500
Although there are some which take a bit of creative license!
K = 1000
CCM = 200,000,000 (in Roman numerals it's actually only 200,000!)
SECRET: Getting maximum Speed, Bullets, Time or Armour will get you more
EXPLANATION: Getting the maximum amount of Speed, Bullets, Time or Armour will
mean you get 25,000 points every time you collect more.
HOW: Just collect one of the above icons when you're already maxxed out to
complete this secret.
SECRET: Being Drunk when the falling of rocks end will give you a big bonus!
EXPLANATION: Completing a Meteorstorm in Drunk Mode will give you an additional
Note: Successfully completing this secret will give you the first GOD BADGE
HOW: You must complete a Meteorstorm in Drunk Mode AND get 95% or more at the
end to complete this secret (ouch!).
SECRET: Getting rid of all shooting aliens not using a single bullet will give
you extra weapons to use!
EXPLANATION: A neat trick when you can do it is to clear an entire level using
only a SCOOP. If you do so you will be awarded 10 rockets! If you already have
the maximum of 50 Rockets, you'll be given 50,000 points instead!
HOW: Just make sure you have a Scoop when a level where the baddies swoop down
low in the beginning (like Level 2 or Level 6 for example).
SECRET: Find X birds on grid will give you Xx beans limits!
EXPLANATION: Finding 10 Birds in the Memory Station will increase the maximum
allowed money you can hold to 999,990 credits (10 times more), instead of
Note: Collecting the maximum 999,990 credits and dying with that much in your
account will give you the 6th GOD BADGE (see GOD BADGES).
HOW: You need to find all 10 birds in one game! Just keep collecting them in
Memory Stations when they appear - they're NOT paired -- it will take a LONG
time! Once you have all ten, the in game money limit will be permanently raised
(for all games in the future, too)!
SECRET: Passing the LC with CCM will open up a quiet lock!
EXPLANATION: If have at least 200,000,000 (CCM?!) points when you complete
Level 100 (LC) you will be given a SECRET COUNTER (little silver number on your
STATUS BAR). This is a little counter that will show how many secrets you've
unlocked in your current game and will show up in every game afterwards.
HOW: Basically you need to complete at least one Mega Meteorstorm WITH a X5 at
the time AND get perfects in all the Bonus Levels WITH X5 on and after the 10th
AND complete the final boss (Level 100) with X5 -- all before Level 101! It's a
tall order, but far from impossible (you might be able to skip the Meteorstorm
if you're doing well, for example).
SECRET: The clearing of the non shooting aliens, will give you larger points
the next time you do the same.
EXPLANATION: Getting several PERFECT on Bonus Levels in a row will give you
bigger and bigger bonuses (eventually into the millions!). If you fail to get a
PERFECT on a level though, the next one will only give you 10,000 points again.
HOW: Just play through 10 Bonus Levels in a row without missing a single
SECRET: Collecting K gems will bring you the most valued gem drop!
EXPLANATION: As you should already know, collecting 100 gems will give you a
GEM DROP level. Doing this 10 times (and thus collecting 1,000 gems) will give
you a SUPER GEM DROP level where the diamonds are worth millions of points each
(instead of the usual thousands of points)!
RED GEM: 1,000,000 Points!
PURPLE GEM: 5,000,000 Points!
GREEN GEM: 10,000,000 Points!
HOW: Just play for a VERY long time! :/ Make sure the Gem Counter is on and
just keep trying to collect those gems (especially from Gem Bombs) until you
reach 1000 (the counter will reset back to '000') once you do. A VERY difficult
secret to complete!
SECRET: A lower rank will be given when fastest marker is taken!
EXPLANATION: When you get to the higher ranks a DARK PURPLE Rank Marker is
sometimes dropped (which moves faster than a standard PURPLE rank marker). If
you collect this you will be DEMOTED a rank! (But you will unlock this SECRET,
so pros and cons!
HOW: Collect all 6 RANK MARKERS (by any means) and then buy a 7th in the Shop.
Your greed will be rewarded by unlocking the Dark Purple Rank Marker! It will
fall randomly at any point from now on so just keep collecting every RANK
MARKER that drops and eventually it should be a Dark Purple one (they move very
fast, so be ready!).
Source: Warblademaster (EasyAlan)
SECRET: The cleaning of XIIxII non shooting alien attackers waves will give you
a high promotion.
EXPLANATION: Completing 24 Bonus Levels (12 x 2) with PERFECT scores IN A ROW
in one game will unlock CHAMPION RANK!
Note: Read more about Champion Rank below.
HOW: Just play 24 Bonus Levels in a row (200 Levels) without missing one baddie
to complete this secret. A tough but rewarding challenge this one!
Note: Once Champion Rank has been unlocked it will always be available in
future games as a rank after Grandmaster 3 Gold Stars.
SECRET: Ei Xmo Tymo Rollu Alehyo Ad Rew Tera Xolly Eathui!
(This is two separate secrets.)
EXPLANATION: Collect E-X-T-R-A in order for 5,000,000 points!
EXPLANATION: Collect A-R-T-X-E in order for 5,000,000 points!
Note: You cannot collect more than one of each letter and any collected in a
MEMORY STATION will not count and will thus ruin your attempt at collecting
this bonus.
Tip: If you already have four lives and both armour in place when you collect
this you'll get an additional 'SUPER' bonus of 1,000,000 points!
HOW: Just be very careful to collect the letter you want. Avoid '?' Icons as
they could be the wrong letter or a duplicate of one you already have. Avoid
Memory Stations or be careful not to collect any letters. It may take a while
but you'll do it!