Poslao: 06 Maj 2010 18:25
- tuzor

- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 03 Sep 2007
- Poruke: 4115
- Gde živiš: U Kraljevstvu duha
"Kip koji govori", odnosno "brbljiva statua". Svojevremeno je u Rimu postalo popularno da se u podnožju poznatih kipova "kače" satirični sastavi: epigrami, ubojite kraće satirične pesme i ostali sastavi sa satiričnom žaokom, koji su bili mahom uvredljivi po pripadnike vlasti i crkve. Kipovi su tako "premetnuti" u statue koje govore, odnosno žigošu negativne pojave i ličnosti. Najpoznatiji i prvi takav "premetnuti" kip jeste Paskvino. Pretpostavlja se da "originalni" kip predstavlja Menelaja, supruga Jelene Trojanske, kako drži Patroklovo telo.
A da li je postojao neki rimski "lokalac" sa imenom Paskvil, ni danas ne znamo. Zato znamo šta su paskvile (kraći pisani sastavi, često u formi epigrama, sa uvredljivim sadržajem, čija je oštrica okrenuta prema ličnosti i pojavama koje se svojim osobinama javljaju kao inspiracija za tvorca paskvile).
Citat:The first talking statue was that of Pasquino, a damaged piece of sculpture on a small piazza. It is believed to be a statue of the mythical king of Sparta, Menelaus, husband of Helen of Troy, and a major character in the Iliad, holding the body of Patroclus. In 1501, the statue was found during road construction and set up in the piazza, and soon after small poems or epigrams critical of religious and civil authorities began to be posted on it. One story of the origin of the statue's name, and of its witticisms, is that it was named to honor a local resident named Pasquino. A tailor (in some versions of the story he is a barber or schoolmaster), this man's career took him into the Vatican, where he would learn behind-the-scenes gossip. He would then spread this gossip, with acerbic commentary, for the entertainment of friends and neighbors. Upon his death, the statue was named in his honor, and people began posting commentary similar to Pasquino's on the statue. The statue seems to have been a local institution; it was also dressed up as a pagan god on the feast day of Saint Mark. Some sources suggest that the first postings were little more than schoolboys taunting their teachers, but the statues quickly became a major outlet for critiquing government and religious leaders. Pasquino became so famous that his name was turned into an English word, pasquinade, which means a satirical protest in poetry.
A number of Popes, who were often the butt of criticism from the statues, sought to limit the posting of commentary on Pasquino. Adrian VI planned to have it thrown into the Tiber River, and was only dissuaded when told that, like a frog, the statue would only croak louder in water.Another potentially apocryphal story has a reward being offered to the anonymous writers if they came forward. According to the tale, one man responded, and his hands were cut off. Eventually, the authorities settled for posting guards by the statue to prevent the posting of more commentary. As a result, the public turned to other statues, who joined Pasquino as talking statues. These other statues included Marforio, which was sometimes used to post responses to writings posted on Pasquino, creating a repartee between the two statues.
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Citat:A pasquinade or pasquil is an anonymous lampoon, whether in verse or in prose. Pasquin (Italian Pasquino, Latin Pasquillus) was the name ordinary Romans gave to a battered ancient statue (from a Hellenistic-style group, probably of the 3rd century BC) dug up in the course of paving the Parione district and erected at the corner of Piazza di Pasquino and Palazzo Braschi, on the west side of Piazza Navona in 1501, by Cardinal Oliviero Carafa, who inadvertently gave the statue its first voice, by originating an annual ceremony, the first in 1501, for Saint Mark's Day, April 25. The marble torso was draped in a toga, and epigrams in Latin were attached to it.
The decorous event quickly got out of hand when it became the custom for those who wanted to criticize the pope or individuals in his government—for a pasquinade is first and foremost a personal attack— to write satirical poems in broad Roman dialect (called "pasquinades" from the Italian "pasquinate") and attach them to this statue.
Thus Pasquino became the first talking statue of Rome. He spoke out about the people's dissatisfaction, he denounced injustice, and he assaulted misgovernment by members of the Church.
Who this "Pasquino" was remains obscure. By the mid-sixteenth century it was reported that the original Pasquino was a tailor in whose premises not far away speech tended to be quite free; after his death it became more circumspect to attribute critical witticisms to the statue. The report in 1509 of an original littérateur and master of festivities, "Pasquino Pasquillove" by name, may be a disarming ludibrium itself.
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Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 06 Maj 2010 18:59
- Pridružio: 07 Avg 2008
- Poruke: 2528
- Gde živiš: VII kat
Na donjem delu fotografije vidi se postolje koje je i danas izlepljeno svakojakim porukama. Mastro Paskvino je nadimak prve takve "brbljive statue", a kako su pape uskoro uvele i nadzor nad ovom statuom, progovorile su i neke druge, pa su počele i dijaloge da vode.
Najpoznatija paskvila je:
Quod non fecerunt barbari
Fecerunt Barberini
(šta varvari nisu učinili, učinio je Barberini), a osvanula je u vreme izrade čuvenog Berninijevog baldahina za crkvu Svetog Petra, koji je zahtevao toliko bronze da je papa Urban VIII (Barberini) odlučio da pretopi antičku bronzanu oplatu portika Panteona. Pretpostavlja se da ju je sastavio Đulio Mančini, papin lični lekar.
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Tuzor, naoštri se, pa daj novu paskvilu, ovaj, pitanje.
Poslao: 08 Maj 2010 21:24
- tuzor

- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 03 Sep 2007
- Poruke: 4115
- Gde živiš: U Kraljevstvu duha
Napisano: 06 Maj 2010 20:22
Nije paskvila, ali zato jeste svedočanstvo o mojim problemima.
Naime, dešava se da gledam neki film, ne znajući da je u pitanju rimejk ranijeg filma, i da se onda pitam: Da li je sa mnom sve u redu? Jer, u sećanju mi bljesnu glumci iz "originala", a vidim druge glumce; radnja mi poznata, a opet nešto "ne štima"...
E, to mi se dogodilo pre neko veče. Gledam film, glumac poznat, a ja se odnekud sećam glumca u istoimenom filmu iz osamdesetih godina, i pomišljam da pomalo "skrećem". Horor, reklo bi se; prikazuje šta sve može da doživi dobrodušni mlađi vozač kada u vozilo primi nepoznatu osobu. "Strah životu kalja obraz često", reče naš umni pesnik i poglavar, i to se može primeniti i na ovaj film. Uljez je, u stvari, predodređen da ide putem smrti, i na tom putu da sa sobom povuče sve na koje naiđe, igrajući se igre mačke i miša, gde njemu, naravno, pripada uloga mačke.
Kako se zove film iz osamdesetih, odnosno rimejk istog snimljen pre par godina, i ko su glavni glumci - negativci u oba filma?
Dopuna: 08 Maj 2010 21:24
Mala pomoć: Prvi film je režirao Robert Harmon.
Poslao: 08 Maj 2010 21:27
- Sirius

- Moderator foruma
- Sad radim sve ono što pre nisam stizao.
- Pridružio: 17 Maj 2006
- Poruke: 18646
- Gde živiš: I ja se pitam...
Jao, gledao sam, na vrh mi tastature...
Poslao: 08 Maj 2010 21:36
- Sorelag

- Prijatelj foruma
- Pridružio: 31 Dec 2005
- Poruke: 2408
Izgleda da sam i ja gledala taj film. Da li u njemu igra Rutger Hauer?
The Hitcher (1986) piše na IMDb.
Dakle, Rutger Hauer u prvom, Šin Bin u rimejku (rimejk nisam gledala).
Poslao: 08 Maj 2010 22:33
- tuzor

- Legendarni građanin
- Pridružio: 03 Sep 2007
- Poruke: 4115
- Gde živiš: U Kraljevstvu duha
Tačno, naravno!
Rimejk filma, sa Šinom Binom u glavnoj ulozi, snimljen je 2007. godine, i pre neki dan je prikazivan, samo ne mogu da se setim na kojoj TV.
Sole, izvoli!
Poslao: 08 Maj 2010 22:57
- Sorelag

- Prijatelj foruma
- Pridružio: 31 Dec 2005
- Poruke: 2408
Ovako započinje jedan antologijski članak američke autorke, koji je svojevremeno imao odjeka u književnoj teoriji, posebno u okviru tzv. reader response theory.
Citat:Just before I left Oxford for the Tiv in West Africa, conversation turned to the season at Stratford. “You Americans,” said a friend, “often have difficulty with Shakespeare. He was, after all, a very English poet, and one can easily misinterpret the universal by misunderstanding the particular.”
I protested that human nature is pretty much the same the whole world over; at least the general plot and motivation of the greater tragedies would always be clear—everywhere—although some details of custom might have to be explained and difficulties of translation might produce other slight changes. To end an argument we could not conclude, my friend gave me a copy of Hamlet to study in the African bush: it would, he hoped, lift my mind above its primitive surroundings, and possibly I might, by prolonged meditation, achieve the grace of correct interpretation.
Ime autorke i naziv članka?
Poslao: 09 Maj 2010 15:45
- Pridružio: 07 Avg 2008
- Poruke: 2528
- Gde živiš: VII kat
Laura Bohannan (née Laura Marie Altman Smith), (born 1922-died 2002) pen name Elenore Smith Bowen, was an American cultural anthropologist best known for her 1961 article, "Shakespeare in the Bush.
Citat:Shakespeare in the Bush" is often anthologized because of its subject matter and unique perspective. Bohannan, while living in a small village in Nigeria, attempts to tell the story of Hamlet to a group of villagers. The cultural and language barriers between the two parties result in an entirely different telling of this most famous of English plays, with her audience left puzzling over Westerners' inability to understand their own literature. Thus, the essay is often used by students of anthropology, linguistics, and literary theory as a means of understanding how perspective affects perception and expectation.
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Poslao: 09 Maj 2010 20:26
- Sorelag

- Prijatelj foruma
- Pridružio: 31 Dec 2005
- Poruke: 2408
Tako je, Lora Boanan i njen veoma zabavan esej "Šekspir u bušu" koji ilustruje probleme u kulturnom prevođenju i tumačenju.
Citat:“Sometime,” concluded the old man, gathering his ragged toga about him, “you must tell us some more stories of your country. We, who are elders, will instruct you in their true meaning, so that when you return to your own land your elders will see that you have not been sitting in the bush, but among those who know things and who have taught you wisdom.”
Ako nekog zanima priča, može je pročitati u celosti ovde
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Jelkice, izvoli
Poslao: 10 Maj 2010 00:03
- Pridružio: 07 Avg 2008
- Poruke: 2528
- Gde živiš: VII kat
Hvala za priču! Ovo mi se naročito dopalo:
“One of these three was a man who knew things”—the closest translation for scholar, but unfortunately it also meant witch.
Moraću da zamolim nekoga da postavi novo pitanje umesto mene. Hronični nedostatak inspiracije.