Dobro je, Nemac je pronađen
Osim što su se i Korint i Rembrant bavili grafikom, obojica su voleli i da slikaju autoportrete na kojima su predstavljali sebe u različitim ulogama.
O Nemcu malo više ovde:
Citat:In 1903 Corinth married his model Charlotte Berend, some twenty years his younger. Self-portrait with Charlotte Berend and a glass of champagne, 1902, was painted shortly before this event. It is well-known that its subject matter and composition follow Rembrandt's Self-portrait with Saskia (Dresden, 1637), but Corinth's couple turns towards the beholder and, disturbingly, the wife/model is shown half undressed with the artist proudly grasping/presenting her bare breast. The artist's badly drawn left hand signals that the painting was made with the aid of a mirror, making this the fugitive right hand that held the brush. In addition to the reference to Rembrandt, there may be a homage to Cezanne, whose work Corinth admired, in the still-life of fruit and glasses in the left hand corner.
"(Rembrant) braneći se u klevetničkoj parnici od optužbi da njegova žena nerazumno proćerdava svoj miraz, predstavlja sebe odevenog u somot, brokat i svilu, s rapirom, prejem ukrašenim šeširom i podignutom čašom, sa Saskijom u krilu, na slici Rembrant i Saskija (Bludni sin u kafani)".
Mihael Bokemil, Rembrant
Tuzor, izvoli