Distribucija: Debris Linux

Distribucija: Debris Linux

  • Pridružio: 20 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 4505
  • Gde živiš: planeta Zemlja

* slika je preuzeta sa distrowatch.com sajta.

Sa sajta:
Debris Linux gives you a simple, pleasing, but fully functional desktop with all applications necessary to get work done online and offline. It's intended to be fully usable as a LiveCD, but a lot of work also went into the installer which should make it easy for just about everyone to put it on the hard drive, either on its own partition or by using the complete disk. Apart from providing speed and efficiency, Debris Linux should be suitable for the "average" user who wants to just use a computer.

To keep things compact and clean, we only ship one application per task. The ISOs (for stable releases) are still smaller than 200MB (it should always fit on a mini CD-R). Due to its size and moderate hardware requirements, Debris Linux can also be run well on older hardware.

We also try to ship only Free (libre) applications in order to steer clear of any licensing issues - but we provide methods and means to get at the most commonly used "non-free" stuff.  The rule is: If there's a Free application (or piece of code) that does the job, we'll use that instead of the non-free alternative.

Debris Linux is based on Ubuntu and loosely follows their release cycle. This means Debris Linux is fully compatible with the Ubuntu release it is based on - you can use each and every Ubuntu package. We also maintain a small repository of customised applications and our own tools.

Ukratko: Mali distro zasnovan na ubutnu LTS izdanju. Instalacija se vrsi preko skripte i sam proces je, relativno, brz. Sadrzi sve zakrpe i vrlo je stabilan ali dolazi sa malo softvera stoga mu je neophodan internet (ukoliko volite sistem na kome sve "prsti od aplikacija"). Sa druge strane interesantna je cinjenica da ovaj distro dolazi sa (redukovanim) Gnome okruzenjem ali su izostavljene aplikacije koje crpe sistemske resurse (poput evolution data servera i seahorse programa).

sajt: http://debrislinux.org/
forum: http://forum.debrislinux.org/
bug tracker: http://bugs.debrislinux.org/
verzije programa ukljucene u derbis: http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=debris

Obratite paznju na to da se kod ove distribucije akcenat stavlja na stabilnost stoga su paketi, koji sitzu uz istu, stariji! Ako volite "bleeding edge" tj. najnoviji softver onda koriscenje ove distribucije nema mnogo smisla!

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 20 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 4505
  • Gde živiš: planeta Zemlja

uh... Pustio sam Debris linux da se instalira i taman da odem na sisanje kad ono imam sta da vidim. Prijatno sam se iznenadio. Pogledajte:
*** Starting Installation! ***

swapon: /dev/disk/by-uuid: Is a directory
 > Creating ext3 file system on /dev/sda1 ...                            [done]
 > Installing Debris Linux to /dev/sda1 ...                              [done]
 > Creating new initial ramdisk ...                                      [done]
 > Rebuilding fstab ...                                                  [done]
 > Installing grub bootmanager to /dev/sda ...                           [done]
 > Updating grub bootmanager ...                                         [done]
 > Trying to detect additional operating systems ...                     [done]
 > Removing the LiveCD system ...                                        [done]

  * Internet connection detected!
    You can install additional packages from online sources ( official
    Ubuntu and Debris Linux server! ). This includes some tools useful
    to installations and the detailed 'localization' of  Debris Linux,
    which will result in even better language support,  especially for
    additional software installations.

    This section can be continued later, after a reboot.

    Do you want to install additional online packages now? [y/n] : n

 > Cleaning up ...                                                       [done]

  Started: 10:55:30
  Finished: 11:02:39

Press [ENTER]

Instalacija je trajala citavih 7min :shocked:

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