Ubuntu bazirana distribucija, optimizovana za ASUS Eee PC i druge netbook racunare, sa ulepsanim Netbook Remix grafickim okruzenjem, koje je dizajnirano za najoptimalnije iskoriscenje malog displeja
Citat:"We are proud to announce Easy Peasy 1.1! This is how the first Easy Peasy release really should be: No stupid bugs, no Ubuntu logos. You will be able to upgrade from tomorrow, but you can get the the full ISO image today. A brand new look: new icon theme, a modified version of Victor Castillejos's GNOME Colors; new wallpaper which is part of the new visual profile (i.e. on Twitter); new splash screen and login screen. Fixed bugs: lots of bugs fixed; many upgrades, like Songbird and Flash."
Download easypeasy-1.1.iso (913MB)