Distribucija: Centos


Distribucija: Centos

  • Pridružio: 23 Jul 2011
  • Poruke: 353
  • Gde živiš: Karlsdorf

Hteo bih da probam ovu distribuciju.
U jednom postu, ako sam dobro shvatio ukazano je na razliku Live i instalacione verzije.
Da li sa tim Live diskom može da se uradi i instalacija ili je on samo za test? U Fedori nije tako, ali je tako bilo ranije u Mandraku.
Da li ga neko koristi za DOS aplikacije, preko dosemu, na umreženim računarima, sa definisanim serverom, koji je i glavni radni kompjuter? I kakva su iskustva?
Da li Centos po pitanju prepoznavanja uređaja (najpre podrazumevam štampače) u rangu Fedore i kakav je u odnosu na Ubuntu pakete po istom pitanju?

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Brok  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Mihajlo Bogdanović
  • Linux driver - fighter - warrior
  • Pridružio: 04 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 3259

Ide poseban instal za Live a poseban za punu instalaciju na hard disku.
U punoj instalaciji na hard disk ide mislim 5 ili 6 slagaću DVD ili DC-ova.

  • Pridružio: 23 Jul 2011
  • Poruke: 353
  • Gde živiš: Karlsdorf

Vidim da je za verziju 6 Live CD oko 700 MB i ima ikonu za instaliranje na hard. Live DVD nisam skinuo, ali on ima 4,4 GB.
Moraću da to ipak sam proverim na nekom probnom HD.
Verovatno da je uz brzi net dovoljan i ovaj CD, a ako distribucija podržava sve što mi je potrebno za rad u mreži sa DOS aplikacijama, lako ćemo pripremiti DVD ako zatreba.
Da li sam u pravu ako sam ovo full instalacija poistovetio sa full repozitotijumom, ili se baš instalacije razlikuju?

  • Pridružio: 23 Jul 2011
  • Poruke: 353
  • Gde živiš: Karlsdorf

Probao sam instalaciju sa live CD-a. Nisam uspeo da pokrenem dosemu, odnosno nisam pronašao red vm.mmap_min_adrr=65536, koji treba da se da se postavi kao ...=0.
Ovaj red se nalazi u Fedori u /etc/sysctl. Nemam ideju gde da ga potražim. Očekivao sam da ću taj komandnired naći na jednoj od potencijalnih lokacija. Da li će instalacija sa DVD biti potpunija?
Da li neko ko koristi Centos može da proveri kod sebe na kompu?
Inače sistem radi jako brzo sa ostalim aplikacijama i moguće je da bi bio pogodan za ove poslove sa DOS programima.

  • Brok  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Mihajlo Bogdanović
  • Linux driver - fighter - warrior
  • Pridružio: 04 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 3259

CentOS 6.1

Citat:We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of CentOS 6.1 install media for i386 and x86_64 architectures. CentOS 6.1 is based on the upstream release EL 6.1 and includes packages from all variants. All upstream repositories have been combined into one, to make it easier for end users to work with. All machines running CentOS-Release-CR on 6.0 would already be running code that is included in the 6.1 install media. We highly recommend everyone use the CR repository in order to get all bug-fix and security updates as soon as possible.

What's new:


Home Page:


Napomena, na video prikazu je CentOS 6

32bit DVD 1

64bit DVD 1

Download Mirrors:

  • Pridružio: 26 Avg 2005
  • Poruke: 384
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Inace RHEL 6.2 je izasao. Rad na CentOS-u 6.2 je poceo odmah zatim.

Ako ima mazohista (Kao ja :] ) koji ga koriste na desktopu evo nekih novosti:
Dodata je podrska za USB 3, podrska za Ivy Bridge CPU, kao i podrska za HD HD6xxx(M) graficke.

Za sve ostale koji ga koriste na serverima moze biti interesantno:
LVM RAID support, Live Snapshots (konacno!) kao i naravno velik broj bagova koji je ispravljen.

Puna lsita se moze naci ovde:

  • Brok  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Mihajlo Bogdanović
  • Linux driver - fighter - warrior
  • Pridružio: 04 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 3259

CentOS 6.2

Citat:We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of CentOS 6.2 for i386 and x86_64 architectures. CentOS 6.2 is based on the upstream release EL 6.2 and includes packages from all variants. All upstream repositories have been combined into one, to make it easier for end users to work with. All updates released since upstream 6.2 release are also released to the CentOS 6.2 mirrors. With this release we are now back to a regular, managed and tested release path and time scales. However, for the time being, we are going to retain the CR/ repository in the event it's needed in the future to push ahead-of-release updates

What's new:

Home Page:

32bit (DVD1)

64bit (DVD1)

Download Mirrors:

  • Brok  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Mihajlo Bogdanović
  • Linux driver - fighter - warrior
  • Pridružio: 04 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 3259

CentOS 5.8

CentOS 5.8 je osmo ažuriranje CentOSa 5.
Sadrži monogobrojne ispravke grešaka u odnosu na verziju 5.7.
Inače od verzije 5.7, instalacija je podeljena na dva DVD-a (ranije bio na 6).

Citat:We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of CentOS 5.8 for the i386 and x86_64 architectures. CentOS 5.8 is the eighth update to the CentOS 5 distribution series. It contains a lot of bug fixes, updates and new functionality. Known issues: as of CentOS 5.7 the installation kit is split into two DVDs; there is a MultiLib issue with dbus-1.1.2-16 (i386 and x86_64) - they can not be installed at the same time due to a conflict of the file /etc/dbus-1/system.conf; there is a known issue with the tg3 kernel driver using VLANs (802.1q) and at least one Broadcom chipset; there is a known issue with the smartmontools and the 2.6.18-308 kernel where 'hard drives behind a SAS controller can get dropped'; there is a known issue with the latest nfs-utils in EL 5.8 where invalid warnings are given on NFS mounts for rpc.idmapd and/or rpc.gssd.

What's new:

Home Page:

32bit (prvi DVD)

64bit (prvi DVD)

Download Mirrors:

  • Brok  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Mihajlo Bogdanović
  • Linux driver - fighter - warrior
  • Pridružio: 04 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 3259

CentOS 6.3

Citat:The CentOS team is pleased to announce the immediate availability of CentOS-6.3 for i386 and x86_64 Architectures. CentOS-6.3 is based on the upstream release EL 6.3 and includes packages from all variants. All upstream repositories have been combined into one, to make it easier for end users to work with. There are some important changes to this release compared with the previous versions of CentOS and we highly recommend reading this announcement along with the Release Notes. There is also a minimal install CD that will get you a very small base install that you can add to.

What's new:

Home Page:

32bit (DVD 1)

64bit (DVD 1)

Download Mirrors:

  • Brok  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Mihajlo Bogdanović
  • Linux driver - fighter - warrior
  • Pridružio: 04 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 3259

Zanimljiv članak za početnike na CentOS-u, naslova
"CentOS Linux - besplatan Red Hat Enterprise klon"

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