Verovatno stabilan kao i sam Arch na kome je baziran. Nisam imao prilike da ga probam, ali sudeci prema onome sto sam procitao, prilicno stabilna i zanimljiva distribucija.
Slažem se, projekat je vredan pažnje, ali samo dakle pažnje, ne i korišćenja. Probao sam ga i još uvek imam u Vbox-u. Tu definitivno najbolje i radi! Kad god sam ga instalirao na HDD, imao sam x problema....
Veoma fensi je urađena grafička instalacija, lepo za oko, ali u osnovi - Arch. Ništa novo ne nudi, te ne vidim svrhu za korišćenjem ove verzije. U principu nisam ljubitelj KDE moda, i nikad me neće privući, ali volim da se okušam u pojedinim distroima. Mislim, pored Archa, zašto koristiti ovu verziju?
Ne verujem da je dobar izbor za početnike, kao možda ni sam Arch...
Što reče Rank, samo nove age, ili kako se već zovu? Pa dokle više? Jesu li u pitanju debeli propusti?
Chakra 2011.09 nam dolazi sa KDE grafičkim okruženjem verzije 4.7.
Takođe tu je i Linuks jegro oznake 3.0.
Citat:Phil Miller has announced the release of Chakra GNU/Linux 2011.09, a desktop distribution originally forked from Arch Linux and featuring the latest KDE desktop, version 4.7: "The Chakra development team is proud to announce the release of 'Edn', Chakra GNU/Linux featuring Linux kernel 3.0 and KDE 4.7. Since our last stable image many things are updated and changed, which makes it hard to install for Chakra newcomers. We decided to release 'Edn' a bit ahead of schedule because of this. We switched to KDE 4.7 and added Linux kernel 3.0 to our repositories. Appset and CCR got enhanced. With this release we offer: minimal image you can build your desktop on; ported Tribe for KDE 4.7 series; updated initscripts with the option to test systemd; updated Mesa stack.
Od novina tu su Linuks jezgro 3.0 i grafičko okruženje KDE 4.7, GCC je ažuriran na verziju 4.6.1 a glibc na 2.14.1.
Citat:Phil Miller has announced the availability of a new development build of Chakra GNU/Linux. Version 2011.10.26 is a test build in preparation for the next stable release. From the release announcement: "The Chakra development team is proud to announce the second release of 'Edn', Chakra GNU/Linux featuring Linux 3.0 and KDE 4.7. As announced after the last team meeting, this is a regular scheduled release, approximately 7 - 10 days after a new version of KDE is announced. Besides the latest KDE, this release features an updated toolchain and a split of Qt and QtWebKit, thus enabling HTML 5 and WebGL support for Qt/KDE web browsers. With this release we offer: KDE 4.7.2, Linux kernel 3.0.7, GCC updated to 4.6.1, glibc to 2.14.1
Citat:Phil Miller has announced the release of Chakra GNU/Linux 2011.11, a desktop distribution featuring the just-released KDE 4.7.3: "The Chakra development team is proud to announce the second release of 'Edn', Chakra GNU/Linux featuring Linux kernel 3.0.8 and KDE 4.7.3. This is a regular scheduled release, approximately 7 - 10 days after a new version of KDE is announced. Besides the latest KDE, this release features an updated toolchain and a split of Qt and QtWebKit, thus enabling HTML 5 and WebGL support for Qt/KDE web-browsers. Chakra is now offering a DVD and CD edition; the CD edition is a minimal working KDE desktop with only a text editor, file manager, web browser and a simple media player installed, while the DVD version includes all the language packs, most of the standard KDE applications, LibreOffice, Clementine, XBMC, Calibre.
Citat:The Chakra development team is proud to announce the third and final release of 'Edn', Chakra GNU/Linux featuring Linux 3.1 and KDE 4.7. Edn has followed the KDE 4.7 releases, and with KDE 4.8 a new name will be used. With this release KDE is updated to 4.7.4, kernel to Linux 3.1.4. The sound group has been rebuild/updated, latest network management and Mesa stack are also included. With this release we offer: KDE 4.7.4 Linux kernel 3.1.4 ( optional); updated sound-stack; DVD image, including all locales and a nice selection of applications; tomoyo-tools 2.5 added to a default install, for more security options; wqy-microhei became the new default font for Chinese, Japanese and Korean; QtWebkit 2.2....
Od najvažnijih novina tu je Linux jezgro 3.2.2 i KDE grafičko okruženje 4.8.0...
Citat:The Chakra development team is proud to announce the first release of the KDE 4.8 series, code name 'Archimedes'. With this release KDE is updated to 4.8.0, kernel to Linux 3.2.2. A new theme, Ronak, is introduced. Updated Qt, boost, Subversion, Phonon packages, libxcb stack, to name a few of the newer base packages included. A switch to GRUB 2 has been decided on, to be more compatible with other operating systems. Chakra is now offering a DVD and CD edition. The CD edition gets you to a minimal working KDE desktop, with only a text editor, file manager, web browser and a simple media player installed. The DVD includes all the language packs, most of standard KDE applications, LibreOffice 3.4.5, Amarok....
Citat:This second 'Archimedes' release brings some good news and, for some, bad news. Good news - after a year of hard work by the Calligra team, we are really pleased to present the DVD image with the first-ever stable release of the Calligra office suite. Bad news for some, there is no longer a GUI for package management shipped. Appset-qt and any other Pacman GUI front-end were not able to handle more complex updates as they should, and the team felt it was not correct toward the users to ship a package that needed constant warnings. With this release we offer: KDE 4.8.2, Linux kernel 3.2.8 (3.0.22 optional), Qt 4.8.1, QtWebkit 2.2.1.