Evo ma na Fedori 19, Gnome i Mate grafička orkuženja, i uradim sada update jer ga nisam startovao sigurno jedno 15-ak dana, evo šta sve "vuče" i ako odavno nema podršku:
kernel.x86_64 0:3.14.27-100.fc19 kernel-devel.x86_64 0:3.14.27-100.fc19
kernel-modules-extra.x86_64 0:3.14.27-100.fc19
The Fedora 24 Workstation release features GNOME 3.20, with many usability improvements such as easier input device and printer settings, a better search interface, shortcut windows for keyboard commands, and more convenient music controls. Flatpak (formerly xdg-app) is another building-block feature, with Software able to track installed Flatpaks and adding more features in the future as the technology develops. The Software app has also grown features to provide a full system upgrade directly from the desktop from one Fedora release to the next, and the ability to provide labeling as well as reviews of available software. Fedora 24 continues our work on the X replacement, Wayland, a next-generation graphics stack. Although this release will not default to Wayland, it includes many improvements and is available as an option for users to try out, and potentially will be the default stack in Fedora 25.
Fedora 24 Server edition is more streamlined and introduces more modularity, which will become a major factor in future Fedora releases, even as unnecessary packages were removed and the installer has a smaller footprint. FreeIPA 4.3 is a major feature for Fedora 24 Server. FreeIPA is an integrated security information management solution. This new version of FreeIPA features simplified replica installation and improved replication technology management.
Fedora is on its way to being the best platform for containerized applications, from base Fedora container images to a full-featured platform as a service to run and manage them. As we continue on this part of the journey, we are packaging OpenShift Origin so it is easy to deploy. OpenShift Origin is a Platform as a Service system based around Kubernetes, a production-grade container orchestration project. OpenShift Origin is optimized for application development and deployment. Origin makes it easy for developers to get started building applications in containers and for operators to manage them. While not shipped in Fedora 24, per se, we have new infrastructure for developing container images with applications layered on top of the base Fedora Docker image. Fedora Developers will also see a layered image build service, which provides tools for Fedora contributors to start creating and shipping layered container images in Fedora 25 and beyond.
Upgrade je verovatno ponuđen u Gnome Software obaveštenjima, kao na slici (u slučaju da nema nove verzije, kliknite Reload ikonicu u levom gornjem uglu) -->
Ja sam radio upgrade kroz Terminal, sve je prošlo odlično.
Radio sam upgrade kroz Terminal 25 --> 26 i sve je prošlo kako treba, postupak je sledeći.
Prvo proveriti je li ažuran sistem, dakle poslednja verzija 25. Upgrade se može uraditi i preko GNOME Software (ako neki korisnik bude radio ovim putem neka napiše da li je prošlo sve ok) ili kucanjem sledećih komandi u Terminal (preporuka bekapovati sistem prethodno)
sudo dnf upgrade --refresh
Onda je potrebno instalirati dodatak
sudo dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade
Sada kada je sve provereno, instaliran dodatak, bekapovan prethodni sistem, možemo krenuti sa upgrade-om kucanjem sledeće komande:
sudo dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=26
Ako bude nekih problema sa upgrade-om, tj. sa nekim zavisnostima, paketima, treba dodati u prethodnu komandu -alowerasing i ovim će DNF ukloniti sve pakete koji blokiraju upgrade.
Nakon završetka skidanja potrebnih fajlova, sistem je spreman za upgrade sledećeom komandom.
sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot
Nadam se da će i ova verzija raditi stabilno kao i prethodna.