Sa nekoliko dana zakašnjenja stigla nam je prva Beta Mandriva Linux 2011.
Dolazi sa KDE verzije 4.6.1,NetworkManager, Mozilla Firefox 4.0rc1, Bash 4.2 i Chromiumom.
Mandriva je objavila Mandriva Enterprise Server 5.2.
Serverska, komercijalna Linux Mandriva verzija.
Dolazi sa Linuks jezgrom verzije 2.6.33.
Poboljšane su mogućnosti virtuelizacije, Veb hostinga, upravljanja mrežom kao i druge mogućnosti deljenja datoteka i štampača.
Mandriva Enterprise Server 5.2 je dostupna za kupovinu iz online prodavnica cene 299 € koja uključuje godinu dana podrške održavanja.
Dostupna je za preuzimanje i testiranje drugo izadanje beta Mandrive Linuxa 2011.
Dostupna su 32 i 64 bitno izdanje.
Citat:Eugeni Dodonov has announced the availability of the second beta release of Mandriva Linux 2011: "Despite the last-minute problems discovered last week which resulted in a 1-week delay, Mandriva 2011 beta 2 should finally be hitting the mirrors. As with previous beta release, the images are provided for i586 and x86_64 architectures, and are able to work in both live mode, and can be used for the installation. For this release, most of the UI and desktop-related features should be integrated, including a new login manager functionality, stack folder integration into the environment, new welcome and launcher application, new panel and overall desktop look-and-feel. It also features new default theme and artwork."
Dostupno je treća beta izadnje Mandrive Linux 2011 za preuzimanje i testiranje.
Od bitnijih promena treba naglasiti da ova verzija Mandrive sadrdrži i non-free softver, novi korisnički interfejs sa vidžetima, kao KDE i KDM okruženja razvijena od strane ROSA Labs-a.
Citat:Eugeni Dodonov has announced the availability of the third beta release of Mandriva Linux 2011. This is an unscheduled beta release on the pathway to the delayed 2011 version which is to be followed by a release candidate before the final release on an as-yet-unspecified date. From the release announcement: "As was previously announced on the Cooker mailing list, the Mandriva and Rosa teams have decided that additional time will be needed to finish the stabilization of Mandriva 2011 and Rosa 2011 desktop editions. Therefore I am gladly presenting Mandriva 2011 beta 3. Among the highlights of this release, the following items are present: from now on, the images contain non-free software for improved desktop experience; new UI theme for widgets, KDM and KDE environment, developed by ROSA Labs, is provided by default; new features in system panel, stack folders and system start menu...
Prvi Release Candidate Mandriva Linux 2011 je dostupan za preuzimanje i testiranje.
Citat:The first release candidate for Mandriva Linux 2011 is available for download. This pre-announcement, published some 24 hours before the release, lists the most important changes since beta 3: "Integration of (almost) final user interface, new login manager, desktop themes, plasma widgets, icons, backgrounds, splash screens, launcher, boot screens and desktop settings developed by ROSA Labs; initial version of Mandriva Sync and Sphere help-desk clients, developed by ROSA Labs; new version of Improver testing application, developed by ROSA Labs; Firefox 5.0, together with optionally installable beta and aurora versions; X.Org Server 1.10.2 with most up-to-date video and input drivers; Mesa 7.10.3 and libdrm 2.4.26 for most up-to-date 3D experience; Pidgin 2.9.0; OpenStack packages integrated into Cooker
Napomena, u pitanju je video prikaz Mandrive Linux 2011 Beta 3
Citat:Viacheslav Kaloshin has announced the release of Mandriva Linux 2011, code name "Hydrogen": "We are happy to announce that Mandriva 2011 is out." Some of the main new features in this release include hybrid live/installation DVD images, a revised system installer, new graphics theme, RPM 5, a series of new desktop utilities from Rosa Labs, and KDE as the only officially supported desktop environment: "GNOME, Xfce and other desktop environments and window managers are no longer included in the official Mandriva packages. However, contribution packages from the Mandriva community are available for these desktop environments. Starting from Mandriva 2011 only KDE 4 is officially supported.
Razočaran sam sa najnovijom Mandrivom 2011. Instalacija je nešto drugačija u odnosu na ranije verzije. Međutim, ono što je po meni sporno je to što neznaš kada je instalacija gotova. Osim toga, prilikom podizanja sistema javljaju se odrđene linije ( određeno vreme od nekoliko sekundi ) a potom nestanu. Pokušo sam da instaliram Operu 11.50 za linux Mandrivu i nisam uspio. Takođe, kod Firefoxa nisam uspio da instaliram pluginove. Pokušo sam da podesim da mi se sistem automatski podiže kao kod ranijih verzija- nisam uspio. Ima dosta zamršenih stvari u odnosu na ranije verzije Mandrive od 2009 i 2010. godine.
I na kraju da zaključim ( ovo je moje mišljenje), pokušali su da unesu puno novina u vezi izgleda, programa i drugih stvari. Mislim da su samo uprskali stvar tj. mnogo su iskomplikovali - npotrebno.