Na Manjaru jos nisam. Mada nisu oni nista posebno uradi nego sto su vec instalirali bumblebee.
Za Ubuntu evo probaj preko ovog linka
Bitno je da kernel ne bude mladji od verzije 3.1 (ne znam koju verziju Ubuntua koristis).
Od nVidie nema jos niceg zvanicnog i po svojoj prilici nece ni biti.
Brok ::Na Manjaru jos nisam. Mada nisu oni nista posebno uradi nego sto su vec instalirali bumblebee.
Za Ubuntu evo probaj preko ovog linka
Bitno je da kernel ne bude mladji od verzije 3.1 (ne znam koju verziju Ubuntua koristis).
Od nVidie nema jos niceg zvanicnog i po svojoj prilici nece ni biti.
3.2. je verzija kernela, (L) Ubuntu 12.04.
Kako bumblebee na kraju funkcionise, svaki put kad se run-a aplikacija za koju zelim da koristim nvidia chip moram da startam preko bumblebeea (optirun pre naziva aplikacije u terminalu), ne postoji varijanta da sam prepozna i koristi nvidijinu grafiku ?
Pokusavah ranije vise puta, ili sam upropastio xorg, pa dobijao crn ekran pri rebootu, ili sam morao sa sudo da startam bumblebee (a dodah se uradih sve prema uputstvu).
U sv slucaju delovalo mi kao dosta nestabilno, pa odustah.
Doduse, uistinu, to beshe relativno davno (pre 6-7 meseci circa), pa pokusam ponovo, za sada koristim nouveau fraj drajvere.
Citat:Exactly one month after we released our first beta of Manjaro Linux, here is our first point-release in our 0.8 series. Most people criticized that Manjaro wasted to much RAM. We replaced LightDM with LXDM, specially patched to have a better theme support. Of course we needed a nice Manjaro theme for LXDM. The only problem is that there are no LXDM themes available. So I sat down last night with a cup of coffee and started coding. To have a nice login interface I wanted to add a transparent black background to the login area. This required some patching in the LXDM greeter. I am really happy with the result and I hope you like the new LXDM Manjaro theme.
Citat:Manjaro Linux 0.8.2 has been released. The culmination of substantial refinements and exciting new developments, Manjaro 0.8.2 is the most polished, feature-rich and accessible release yet. Just a few of the new features provided includes support for Steam gaming, automatic desktop notifications for new system updates, and -- developed exclusively for Manjaro -- a user-friendly graphical interface to easily manage and maintain the system. Experienced users can also take advantage of support for new features, including the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI), B-Tree File System (btrfs)....
With the help of Guillaume Benoit we managed to get our first preview of our Cinnamon/Gnome edition released. It is the first install-media featuring Gnome 3.6.2.
Since GDM created some issues we replaced it with LXDM in this release. Also a break of 30 seconds during bootup is sadly happening now – we still don’t know what’s causing this… The kernel we ship with this edition is 3.4.20. A more detailed overview of changes in 0.8.3pre1 is as follows:
Manjaro Exclusive: new Greenbird/Zukitwo-Colors theme-mashup has been introduced
Manjaro Exclusive: patches and fixes have been developed for the latest software packages (e.g. Xorg-Server 1.13.0-4.1)
All software package lists have been optimised
Nemo is now the default filemanager in this edition
The CLI installer has been further improved with enhanced EFI support and the introduction of the new RSync option as an alternative to the Unsquash installation method
The second-stage testing repositories have been enabled by default
The Catalyst-Legacy video driver is no longer available
Citat:Community editions of Manjaro Linux are released as bonus flavours in addition to those officially supported and maintained by the Manjaro team. Due to popular demand from members of the Manjaro community, this now includes a special new release of the MATE flavour for both 32-bit and 64-bit systems. Subject to a complete overhaul, this version also provides early access to some brand-new features yet to be seen in the upcoming official Manjaro 0.8.4 releases: new graphical boot screen; Linux kernel version 3.7; Pamac - a user user-friendly graphical interface to easily update the system and manage software....
Citat:More features, more refinements, and more user-friendliness characterises the release of Manjaro 0.8.4. While the most immediately noticeable difference will likely be the introduction of a new look developed especially for the Manjaro desktop environments, the most significant development will be found in the official introduction of Pamac, a user-friendly Pacman interface developed in-house by the Manjaro team. Replacing the Kalu, Pacman-GUI, and Package Browser applications, Pamac makes it faster and easier than ever before to update the system, search for, and install software.
Inače, nisam mogao da izdržim a da ne probam novu verziju.
Probao sam XFCE i čini mi se potpuno ok i stabilno.
Uz samu instalaciju, dolazi Steam za linux
Komšo, kolega, može li jedna recenzija od 10-ak do par destina rečenica da malo približiš ovaj distro širim masama.
Naručito zato što je ovo tvoj omiljeni distro i koliko vidim redovno ga pratiš.
Reč je o user friendly distribuciji zasnovanoj na slavnom i stamenom Arču, pa bi bilo zanimljivo čuti tvoja zapažanja u vezi istog, jasno ako si raspoložen.