Ok... Uradio sam sve kako je napisano u post install uputstvu... 5.1 nekako radi... Verovatno postoje jos neka podesavanja za kanale koje jos nisam provalio, ali nije bitno... Ono sto je bitno je da ovaj player Amarok nece da mi otvori mp3 fajlove, samo se ugasi cim kliknem na neki mp3 i sto je jos bitnije, ne mogu da pristupim drugom hard disku, koji mi je bio otkacen prilikom instalacije sistema (da ne bi nesto greskom pobrisao)... inace NTFS file sistem.... Jel moguce da openSUSE uopste ne moze da procita NTFS sistem. Na Ubuntu mi je to sljakalo...
Moze da cita NTFS. Nisi trebao da skidas HDD prilikom instalacije. No dobro, sad taj drive mozes ubaciti preko YaST kontrol panela.
Sto se tice amaroK-a, podesi putanju do svoje muzicke kolekcije i on ce ti lepo sve izlistati.
Recoba20 ::Moze da cita NTFS. Nisi trebao da skidas HDD prilikom instalacije. No dobro, sad taj drive mozes ubaciti preko YaST kontrol panela.
Sto se tice amaroK-a, podesi putanju do svoje muzicke kolekcije i on ce ti lepo sve izlistati.
Pogledaj i ovo
Uspeo!!! Hvala...
Samo jos jedna stvar da bi ovo sve radilo savrseno... Ne radi mi centar/woofer kanal na 5.1... Inace front i rear rade... Jel ovde imaju neka podesavanja ili moze da bude problem sa zvucnom karticom... Ja nisam instalirao nikakve drajvere za zvucnu...
Posle osam meseci teškog rada dostupna je verzija 11.4 openSUSE.
OpenSUSE 11.4 dolazi sa 2.6.37 verzijom kernela.
Grafička okruženja su KDE 4.6 i GNOME 2.32 a postoji mogućnost ažuriranja na GNOME 3.
Tu je i nova verzija Xfce 4.8 grafičkog okruženja, dok kod LXDE okruženja nema novina u odnosu na pređašnju verziju.
Od novijih poket bi trebalo pomenuti Firefox 4 web preglednik kao i LibreOffice 3.3.1.
Samo što sam stigao kući, pustio ga da se skida i dođoh ovde da napišem koju reč o pomenutom, ali prestiže me Negde sam i pročitao da je od kada su prešli na 11.x, 11.4 'najepohalnija' verzija. Ali komšija Taxista je već izneo neke detalje, a stvarno sam premoren sada da kopam još malo Javljam se sutra sa svežim iskustvima
Dostupno je za preuzimanje openSUSE 11.4 "Edu Li-f-e.
Verzija openSUSE koja je namenjena za obrazovni sistem tj. škole.
Sa namerom je odbaran softver koji je u službi studentima i profesorima.
Može se koristiti i u kućnim uslovima prevashodno za učenje.
U spektru softvera koji je specifičan i prilagođen za edukaciju se nalazi softver za mentalne veže ili za vežbe uma GBrainy, Chemtool, ili program za matematičke zadatke Euler.
Tu su i grafički alati za umetnički razvo,j TuxPaint i GIMP.
Dostupno je za preuzimenje izadnje openSUSE 12.1 "Milestone 1".
Od novina treba pomenuti preko 800 ispravki, Linux jezgro verzije 2.6.39 kao i GNOME grafičko okruženje verzije 3.0.1.
Citat:Jos Poortvliet has announced the availability of the first milestone release of openSUSE 12.1: "Milestone 1, the first step towards the upcoming openSUSE 12.1 release, is now available. With over 800 updates, including minor and major updates, the current milestone is ready for some serious testing. This iteration already sees some major upgrades taking place, with the kernel moving on to 2.6.39 and GNOME to 3.0. In addition we have popular GNOME applications like Evolution, Eye of GNOME and others all synchronized, and KDE's Plasma Desktop coming along nicely with a minor version upgrade to 4.6.3. You will also find upgrades to GCC, glibc, Perl, Python, and the RPM package manager.
Dostupno za preuzimanje i instaliranje je openSUSE 12.1 Milestone 2.
Od novina tu je Firefox 5 i Flash Player koji je poboljšan za 64-bitnu arhitekturu.
Citat:Jos Poortvliet has announced the availability of the second milestone release of openSUSE 12.1 - now with Firefox 5 and a more stable Flash support on 64-bit architectures: "About 3 weeks after the first milestone for openSUSE 12.1, today the second milestone has been made available. Following the roadmap, this is the second of six milestone until the openSUSE 12.1 release in November. The first milestone had a huge number of changes and improvements on top of the latest openSUSE release. Again, many packages have been updated: Firefox 5-rc, Horde 4 packages, 'The Board', Rawstudio, LLVM/clang 3.0 snapshot, many smaller updates to KDE and GNOME applications and desktops.
openSUSE 12.1 Milestone 3 pored više unapređenja dolazi nam sa ažuriranim paketima i to, Firefox 5, Thunderbird 5.0, Linux jezgro 3.0-rc7, Python 3.2, Sysstat 10.0.1, LibreOffice, Tomboy 1.7.1, Tracker 0.11.0 i mnoge ispravke u GNOME i KDE okruženjima.
Citat:Ricardo Chung has announced the availability of the third milestone release of openSUSE 12.1: "Just a few days ago the third of six milestones on the road to openSUSE 12.1 was made available. The third milestone has a huge number of changes and improvements on top of the latest openSUSE release. And many packages have been updated or upgraded: Firefox 5, Thunderbird 5.0, aaa_base 12.1, Linux kernel 3.0-rc7, Python 3.2, Sysstat 10.0.1, LibreOffice, Tomboy 1.7.1, Tracker 0.11.0 and many smaller updates to KDE and GNOME applications and desktops.
On novina tu je GNOME grafičko okruženje verzije 3.1.5 kao i glibc verzije 2.14.
Citat:Bryen Yunashko has announced the availability of the third milestone release of openSUSE 12.1: "openSUSE 12.1's milestone 5 is now ready for download. Here are some interesting things you can expect to see when you try milestone 5: further changes have been made to systemd which replaces the SysInitV system, the default is still SysInitV but we encourage testing of systemd so that we can switch the default for the next release; we are focusing on the GPL-ed OpenJDK version now, this milestone is the last one that comes with the binary Java provided by Oracle; GNOME 3.1.5 is another step closer to GNOME 3.2; glibc has been updated to version 2.14.
openSUSE 12.1 je dostupan za preuzimanje.
Od novina tu je GNOME 3.2, kao i KDE, XFCE i LXDE grafičko okruženje.
Citat:openSUSE 12.1, a brand-new version of one of the oldest and most prominent Linux distributions on the market, has been released: "Time to present to you openSUSE 12.1. This release represents more than eight months of work by our international community and brings you the best free software has to offer. Awesome improvements include the latest GNOME 3.2 desktop as well as the newest from KDE, Xfce and LXDE; your own Cloud made easy with mirall; Snapper-shots of your file system. openSUSE 12.1 comes with the new GNOME Shell 3.2. We presented you with a taste of GNOME Shell on openSUSE 11.4; since then, many bugs have been squashed and numerous small improvements have made life on the Shell more comfortable.
Citat:openSUSE Education team is proud to present another version of openSUSE - Edu Li-f-e (Linux for Education) based on openSUSE 12.1. Li-f-e comes loaded with everything that students, parents, teachers and system administrators of educational institutions may need. Software for mathematics, chemistry, astronomy and servers, like KIWI-LTSP, Fedena school ERP, Moodle course management, full multimedia, graphics, office suite, many popular programming languages, including AMP stack, Java, C, C++, Python and Ruby, latest stable GNOME and KDE desktop environments are all packed in this release.