Distribucija: OpenSUSE


Distribucija: OpenSUSE

  • Pridružio: 25 Mar 2005
  • Poruke: 1456
  • Gde živiš: Tamo negde

Razmisljao sam i o tome. Takvih korisnika ima sve redje i redje.
Uglavnom ti i ja se nismo dobro razumeli. Ja sam rekao za sta su ti os-ovi predvidjeni, a ne za sta su konkretno.

Treba lepo da se naglasi koji disk je instalacioni disk (disk 1), svi drugi diskovi trebaju da se nazovu "paketi" ili nesto tako, a ne disk 2,3,4 itd... Polazim od sebe recimo. Kada sam prvi put resio da instaliram linux, ja sam mislio da mi svi ti diskovi trebaju, a tada davno jos nije ni bilo naglaseno da su ostali diskovi paketi, morao si takve informacije da kopas.

Ja to gledam vise sa strane da se linux sto bolje predstavi delu ljudi koji ne zele da im profesija ima bilo kakvu vezu sa informatikom, a do tog nece doci dok se stvari neuproste da moze svako da ih razume. Jedina distribucija koja je na dobrom putu da nesto uradi je ubuntu. Suse ima strava mogucnost da i on postane dominantan ali to nece sigurno dok ne naprave neki standard, dok ne strpaju ono sto je najpotrebnije na 1 (eventualno 2 diska), a sve ostalo obeleze kao "paketi".

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 26 Avg 2005
  • Poruke: 384
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Cek cek sta bi onda trebalo da ide na prvi disk onda? Dakle sve sto nije paket?
Jer je KDE paket? A bash? A gcc? A gnome? A GRUB/lilo? Gle cuda jeste...

I ko bi onda povuko crtu sta je osnovno a sta nije. Mozda ja necu KDE eto radim u bash-u ne treba mi gcc jer cu da koristim samo vec kompalirane rpm-ove...
El kapiras sada da je SVE kod GNU/Linux-a paket sem kernela...

A ako je tebi glavna zamerka SuSe-a to sto je lose nazvao cd-ove onda nema sta mi da pricamo ovde, jer SuSe ima mnogo vecih problema od toga...

  • Recoba20  Male
  • Stručni saradnik
  • Pridružio: 19 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 2711
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Heh, interesantan text

#    insert trashy scene ascii arts here      #
#         here be dragons & yurop             #

suse linux 10.0 original retail boxed edition media.

you can find the suse linux 10.0 oss editions at <http://www.opensuse.org>

other download means (ftp, ftpmirrors, torrents) can be found at:


this time novell (aka suxe aka suse) messed up heavily. even worse than in the past with their 9.x suse linux home/pro editions.

ever since novell took control, everything even worsened with greater pace.

with the 10.0 edition, there is hugeloads of confusion about their naming of their products and download offers (why would they label their shit EVAL on their ftp and torrent sites anyways), confusion if commercial packages are included on the retail boxed media only, or if the ftp eval shit is actually the same.

but its NOT. clearly, they deliver a real duallayer dvd9 media in their box, even though they heavily stripped down the printed manuals and got rid of most of the nice printed administrative manual, which now only comes included on the dvd media (save our forest and trees, yay.....)

anyways, there is hugeloads of complaining and fussing about this release right away from the begining, ever since people around the globe got their boxed packages delivered.

multimedia stuff in 10.0 (sound) gives users a headache, upgrade scenarios from 9.x to 10.0 dont work without errors and much more. go and enjoy the threads :>

anyways, we thought that since novell was so eager to strip down the boxed featureset more and more, we simply have to share this shit with the community, to maybe make them listen to the customers again.

novell and suse should really consider putting up some dontation, paypal, egold or similar button onto their websites, as the retail boxed package isnt simply worth a single penny that they try to charge you.

once and for all times, logic dictates, that suse should rather be renamed to suxe for real now. barely any similarity any more with the good old S.u.S.E. stuff any more.

never the less, here comes the crappy fun, enjoy the show, while its lasting. oh, and one more thing, if you wondering where novell/suse left them sources? heh, they are gone for good now. you can order a special source dvd for extra charge at novell directly. does this actually hold true to the GPL? heh, go figure their shitty attitude on this one.


be sure to check some funny suse staff guys pages, for example:


and check the crappy suse retail boxed digishots:

all these iso images differ from the offered "EVAL" iso images that suse distributes by ftp and bittorrent means, so we decided to supply the original retail boxed iso images for your convenience if you want to use a duallayer dvd burner or simply stick with the original retail boxed media instead of silly "EVAL".

5 cd iso images and one duallayer doublelayer dvd9 iso image


md5sum information:

SUSE.LiNUX.10.0-retail-boxed-cd1ofcd5.iso 8e2006ee6bb80febbce7102512d71da6
SUSE.LiNUX.10.0-retail-boxed-cd2ofcd5.iso 5fb66f975003878476f9d494b770a024
SUSE.LiNUX.10.0-retail-boxed-cd3ofcd5.iso 166b0620dce680baf447b375251f8228
SUSE.LiNUX.10.0-retail-boxed-cd4ofcd5.iso e8653561b18727115083d66385cf6b56
SUSE.LiNUX.10.0-retail-boxed-cd5ofcd5.iso 2812287a2f4d00a0f938fec3e94d0033

SUSE.LiNUX.10.0-retail-boxed-dvd-duallayer.iso 7d7dee93b47903158a2c648c3119cf47


"Have a lot of fun..." ? not with this release i guess. but this is no news to you ppl, who tightly follow the suxe madness that has been going on now, for the past few years. and the end is not ours to see.


Zanimljivo zapazanje, zar ne? Wink

  • Pridružio: 05 Jun 2003
  • Poruke: 2075
  • Gde živiš: MaYur CitY

sve se polako pretvara u windows Sad

  • Pridružio: 03 Avg 2003
  • Poruke: 398
  • Gde živiš: Deutschland

Da pitam samo nesto interesuje me ja nikad nisam instalirao linux jer Suse linuks 10 ima Makromedia Dreamveawer MX 2004 primer

  • Pridružio: 06 Maj 2003
  • Poruke: 1263
  • Gde živiš: Apatin

zorantasevski ::Da pitam samo nesto interesuje me ja nikad nisam instalirao linux jer Suse linuks 10 ima Makromedia Dreamveawer MX 2004 primer

  • Pridružio: 03 Avg 2003
  • Poruke: 398
  • Gde živiš: Deutschland

A jer ima to bilo koja verzija treba mi za izradu na web stranice ??

  • Pridružio: 06 Maj 2003
  • Poruke: 1263
  • Gde živiš: Apatin

Nema imas Scream. Meni bolji od svih web design programa.

  • Pridružio: 05 Jun 2003
  • Poruke: 2075
  • Gde živiš: MaYur CitY

LOL quanta je ok

ali nista nemoze da zameni DW

  • Pridružio: 03 Avg 2003
  • Poruke: 398
  • Gde živiš: Deutschland

koji knopiks je sada najnoviji i ako moze kako da instaliram suse nesto na srpski ako ima

Dopuna: 04 Nov 2005 14:23

vislim koja verzija

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