I jel probao neko. Ima li kakvih boljitaka u odnosu na 5.2.
Ne znam, pominjao sam to negde, 5.2 kao i 5.1 "Wary" nisu nekao legle na moj vremešni laptop.
Linux Puppy 5.1 "Wary" sam čak instalirao u dual botu sa XP-om misleći da ću tako da izvučem nešto više, ali ista priča.
"Pregazio" sam ga na kraju sa Ubuntuom 10.10.
E već 5.1 je savim Ok.
Dopuna: 25 Maj 2011 11:41
Puppy Linux 5.1.2 "Wary"
Dostupno je izdanje Puppy Linux 5.1.2 "Wary" za preuzimanje.
Ovo izdanje Puppy Linuxa je namenjena za starije računare.
Urađene su mnoge ispravke u odnosu na pređašnju verziju tako da je sada dosta širi spekat detekcije starijeg hardvera.
Citat:Barry Kauler has announced the release of Puppy Linux 5.1.2 "Wary" edition, a lightweight distribution specifically designed for running on old and low-resource hardware: "I was thinking of this release as a bug-fix release of 5.1.1, but when I started to tally the changes, I realised that there are a lot and probably I should have bumped the version to 5.2! Wary 5.1.2 is the latest of the Wary series of Puppy Linux that focuses on supporting older hardware. The emphasis is on incremental improvements and bug fixes rather than quantum changes, and 5.1.2 has many bug fixes, improvements and upgrades relative to 5.1.1, many more than you might expect from a sub-minor version increment. Built from the latest Woof, there are major improvements with hardware detection, some new helpful system-level GUIs, and 'fido' non-root user account is introduced (for experimenters only at this stage)."
Puppy Linux 5.1.3 "Wary" je dsotupan za preuzimanje.
Puppy izadanje namenjen starijim računarima.
Citat:Barry Kauler has announced the release of Puppy Linux 5.1.3 "Wary" edition, a mini-distribution targeting old and low-resource computers: "Wary is our flavour of Puppy that targets older hardware. Version 5.1.3 is mostly bug fixes and minor upgrades to 5.1.2. There have been some significant improvements at the Woof level, such as a close-box on desktop drive icons and faster boot-up. New applications: Default Applications Chooser, Urxvtset. New utilities: picscale, pngoverlay, yad. I decided to stay with SeaMonkey 1.1.18, as 2.2 has a badly broken Composer module. Also, 1.1.18 is smaller and better suited to older hardware -- FlashBlock and AddBlock plugins are included to suit those on dial-up. A couple of projects that have been upgraded in Wary and are worthy of special mention: BaCon and gtkdialog. BaCon is a superb BASIC compiler, and gtkdialog provides sophisticated GUIs for shell scripts.
Dosta poboljšanja u odnosu na predhodnu verziju naručito u pogledu korišćenja C i FFMEG biblioteka optimizovanih za i686 računarske arhitekture.
Takođe ima dosta poboljšanja u pogledu drajvera, verzija 5.2.8 Puppy ima veću pokrivenost hardverskih komponenti nego u ranijim verzijama.
Citat:Larry Short has announced the release of Puppy Linux 5.2.8, a small and fast desktop distribution built from scratch and compatible with Ubuntu binary packages: "Lucid Puppy is our edition of Puppy Linux that is built from Ubuntu binary packages, hence has compatibility with, and access to, the vast Ubuntu package repositories. Lucid Puppy 5.2.8 is the fastest and friendliest Lucid yet. It is the fastest because it is the first Lucid to use the C and FFmpeg libraries optimized for i686 computers rather than the older i386 computers. Lucid 5.2.8 has also received a thorough going-over under the hood. There is new and updated firmware and drivers for many devices and the hardware detection and configuration routines have been extensively tested and enhanced.
Citat:Barry Kauler has announced the release of Puppy Linux 5.2 "Wary" edition, a small, fast and very light distribution designed for old and low-resource computers: "This is a massive upgrade relative to the 5.1.x series. All of the base packages were recompiled in T2. Certain choices were made in T2 with the plan of seamless upgrading from X.Org 7.3 to 7.6 - that is, the default Wary system has X.Org 7.3, but it is planned that Wary can be upgraded to X.Org 7.6 by installation of a single PET package, and all applications will work before and after. This required some very careful configuration. The idea is to 'have our cake and eat it too' - X.Org 7.3 for old hardware, easy upgrade to 7.6 for newer video hardware. The plan actually seems to be working. As usual, huge changes yet only a small version-number change. Many bug fixes, upgrades, new packages.
Stiglo nam je novo izdanje Puppy Linux kodnog imena "Slacko Puppy".
Kao što mu ime kaže binarni paketi su kompatibilni sa Slackware Linuxom.
Tačnije Puppy Linux 5.3 "Slacko" ima kompatibilne pakete sa Slackware-om 13.37.
Dolazi sa Linuks jezgrom verzije
Citat:Here comes a new edition of Puppy Linux: "Slacko Puppy". As the name suggests, it is a distribution which maintains binary compatibility with Slackware Linux and which is pre-configured to access some of the more popular Slackware package repositories.
Puppy Linux 5.3 'Slacko' is a child, or better a pup, of Barry Kauler's Woof build system. It has binary compatibility with Slackware 13.37 which means that it is a Puppy built with packages from Slackware, Salix and Slacky repositories. The main version has kernel compiled with Aufs and layered file system support. Some new features of Slacko are a rebuilt GtkDialog, a program which allows Bash scripts to run in GUI. A showcase of this are Pmusic and Pequalizer, tiny applications to organise and play your music collection. Slacko Puppy introduces Frisbee Network Manager to connect wirelessly. There is also Simple Network Setup and Network Wizard to offer choice.
Dostupno nam je nova verzija "Wary" izdanja Linux Puppy-a koja je namanjena starijem i niskoresursnom hardveru.
Od značajnih novina tu je Linuks jezgro 3.0.7 i X.Org 7.6...
Citat:Barry Kauler has announced the release of Puppy Linux 5.2.2 "Wary" edition, a bug-fix update of the project's mini-distribution designed to run efficiently on older and low-resource hardware: "I am pleased to announce the release of Wary Puppy version 5.2.2, our build of Puppy Linux that targets older hardware. This is a minor upgrade and bug-fix release of Wary 5.2. Although if you look in the release notes you will might not think it so 'minor'. This is also the début of Racy Puppy, which we think of as 'Wary on steroids'. Racy enhances Wary to run on recent hardware, with X.Org 7.6 and 3.0.7 Linux kernel. Here are the release notes specific to the Wary and Racy builds: GTK+ 2.24.8, fixed slow drop-down lists and SM insert-key crash; new applications: Planner project manager; Wary is built with uniprocessor kernel, Racy with 3.0.7 multiprocessor PAE kernel...
Slacko Puppy Linux 5.3.1 ima binranu kompatibilnost paketa sa Linux Slackware-a 13.37.
Drgim rečima, ova verzija Puppy-a je izgrađena sa paketima iz Slackware-a, Salix-a i Slacky-a repo-a.
Linuks jezgro je verzije. Takođe dolaze i SeaMonkey (kao glavni web preglednik), ali se sa nekoliko klikova bez problema može instalirati neki drugi web preglednik tipa Firefox Aurore, Chromiuma, Opere, Netsurfa, Irona, Dilloa i Linksa.
Slacko Puppy Linux 5.3.1 is a bug-fix release of the recent 5.3. It has binary compatibility with Slackware 13.37, which simply means that it is a Puppy built with packages from the Slackware, Salix and Slacky repositories. The main version has kernel compiled with Aufs, layered file system support, in the typical Puppy manner. There is also a PAE_HIGHMEM version to cater for machines with large amounts of RAM. Both ISO images have SCSI boot support. The Seamonkey suite is the default browser and email suite, but Firefox Aurora, Chromium, Opera, Netsurf, Iron, Dillo and Links are only a few clicks away. Slickpet is a cut-down version of Quickpet to get a few handy applications without diving into the well-stocked Puppy package manager.
Citat:Wary Puppy 5.2.2 was released on 18 November 2011 (also Racy Puppy made his début). Since then, there has been the usual feverish pace of development. We now have a significant upgrade, hence the version jump from 5.2.x to 5.3. Wary Puppy is our build of Puppy Linux targeting older hardware. Racy Puppy made a début at the previous release (5.2.2) and is 'Wary on steroids' -- identical except with later X.Org and kernel, to suit more recent hardware. Version 5.3 has a fairly small number of application upgrades, however there are fundamental changes at the infrastructure level, that is, the 'Woof' level - in particular, pervasive support for internationalization, plus a multitude of bug fixes. There are now 'langpacks' available for many languages.
Citat:Puppy Linux 5.3.3 'Slacko' is an updated release of the recent 5.3.1. It has binary compatibility with Slackware Linux 13.37, which simply means that it is a Puppy built with packages from the Slackware, Salix and Slacky repositories. The main variant has been upgraded with Linux kernel 3.1.10 compiled with Aufs layered file system support, in the typical Puppy manner. There is also a PAE variant to cater for machines with large amounts of RAM. Both ISO images have SCSI boot support. The SeaMonkey 2.9.1 suite is the default browser and email suite but Firefox, Chromium, Opera, Netsurf, Iron, Dillo and Links are only a few clicks away.
Puppy Linux 5.4 je baziran na Ubuntuu 12.04 i koristi .deb pakete.
Citat:This is it, the very first official release of Precise Puppy. Precise Puppy is built from Ubuntu 'Precise Pangolin' 12.04.1+ binary DEB packages, hence has binary compatibility with Ubuntu and access to the vast Ubuntu package repository. Couple that with Puppy's tiny size, speed and ease of use, and this is one incredible pup. It is assigned version 5.4 to indicate its position relative to the other puppies, such as Wary 5.3 and Slacko 5.3.3 (5.4 coming soon). A lot of work has happened at the 'Woof level' since the release of Wary 5.3 in April 2012 - of particular importance to Precise are the many enhancements to the Puppy Package Manager (PPM).
Slacko Puppy 5.4 je u potpunosti kompatibilan sa Slekverom 14. Koristi .txz binarne pakete i ima pristup repozitorijumima Slekvera, Saliksa i Slakija. Ovo je prirodna nadogradnja uspešne verzije 5.3 koja se oslanjala na Slekver 13.37. Razvoj ove verzije je počeo kada je objavljena prva beta verzija Slekvera 14.0, septembra 2012. godine.
Od novina tu je SFS upravnik, upravnik ažuriranjima - kako biste dobili poslednje Slekverove sigurnosne ispravke, nova jezgra prate LTS grane, poboljšana grafička podrška sa KMS-om i Mesa-om. Poboljšana je detekcija i konfiguracija 3D modema.
Takođe dostupna je nadogradnja vlasničkih grafičkih drajvera za envidiju i AMD karte.
Citat:It's out! Slacko is one of our flagship puppies, built with the latest Woof from Slackware 14.0 binary packages. It is all-puppy right through, with the advantage of binary compatibility with Slackware 14.0 and access to the Slackware package repositories. Changes: significant improvements in using the Aufs layered file system; improved automatic detection and configuration of analog and 3G modems; Samba printing issues resolved; the X.Org wizard has improved detection and configuration options; many improvements and bug fixes for boot-up and shut-down scripts....
Samo napomene radi, verzije Wary i Racy Puppy Linuksa nisu po pitanju paketa čak ni slične izdanju Slacko Puppy Linuksa koji je zasnovan na Slekveru.
Verzije Wary i Racy su namenjeni za starije i hardverski "slabije" računare.
Citat:Wary, our edition of Puppy for older computers, has now reach version 5.5 (along with Racy, that we think of as 'Wary on steroids', intended for not-so-old hardware). Most of the system libraries and some major applications have not been upgraded since 5.3, but a lot of smaller applications and utilities have, notably those created 'in house' by our very enthusiastic developers. What really has progressed significantly since 5.3 is the Woof infrastructure, bringing a plethora of bug fixes and enhancements. These improvements have made it imperative to release a new Wary (and Racy). Note that Wary 5.5 has the same old kernel (configured for uniprocessor i486 CPU).
Citat:Slacko Puppy is built from Slackware 14.0 binary TXZ packages, hence it has binary compatibility with Slackware Linux and access to the Slackware, Salix and Slacky package repositories. Slacko 5.5 has many improvements due to the heavy development of the woof build system and the many bug fixes to the Slacko base packages. Through the dedication of many testers and developers we were able to produce what is a great working dog Puppy that can rejuvenate your hardware and show it's potential. Release notes: improved SFS manager; improved updates manager - to get the latest; new kernels following LTS branches; improved graphics support, with KMS and Mesa...