Slažem se, ali zato je tu GNOME Classic, nije baš kao GNOME 2.3 ali može se raditi.
I na Gnome 3 treba navići, barem jedno nedelju dana pa onda dati ocenu.
U svakom slučaju dosta bolje okruženje nego što je Unity.
Ima ovde (mislim ukupno na 11.10) još bagova.
Ne mogu Operu da instaliram, pošto sam imao instaliran 11.10 od Bete 1 i nadograđivao je, ipak sam danas instalirao sve nanovo (naravno zadržao sam 10.04.3 ).
Drugo, Ubuntu Tweak, što je i normalno, neće da radi (instalira programe) dok se ne instalira (stari i dobri ) Synaptic.
Usput, evo i video prikaza Ubuntua 11.10 (nije moj već sa
Od unityja me ubedljivo najviše odbija global meni. On mi nekako ima smisla jedino na veoma malim ekranima kao što su netbookovi ili tableti jer na njima štedi prostor i nikad nije daleko. Na mom monitoru od 20' i većim on je uvek daleko. Malo što moram stalno mišem levo-desno na dash i meni, nego još pa stalno moram i gore-dole na global meni pa na prozor. Ne smeta toliko ako se radi u full screenu ali ako imate više otvorenih prozora na radnoj površini, global meni je noćna mora.
Uz objavljen finalni Ubuntu verzije 11.10 tu su i njegovi zvanični i nezvanični "sateliti".
Kubuntu 11.10
Citat:Kubuntu 11.10, a new version of the official Ubuntu subproject designed for users favouring the popular KDE desktop, has been released: "We are proud to announce the release of Kubuntu 11.10, the 'Oneiric Ocelot': the latest release of our friendly operating system, built on Ubuntu's core, polished with KDE's applications and workspaces. The latest stable release of KDE's Plasma Workspaces and Applications brings new features and improvements all around. Highlights include: visual updates include a new Oxygen icon theme; a cleaner default look to Dolphin; Gwenview's new ability to compare two or more images; new breadcrumb feature in the Kickoff menu that simplifies navigating submenus; more improvements in the Network Management widget.
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Xubuntu 11.10
Citat:Xubuntu 11.10 is the latest version of the official Ubuntu variant featuring the light and elegant Xfce desktop environment: "There are a few times when, through hard work and diligence, we get things right. The developers and contributors of Xubuntu 11.10 believe they have it right. They are proud to announce the release of Xubuntu 11.10, 'Oneiric Ocelot'. Through the outstanding efforts of all involved, this sleek and smooth release offered for your enjoyment and use. Changes for this release include the following applications included by default: gThumb, pastebinit, and onboard. The team has also chosen to switch from GDM to LightDM as the default display manager and from Mousepad to Leafpad as the default text editor.
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Lubuntu 11.10
Citat:Lubuntu 11.10 is the project's first release as an official Ubuntu derivative, a lightweight distribution showcasing the elegant LXDE desktop: "Lubuntu 11.10 is a brand-new flavor of Ubuntu based on Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE) as its default graphical user interface. The goal is to provide a very lightweight distribution, with all the advantages of the Ubuntu world (repositories, support). Lubuntu is targeted at 'normal' PC and laptop users running on low-specification hardware. With many LXDE components, Lubuntu also uses well-known applications, such as Chromium, Openbox and Pidgin, to name a few. Features: PCManFM 0.9.9, a fast and lightweight file manager using GIO/GVFS; LXDE, a lightweight GTK+ display manager; Chromium, the open-source variant of Google Chrome; based on Ubuntu 11.10.
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Edubuntu 11.10
Citat:Edubuntu 11.10, a specialist flavour of Ubuntu optimised for classroom use, has been released: "The Edubuntu development team is really proud and happy to announce that Edubuntu 11.10 has now been released. This release brings a refreshed desktop environment based on Ubuntu's Unity while still offering you easy access to the familiar classic GNOME environment (through the GNOME fallback mode). Additionally, this release brings you: new updated version of LTSP Live, translated in multiple languages; updated installer featuring translations in over 25 languages; a new version of Gobby, the collaborative text editor, now at version 0.5; the latest and greatest version 2 of gbrainy; a refreshed user interface, now based on Unity by default and featuring a different icon theme and wallpaper.
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Ubuntu Studio 11.10
Citat:Ubuntu Studio 11.10, an Ubuntu variant tailored to audio, video and graphics enthusiasts, has been released - now defaulting to the Xfce desktop instead of GNOME: "Ubuntu Studio is a multimedia editing/creation flavor of Ubuntu, built for the GNU/Linux audio, video, and graphics enthusiast or professional. The Ubuntu Studio team is very excited over its tenth release: Oneiric Ocelot 11.10, Unfortunately, the Ubuntu Studio suffered an almost complete team fail during this cycle. This can be general categorized into two main reasons: normal, expected attrition experienced during most cycles and unforeseen circumstances that required team members to be absent. We apologize for any deficiencies in this release. But you can always help us make the next one better.
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Ubuntu Rescue Remix 11.10
Citat:Andrew Zajac has announced the release of Ubuntu Rescue Remix 11.10, a non-graphical utility live CD designed for data recovery tasks: "Version 11.10 'Oneiric Ocelot' of the very best free and open-source data recovery software toolkit based on Ubuntu is out. Ubuntu Rescue Remix provides a robust yet lean system for data recovery and forensics. No graphical interface is used; the live system can boot and function normally on machines with very little memory or processor power. Following Ubuntu's six-month release schedule, all the software is up-to-date, stable and supported. Ubuntu Rescue Remix features a full command-line environment with the newest versions of the most powerful free/libre open-source data recovery software including GNU ddrescue, PhotoRec, The Sleuth Kit, GNU fdisk and ClamAV. Using the Ubuntu Rescue Remix meta package, you can install the toolkit on any Ubuntu system as well.
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najvise mmi se svidja lubuntu i trenutno je/ga skidam
posebno mi se svidja uvodjenje 64-bit verzije.
Nadam se da nisu upropastili onaj lubuntu koji sam voleo
Citat:We are pleased to bring you the first set of developer images that capture the current fleeting reality of our Precise Pangolin (Ubuntu 12.04 alpha 1) as it starts to emerge. Alpha 1 includes the 3.2.0-2.5 Ubuntu kernel which is based on the latest mainline 3.2-rc3 Linux kernel. This is an update from the 3.0 kernel in Oneiric. Another noticeable change is the consolidation of the amd64 server flavor into the generic flavor. This will help minimize the maintenance burden over the life of this LTS release. The alpha 1 kernel also adds support for additional ALPS touchpads, contains an updated seccomp patch set, and numerous configuration changes.
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32bit GNOME
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64bit GNOME
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32bit Xubuntu
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64bit Xubuntu
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32bit Lubuntu
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64bit Lubuntu
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32bit Edubuntu
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64bit Edubuntu
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Citat:Kate Stewart has announced the availability of the second alpha release of Ubuntu 12.04, code name "Precise Pangolin": "Welcome to Precise Pangolin Alpha 2, which will in time become Ubuntu 12.04. Alpha 2 is the second in a series of milestone images that will be released throughout the Precise development cycle. This is the first Ubuntu milestone release to include images for the armhf architecture, for the ARM CPUs using the hard-float ABI. New packages showing up for the first time include Linux Kernel 3.2.2, Upstart 1.4, Unity 5.0, LibreOffice 3.5 beta 2.
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Citat:The Ubuntu team is proud to announce the release of Ubuntu 10.04.4 LTS, the fourth maintenance update to Ubuntu's 10.04 LTS release. This release includes updated server, desktop, alternate installation CDs and DVDs for the i386 and amd64 architectures. The Kubuntu team is proud to announce the release of Kubuntu 10.04.4. This release includes updated images for the desktop and alternate installation CDs and DVDs for the i386 and amd64 architectures.
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32bit serverska verzija
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64bit serverska verzija
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32bit KDE
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64bit KDE
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Citat:The Ubuntu team is pleased to announce the first beta release of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Long-Term Support) Desktop, Server, Cloud, and Core products. This release introduces a new set of images for the ARMv7 'hard float' ABI, denoted as armhf. There are still some armel images around, as we finish the migration, but 12.04 for ARM will be based on armhf. The technology that allows GPUs to go into a very low power consumption state when the GPU is idle (RC6) is now enabled by default for Sandy Bridge systems, which should result in considerable power savings when this stage is activated.
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32bit KDE
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64bit KDE
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32bit Xfce
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64bit Xfce
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32bit Lxde
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64bit Lxde
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32bit Edubuntu
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64bit Edubuntu
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32bit Ubuntu-Studio
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64bit Ubuntu-Studio
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The Ubuntu team is pleased to announce the final beta release of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Long-Term Support) Desktop, Server, Cloud, and Core products. Some of the key new features available since Beta 1 are: a new Ubuntu kernel (3.2) which is based on the 3.2.12 upstream Linux kernel; updates to our new way to quickly search and access any desktop application's and indicator's menu, called the HUD, can be accessed by taping the Alt key and entering characters; LibreOffice has been updated to 3.5.1...
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32bit Kubuntu
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64bit Kubuntu
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32bit Xubuntu
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64bit Xubuntu
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32bit Lubuntu
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64bit Lubuntu
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32bit Edubuntu
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64bit Edubuntu
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32bit Ubuntu-Studio
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64bit Ubuntu-Studio
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32bit Mythbuntu
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64bit Mythbuntu
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