Exaile media player [upd. 04.04.2009. ver. 0.3.0a1]

Exaile media player [upd. 04.04.2009. ver. 0.3.0a1]

  • bocke  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • Glavni moderator Linux foruma
  • Veliki Pingvin
  • Guru
  • Pridružio: 16 Dec 2005
  • Poruke: 12533
  • Gde živiš: Južni pol

Exaile media player

Citat:Exaile is a media player aiming to be similar to KDE's AmaroK, but for GTK+. It incorporates many of the cool things from AmaroK (and other media players) like automatic fetching of album art, handling of large libraries, lyrics fetching, artist/album information via the wikipedia, last.fm support, optional iPod support (assuming you have python-gpod installed).

In addition, Exaile also includes a built in shoutcast directory browser, tabbed playlists (so you can have more than one playlist open at a time), blacklisting of tracks (so they don't get scanned into your library), downloading of guitar tablature from fretplay.com, and submitting played tracks on your iPod to last.fm.


Dopuna: 04 Apr 2009 18:54

Exaile 0.3.0a1 (05.01.2009.)

Citat:This release includes more improvements over our first alpha than I can name, and also fixes a number of bugs that were present in 0.2.14. We still lack any kind of iPod/PMP support and several other features, but the core player is now very solid. You can get the source or a deb from our downloads page, or if you’re using Intrepid and our Ubuntu PPA just install the new “exaile-devel” package.

http://www.exaile.org/files/exaile_0.3.0a1.tar.gz (SRC)
https://launchpad.net/%7Eexaile-devel/+archive/ppa.....r1_all.deb (Ubuntu DEB)

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