Mandrake 9.2 unistava LG CD-ROM-ove prilikom instalacije.


Mandrake 9.2 unistava LG CD-ROM-ove prilikom instalacije.

  • meka  Male
  • Počasni građanin
  • Pridružio: 06 Avg 2003
  • Poruke: 811
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad / Vojvodina

Cisto sumnjam da je u tome problem. Automount je isto kao da radis mount i umount samo sto to sistem odradi za tebe. Da je u tome problem, verovatno bi se problem javio i kada to radis rucno. Uostalom, mislim da je Axez u pravu. Kako mozes uopste flash-ovati ista na uredjaju koji ne bi trebalo da podrzava tako nesto? Dobro, znam da to u zadnje vreme nije slucaj, i da moze da se malko nesto flash-uje, ali ovo je smesno. Nek jos neko kaze da Mandrak nije za hakovanje. Smile

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 24 Apr 2004
  • Poruke: 39

Hm, moje licno iqustvo kaze da na mom LG DVD-u za koji nisam uspeo da nadjem nikakav patch nista sto bi resilo problem koji cu sada izneti.
Jednostavo nece da radi na Win XP. Najnormalnije radi na 98 i 98se, ME, i 2k ali nece na XP. Jeste da mi je konfiguracija slaba ali. Probao sam vise puta sa ne butabilnim vec uradim format diska instaliram 98 i bez ikakvih dalje instalacija znaci nista ni drjveri updejtujem na XP i instalacija portekne normalno ali cim prvo put treba da procita disk bio to bilo kog kvaliteta nece, pa ni sam setup od XP koji je naravno instaliran.
Posle sam samo jednom probao sa butabilnim diskom i isto se desilo.

  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 28 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 5919
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Jeste da je ovo sekcija za Linux .. ali da li si probao da ubaciš firmware 1.02 i podesiš dma .. meni radi u XP'u combo drive .. ali su se pojavili problemi sa puštanjem DVD-r diskova ..
A što se tiče Linuxa problem je rešen krajem prošle godine kada je uzbačen novi firmware .. a za pojedine modele je modifikovan linux ..
Jedan stariji txt i spisak rom'ova .. pa pogledaj da li si na spisku .. Sad
Mandrake 9.2
Because of hardware problems with the kernel used by MDK 9.2, certain cheap ($19.99 USD) LG CDROMS, not CDRWs will be fried if used. This has been documented on the mandrake-newbie list, Subject: "CDROM fails on detection" and have been blacklisted by

-- JimConner - 25 Oct 2003

From GC on Cooker List:

[Cooker] [IMPORTANT] [UPDATED: origin of the problem found] 9.2 install potentially frying some LG cdrom drives

From: Guillaume Cottenceau To: cooker@linux-mandrake(nospam).com CC: expert@linux-mandrake(nospam).com Date: 24 Oct 03 23:12:39

Guillaume Cottenceau writes:
> For the moment, it seems it's related to LG CRD-84xx drives.

Ok, here's status: Nicolas Planel found the origin of the problem. It's the "packet writing support" for cd/dvd burners that was introduced on 15th of August, changelog reading:

- 2.4.22-rc2q5.
* add packet cdvd support (svetoslav).

What amazes me is that we've had it in the kernel of 9.2-RC1 and 9.2-RC2, and it still managed to be, erhm, "featured", in the final version. All people who say we should do more beta and RC versions see that such a big problem passed one month of RC-testing... Real problem would perhaps be to enlarge our testing community? Anyway, that's not the topic for this day Smile.

I've passed suggestions to our management as to what to do now - I think we should act fast and be responsible, but I don't know what will be decided exactly.

By the way, latest list:

COMPAQ CRD-8322B(CP1) (same model, but marqued as LG, machine : IBM Aptiva 2158-125)
CRD-8400B (machine: Dell Optiplex gx1)
CRD-8400B (machine: IBM PC 300 PL)
CRD-8400B F/W: 1.06 (machine: IBM IntelliStation MPro 6889-540)
LG CRD-8480C (machine: Old Dell XPS T650r)
GCR-8481B (machine: Dell Optiplex gx270; rom: 1.06; date: jun 2003)
CRD-8482B (machine: Dell Optiplex GX1)
GOLDSTAR CDR-8482B (machine: HP Vectra VL400; firmware: 1.01)
CRD-8482B (Dell Precision 220, rom: 1.05)
GCR-8523B (OEM in custom build comp)
LG CRD-8482B, October 2000, ROM Ver 1.05 (Dell L600cx) -- RobCameron - 27 Oct 2003
LG ???? (machine: HP Vectras VL4xx)
GCC 4480B DVD/CD-R/RW/CDROM (firmware 1.00 - upgrading firmware to 1.01 workarounds problem)
Compaq(LG) DNR-8040B DVD-CDROM (firmware 1.12 and 1.09 no upgrade available. Mine is a M700 laptop DVD works CD doesn't)

LG CD-RW CED-8120B (motherboard: ASUS K7M)
HL-DT-ST GCC-4480B (machine: Shuttle SB 62 G2 - i865/ICH5; firmware 1.01 - WARNING, firmware 1.00 is reported to have the fry problem!)
HL-DT-ST RW/DVD GCC-4480B (motherboard: ASUS A7N8X-Deluxe)
HL-DT-STDVD-ROM GDR8161B (motherboard: Soyo)
HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8240BHL-DT-ST GCE-8481B CD-CDRW (chipset: SIS 651/962)
HL-DT-ST GCE-8481B CD-CDRW (chipset: SIS 651/962)
HL-DT-ST GCE-8520B (motherboard: ASUS P4P800)
HL-DT-ST CD-ROM GCR-8520BHL-DT-ST GCE-8520B (motherboard: ASUS P4P800)
GSA-4040B DVD+-RW/RAM FwRev? A104 as reported by hdparm. Confirmed to work even with the 'faulty' kernel. Seppo Jarvinen, heaven@imnetti(nospam).fi
-- Original list by Guillaume Cottenceau - , updated by users

* A note about LG CRD-8482B: LG documentation claims Linux compatibility (Slackware 2.3, anyway)

* LG has put out information on how to "correct" the problem of a dead drive to to an MDK install. Got to LG's Website Click on the Devices Icon and then choose cdrom from the list. Click the link Dead.gif to get the instructions and then grab the correct firmware from the same page as Dead.gif to get the needed firmware. And yes. You need to do it from a M$ box. -James-

See for dos boot disk. dd if=FDBOOT.IMG of=/dev/fd0 bs=1440k will create it for you.

This link takes you directly to downloading the gif file: --

* LG Errata page at Mandrake:
There you will find a larger list of the good, the bad and the ugly.

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