Poslao: 21 Dec 2010 17:05
- hazmaju
- Elitni građanin
- Pridružio: 08 Jul 2006
- Poruke: 2182
- Gde živiš: Beograd
Izvini, to je do OpenSUSE! Kucaj mesto toga sudo telinit3 pa onda konriguriši X, pomeri xorg.conf na pravo mesto, pa restartuj na sudo reboot ili sudo telinit6 . Posle kada se podigne sistem izmeni xorg.conf i dodaj ono sto treba.
Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
Poslao: 22 Dec 2010 23:00
- Pridružio: 25 Jan 2004
- Poruke: 37
- Gde živiš: beograd
Ovo sa "sudo telinit3" ne moze... Uspeo sam da dam komandu "telinit3", ali sam prvo usao u root sa "su"... No, nije ni bitno, kad sam otkucao "telinit3", prozor vise nije bio crn, nego je imao onaj zelenkasti beground... Komade "sudo xorg.configure", "xorg -configure" ne funkcionisu... Na kraju sam izasao iz svega ovoga sa "sudo reboot" (ovo funkcionise, na svu srecu). Sad imam novi problem... Vise ne mogu da se konektujem na skype (ne znam dal je razlog nesto sto sam uradio malopre sa ovim komandama... Izgleda da ce meni najbolje biti da lepo podignem sistem ponovo i da nista ne cackam...
Poslao: 24 Dec 2010 11:14
- bocke
- Moderator foruma
- Glavni moderator Linux foruma
- Pridružio: 16 Dec 2005
- Poruke: 12519
- Gde živiš: Južni pol
OpenSuSE ne koristi sudo. Može se podesiti, ali podrazumevan je su. telinit3 i telinit6 nisu generalne komande na svim Linuks distribucijama. Ali zato jeste telinit.
telinit 3
telinit 6
Naravno pre toga uđeš u administratorski nalog sa su.
Poslao: 24 Dec 2010 11:25
- Pridružio: 25 Jan 2004
- Poruke: 37
- Gde živiš: beograd
hazmaju :: pa potom kofigurisi X sa sudo Xorg -configure , to ce stvoriti xorg.conf u tvom user direktorijumu i treba ga pomeriti na adekvatno mesto sa sudo mv ~/xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf .
E tyek sada edituj xorg.conf sa sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf i onda upisi ono sto si trebao pod Section “ServerFlags” i sacuvaj.
A kako u opensuse idu ove komande?
Poslao: 24 Dec 2010 11:46
- klodovik
- Saradnik foruma Linux
- Pridružio: 02 Sep 2008
- Poruke: 4092
- Gde živiš: Bg
Nema potrebe za takvim komandama u Suse-u.
Mislim da Suse može konfigurisati Xorg uz pomoć "sax2" tools-a
Recimo: Kucaj kao root u komandnu liniju:
sax2 -a --> ovom komandom bi trebalo automatski da radi
Evo i ostalih Sax opcija.
Sax2 offers a number of possibilities to circumvent possible problems with various parameters. The most important options are as follows:
sax2 -p = Interprets the Bus and lists all cards recognized as
graphics cards.
sax2 -b = Batch mode. /usr/X11R6/lib/sax/profile/
contains a series of profiles you can use to start SaX2.
To select the profile, you must enter the complete path, e.g.:
sax2 -b /usr/X11R6/lib/sax/profile/kyro
sax2 -r = It reads all hardware again.
sax2 -l = Starts Sax2 with 640*480@60Hz. DDC probing is
disabled. This option is very helpful in case your
monitor shuts down as Sax2 starts or your screen is
sax2 -m 0= = This option chain informs SaX2 which module to use
at start-up for addressing the graphics card.
For example: sax2 -m 0=r128
loads the module for ATI Rage-128 cards.
All modules available for XFree 4.x.x are listed
under /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/
apm ark ati
atimisc chips cirrus_alpine
cirrus cirrus_laguna cyrix
dummy fbdev glide
glint i128 i740
i810 imstt mga
mga_hal neomagic nv
powervr r128 radeon
rendition s3 s3virge
savage siliconmotion sis
tdfx tga trident
tseng vesa vga
sax2 -c CHIP = If your system contains several graphics cards or
several graphics cards are detected, this option enables
you to define the chipset to configure when
you do not want to configure a dual or multihead system. For
The output of sax2 -p is:
Chip: 0 is -> ATI Rage 128 PF 01:00:0 0x1002 0x5046 AGP r128
Chip: 1 is -> ATI Rage 128 PF 01:01:0 0x1002 0x5046 AGP r128
To perform the configuration, start SaX2 as follows:
sax2 -c 0
sax2 -n -t = If the mouse detection causes any problem, you can start SaX2
with certain parameters that determine the mouse device and its
protocol. These are defined with the options -n (node) and -t
A sample command could be:
sax2 -n /dev/usbmouse -t ps/2
sax2 --vesa = Starting from version sax2-4.7-237, SaX2 enables you to use
the option --vesa to directly start SaX2 with any resolution
with VESA frequencies.
For example:
sax2 --vesa 0:1024x768@85
The screen to be configured is defined by 0:.
When combined with -a, it provides an XF86Config within a
few seconds.
sax2 -a = The option -a or --auto generates an automatic
configuration under consideration of all hardware
data automatically detected by SaX2. Following the
launch of "sax2 -a", you can start the graphical
user interface immediately and adjust the image with
xfine or restart SaX2 to modify the
existing configuration. xfine requires
root permissions.
You can also combine options, for example:
sax2 -m 0=r128 -n /dev/psaux -t imps/2 -a
It is also possible that a driver included in your SUSE LINUX version can support certain graphics card types but cannot recognize the graphics card ID. In this case, execute the command
echo "Device->[X]->Raw->0->ChipID=0x4966" > /tmp/sax2.batch
When executing this command, do not forget to replace ChipID with your own. Then start SaX2 with
sax2 -m 0=DRIVER -b /tmp/sax2.batch
DRIVER must also be replaced with the module supporting your graphics card.
Ne znam u stvari ni zašto konfigurušeš Xorg, imaš li problema sa grafikom/drajverima ili je i dalje problem samo u screen saver-u?
Poslao: 24 Dec 2010 18:16
- Pridružio: 25 Jan 2004
- Poruke: 37
- Gde živiš: beograd
U xorg.config treba da ubacim ovaj deo:
Section “ServerFlags”
Option “blank time” “0″
Option “standby time” “0″
Option “suspend time” “0″
Option “off time” “0″
Option “dpms” “false”
i to bi kako kazu trebalo da iskljuci screen saver trajno...
Poslao: 25 Dec 2010 22:59
- Recoba20
- Stručni saradnik
- Pridružio: 19 Apr 2003
- Poruke: 2711
- Gde živiš: Beograd
Od 11.3 verzije Sax2 je proslost. Prica se da ce mozda se vratiti u nekoj od narednih verzija.
Poslao: 26 Dec 2010 00:57
- klodovik
- Saradnik foruma Linux
- Pridružio: 02 Sep 2008
- Poruke: 4092
- Gde živiš: Bg
Recoba20 ::Od 11.3 verzije Sax2 je proslost. Prica se da ce mozda se vratiti u nekoj od narednih verzija.
To već ne znam. Predpostavljam da ima neka zamena za Sax?
Poslao: 26 Dec 2010 16:08
- Recoba20
- Stručni saradnik
- Pridružio: 19 Apr 2003
- Poruke: 2711
- Gde živiš: Beograd
Predlazu upotrebu konfiguracionih alata koji dolaze uz vlasnicke drivere.
Poslao: 20 Jan 2011 14:21
- Pridružio: 25 Jan 2004
- Poruke: 37
- Gde živiš: beograd
Ljudi, ako nekog zanima, resio sam ovaj problem na sledeci nacin. Napravio sam sledecu skriptu, sacuvao je i ubacio u autostart... Da se izvrsi automatski pri podizanju sistema...
# Turn off power men script
xset -dpms
Zar ovo nije najprostije?