Citat:RHEL/Fedora 18 i UEFI
Već je prošlo nekoliko dana od objave vesti da će RedHat kupiti sigurnosni ključ od Microsoft-a kako bi Enterprise izdanje i Fedora18 mogli da se koriste na mašinama koje su kreirane da koriste sledeću verziju Microsoft-ove uzdanice, Windows 8 OS.
Linux godfather Linus Torvalds may have a frosty relationship with NVIDIA, but that hasn't stopped the company from improving its hardware's support for the open-source operating system. In fact, the chipset-maker is working on the OS' compatibility with its Optimus graphics switching tech, which would enable laptops to conserve power by swapping between discrete and integrated graphics on the fly. In an email sent to a developer listserv, NVIDIA software engineer Aaron Plattner revealed that he's created a working proof of concept with a driver. There's no word on when the Tux-loving masses may see Optimus support, but we imagine that day can't come soon enough for those who want better battery life while gaming on their mobile machines.
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Dopuna: 22 Sep 2012 15:40
Slackware Srbija zajednica od svoje propasti krajem prošle godine (možete pogledati ovde detaljnije) je došla do toga da je postala jedna od međunarodno priznatih Slackware zajednica
Valve je najavio da Steam za Linuks ulazi u beta status. Interno beta testiranje počinje sledeće nedelje. Eksterna beta se očekuje u oktobru i moćićete se prijaviti za testiranje preko signup strane. Eksterna beta će uključivati: Steam, jednu igru i podršku za Ubuntu 12.04.
Linuks fondacija ponudila rešenje za UEFI problem
Linuks fondacija je ponudila rešenje za UEFI problem. Ideja je da se napiše osnovni bootloader koji bi imao Microsoft potpis i bio bi slobodno dostupan za sve Linuks distribucije. Ovaj bootloader bi se ponašao kao chain loader, tj. nakon osnovnog boota kontrolu bi prepuštao drugim bootloaderima (GRUB, LILO, itd).
Citat:I’m pleased to announce that the Linux Foundation and its Technical Advisory Board have produced a plan to enable the Linux (and indeed all Open Source based distributions) to continue operating as Secure Boot enabled systems roll out. In a nutshell, the Linux Foundation will obtain a Microsoft Key and sign a small pre-bootloader which will, in turn, chain load (without any form of signature check) a predesignated boot loader which will, in turn, boot Linux (or any other operating system).
KDE je danas proslavio svoj 16. rođendan. Na današnji dan 1996. godine Matthias Ettrich je pokrenuo projekat KDE - desktop okruženje za Unix koje je lako za upotrebu i okrenuto krajnjim korisnicima.
EFF skreće pažnju na probleme sa privatnošću na Ubuntu 12.10
EFF skreće pažnju na probleme sa privatnošću u Ubuntu 12.10. Takođe je napisan i postupak kako onemogućiti nepoželjne opcije. Ovo važi samo za Unity, koji je podrazumevan na Ubuntu instalacionim medijama. Korisnici Ubuntua ili derivata (XUbuntu, Kubuntu, Lubuntu) sa drugim desktop okruženjima (Xfce, KDE, Gnome 3, itd) nemaju razloga za brigu.
Citat:Earlier this month the eagerly awaited free software operating system Ubuntu 12.10 was released, and it includes a slew of new features (YouTube link), some of which have infuriated users because of privacy concerns.
Izašla nova verzija Qt grafičkog toolkita - Qt 5.0.
Citat:Christmas is getting close, and it’s about time to unwrap one of the presents. You can get it at For those of you that are commercial customers, simply visit your download area. If you are interested in evaluating the commercial version, please visit
AMD objavio novu verziju drajvera za svoje grafičke karte na GNU/Linuksu.
Citat:Kao što piše Softpedia, do 2011. godine uživali smo redovne i bitne nadogradnje upravljačkih programa za GPU-ove iz AMD/ATI-a. Iz nepoznatog razloga, popis izmjena je odjednom postajao sve “tanji” a nadogradnje sve rjeđe.
Ipak, nakon što je Valve iznio svoje planove sa Steam klijentom za GNU/Linux platformu, AMD više nije mogao stajati postrance. Upravo su objavili novo, bitno izdanje upravljačkih programa pod nazivom AMD Catalyst 13.1.
Najavljene značajne promene u Intel HDA ALSA drajveru u kernelu 3.9. Drajver će biti unifikovan kako bi se olakšalo održavanje drajvera i dodavanje novih uređaja.
Citat:With work done by SUSE's Takashi Iwai, the HDA kernel codec drivers will become largely unified. This unification will dramatically lower the maintenance burden of the Intel HDA support under Linux and will make it much easier for supporting new HDA-supported hardware. It's basically a new, generic driver.
Consort DE - još jedan fork Gnome 3. Ovog puta je forkovan Gnome 3 fallback režim. Cilj je vratiti uklonjene mogućnosti koje su bile dostupne na Gnome 2. Iza ovog forka stoji SolusOS ekipa.
Citat:Well, its official. We’ve forked GNOME Classic (fallback). As suggested by Ken Starks the fork will be called Consort. The reasoning for the name is very simple, the desktop always accompanies you.
Open source exFAT implementacija za GNU/Linuks je dostigla verziju 1.0. exFAT je Microsoftov sistem datoteka dizajniran za korišćenje na prenosivim USB medijima. exFAT je podržan na Windowsu XP i novijim.
Citat:Microsoft's exFAT is a file-system designed for flash drives and is supported on Windows XP and later. The exFAT file-system has been around for a few years, but an open-source version hasn't been quick to come since the Microsoft project is proprietary and encumbered by patents. This weekend, a FUSE-based version of exFAT has reached version 1.0.
An exFAT (Extended File Allocation Table) file-system implementation for the mainline Linux kernel doesn't really stand a chance of seeing a mainline status due to Microsoft burdening the software with patents. Fortunately, thanks to FUSE for being able to host a file-system from user-space, a sufficient implementation has arose.
Coreboot je open source zamena za BIOS. Google je pokazivao povećano interesovanje za Coreboot od izlaska prvih Chromebook prenosnih računara. Chomebook su jeftini (~200$) prenosni računari zasnovani na Google ChromeOS.
Citat:Last year I wrote about Google becoming more involved with the Coreboot project for an open-source BIOS replacement for many motherboards/laptops. Google has been very interested in Coreboot since for their Chrome OS on the OEM Chromebooks they can achieve "super fast boot times" while being stable, secure, and can be quite customized with the open-source project. Google continues to invest heavily into the upstream Coreboot project.