Gentoo purple # cat /etc/lilo.conf
default = Gentoo
delay = 90
append="video=vesafb:ywrap,mtrr,1024x768-32@85 splash=verbose,theme:livecd-2006.1"
initrd = /boot/fbsplash-livecd-2006.1-1024x768
Dopuna: 26 Mar 2007 13:00
Citat:"mounting root (read only),unable to mount initial console" i rebootuje se tu..
posle toga opet odabrah gento iz lilo prompta ali sada je kad dodje do tog dela otprilike 10000000 nekih lineova koje ne mogu da prochitam ali secam se "Fsck?" fraze u svakom od njih..
naime,ovaj problem se javlja posle svakog restoringa tar backup arhive na hdd..
pomislio sam da je mozda problem do reiserfs-a,pa sam odluchio da probam XFS poshto ga je tvorac gentoo (daniel robbins),lichno testirao i nahvalio kao FS najboljih performansi..
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
dakle,postupivshi po uputstvu iz prilozenih linkova posle ukljuchivanja podrshke za XFS u kernelu,pokretanju lilo-a i reboot-u opet mi se pojavila ova poruka sa pochetka posta ali sachekavshi koji sekund system je pocheo da se dize da bih ubrzo dobio sledecu poruku..
Citat:UDF-fs: No VRS found
XFS mounting filesystem hdb1
VFS: Mounted root (xfs filesystem) readonly.
Freeing unused kernel memory: 224k freed
Warning: unable to open an initial console.
Your system seems to be missing critical device files
in /dev ! Although you may be running udev or devfs,
the root partition is missing these required files !
To rectify this situation, please do the following:
mkdir /mnt/fixit
mount --bind / /mnt/fixit
cp -a /dev/* /mnt/fixit/dev/
umount /mnt/fixit
rmdir /mnt/fixit
You may refer to these instructions at /etc/issue.
If you previously had an issue file, it has been
backed up at /etc/issue.devfix. Once you've fixed
your system, you will have to restore your old issue
file in order to get rid of this warning.
Thanks for using Gentoo !
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Gentoo login:
dakle,ispratih i to kratko uputstvo i vec pri sledecem rebootu sve je radilo najnormalnije i mozda malo brze (placebo 100% )
elem,ostaje josh problem one poruke kada se pokrece lilo:
Citat:Gentoo ~ # lilo
Warning: The boot sector and map file are on different disks.
Added Gentoo *
Added Windows
One warning was issued.