Guano Apes


Guano Apes

  • Pridružio: 16 Avg 2004
  • Poruke: 2972
  • Gde živiš: Treading On My Dreams


I'm alone
can't wait until I feel your rain
so unreal
can't find another place of your rain
I believe
I still believe in your warm rain
I'm alone
can't sleep until I feel your rain

How can I find
Love, Faith and Trust inside of your rain
so unreal, can't find another place of your rain
I believe
I still believe in your warm rain
so untrue
help me to find through your warm rain

I send out my wishes
you gave me promises
why don't you feel the same
(I'm sad, I feel like a little child,
somebody left, there is no rain)

Oh no, I'm waiting
how about your rain?
I can't believe
I still believe in your rain
like in heaven
I can't wait until I feel your rain
so where's your life
who's living the rest of your life

I can't, I can't,
I can't live this life, I can't live this life
I can't see in your eyes
can't change it, no more tries
leave everyone with a smile
and you're sad, you feel like a little child
somebody's left there is no rain

I send out my wishes ...

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