I'll be coming home
Just to be alone
'Cause I know you're not there
And I know you don't care
I can hardly wait to leave this place
By the time you come home
I'm already stoned
You turn off the tv
And you scream at me
I can hardly wait
'Til you get off my case
So save your breath, I will not care
I think I made it very clear
You couldn’t hate enough to love
Is that supposed to be enough?
I only wish you weren’t my friend
Then I could hurt you in the end
Podari mi smijeh, da nasmijem se sebi
Podari mi grijeh, da ne puknem od taštine
Ljubav je raskoš na trpezi siromaha
Ljubav je čežnja u očima samotnjaka
I prolaznika
Ukloni mi bol, izliječi me od praznine
I reci mi riječ, oslobodi me tišine
Ljubav je nota u prstima svirača
Tajna skrivena pred očima promatrača
I prolaznika