Pesma je izbačena marta 1997.god. Ja sam pogrešila u pisanju... U brzini. Mislila sam na 97' ali eto. Radim nešto pa se prebacujem tamo ovamo...
Inače, te pesme se sećam zbog nekog događaja. Nisu band koji sam slušala previše je ''sladunjavo'' za mene.
Evo nešto što je možda bilo a čula sam jutros. Bio je veliki hit, i pesma je mnogo dobra.
Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax (1984) HD
Više mi se sviđa prva pesma sa tog koncerta.
Po meni najefektniji početak koncerta ikad.
Prazna bina.
Jedan čovek sa gitarom i kasetofonom izlazi na binu.
Uključuje kasetofon i počinje da peva "Psycho killer".
Ceo koncert je odlično zamišljen, da tehničari polako iznose i nameštaju instrumente, a za svaku pesmu se pridružuje po jedan član grupe.
Ovo sam čuo nekad davno kad sam bio mali i sećam se pesme kao kroz maglu ali verovatno je ne bih više nikad ni čuo da je nisu spomenuli u seriji Zzimeri ...
,, Sanjao sam sinoć, idu Momo Kapor, Fejsa i Hari Poter kroz šumu i pevaju Dragostea din tei ''
Simon & Garfunkel - The Boxer (from The Concert in Central Park) Citat:"The Boxer" is a song recorded by the American music duo Simon & Garfunkel from their fifth studio album, Bridge over Troubled Water (1970). Produced by the duo and Roy Halee, it was released as the lead single from the album on March 21, 1969. The song, written by Paul Simon, is a folk rock ballad that variously takes the form of a first-person lament as well as a third-person sketch of a boxer. The lyrics are largely autobiographical and partially inspired by the Bible, and were written during a time when they felt they were being unfairly criticized. The song's lyrics discuss poverty and loneliness. It is particularly known for its plaintive refrain, in which they sing 'lie-la-lie', accompanied by a heavily reverbed drum.
"The Boxer" was the follow-up to one of the duo's most successful singles, "Mrs. Robinson". It peaked at No. 7 on the Billboard Hot 100. It performed well internationally, charting within the Top 10 in nine countries, peaking highest in the Netherlands, Austria, South Africa, and Canada. Rolling Stone ranked the song No. 106 on their list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time