Citat:Neuroscientists Say This Is The Most Relaxing Song In The World
Music has forever been associated with bringing about relaxation, happiness, and serenity—whether it’s a Gregorian chant or some Enya accompanied by a glass of merlot.
Neuroscientists in the United Kingdom believed they have found the one song that relieves stress and soothes our soul more than any other.
Mindlab International, a market research firm, conducted a study a few years back in which participants completed difficult (and possibly stressful) puzzles while their brain activity was monitored. To study its effect, music was played as they completed the puzzles.
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Marconi Union - Weightless
Kako god, ovo mene da opusti nemože. Može samo da učini da mi bude toliko dosadno da ću na kraju ipak zaspati jer traje punih osam minuta, po meni ničega... No, ko voli...