+ LyricsI will never bother you
I will never promise to
I will never follow you
I will never bother you
Never speak a word again
I will crawl away for good
I will move away from here
You won't be afraid of fear
No thought was put into this
I always knew it would come to this
Things have never been so swell
I have never failed to fail
PAIN (x3)
It's so warm and calm inside
I no longer have to hide
Lets talk about something else
Steaming soup against her mouth
Nothing ever bothers her
She just wants to love herself
I will move away from here
You won't be afraid of fear
No thought was put into this
I always knew it would come to this
Things have never been so swell
I have never failed to fail
PAIN (x3)
Kada ovo slusam, uvek zamisljam Kurta kao coveka mrtvog drogiranog kada ovo peva. Kao - zna na kakvom je shitu i zna da se verovatno nece izvuci iz vrzinog kola. Ostaje samo pesma o bolu kao izlaz.
+ LyricsI will never bother you
I will never promise to
I will never follow you
I will never bother you
Never speak a word again
I will crawl away for good
I will move away from here
You won't be afraid of fear
No thought was put into this
I always knew it would come to this
Things have never been so swell
I have never failed to fail
PAIN (x3)
It's so warm and calm inside
I no longer have to hide
Lets talk about something else
Steaming soup against her mouth
Nothing ever bothers her
She just wants to love herself
I will move away from here
You won't be afraid of fear
No thought was put into this
I always knew it would come to this
Things have never been so swell
I have never failed to fail
PAIN (x3)
Kada ovo slusam, uvek zamisljam Kurta kao coveka mrtvog drogiranog kada ovo peva. Kao - zna na kakvom je shitu i zna da se verovatno nece izvuci iz vrzinog kola. Ostaje samo pesma o bolu kao izlaz.
Ovde možemo da se podsetimo njegove lepote.
Pesma od Nirvane koju najviše volim.