Provalih danas da su Eagles "ukrali" melodiju od Jethro Tull-a. Eagles - Hotel California [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Jethro Tull - We Used To Know [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
Ne znam da li se uklapa u temu, ali je ovo bilo definitivno pesma na osnovu koje su stvorili melodiju za Hotel California, to se lako da primetiti, i akordi su praktično isti, ima malih razlika, to sam video dok sam skidao Tull-a, i vidim da mi je nešto poznato.
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udno mi je nekako bilo, nisam ja rekao da su ukrali to bukvalno, nego su uzeli, pozajmili tu harmoniju, progresiju, i napravili jednu od njihovih najboljih pesama, zato sam se i pitao da li je za ovu temu, ne mislim ja da je plagijat, samo da im je Tull bio uzor.
E sad videh da si postavio, pa ovo se primeti, ali nije plagijat, svaki umetnik ima pravo da to uradi, to nije krađa, napisao sam jednom, tj. Stravinski je: "Good composers borrow and great composers steal"
Sad neki to bukvalno shvate, pa maznu celu pesmu, ali napisati pesmu pod uticajem druge je meni potpuno ok, dok to nije očigledno, kao što su neki naši bendovi radili (Divlje jagode, Crvena jabuka, Tony Montano...) , i btw. odlična pesma, nisam je čuo do sad.
Songfacts: Your song "We Used To Know" is certainly an influence on "Hotel California." Can you talk about that?
Ian: It was a piece of music that we were playing around the time… I believe it was late '71, maybe early '72 when we were on tour and we had a support band who had been signed up for the tour, and subsequently, before the tour began, had a hit single. The song, I believe, called "Take It Easy." And they were indeed the Eagles. We didn't interact with them very much because they were countrified laid back polite rock, and we were a bit wacky and English and doing weird stuff. And I don't think they liked us, and we didn't much like them. There was no communication, really, at all. Just a polite observance of each other's space when it came to sound checks and show time. But they probably heard us play the song, because that would have featured in the sets back then, and maybe it was just something they kind of picked up on subconsciously, and introduced that chord sequence into their famous song "Hotel California" sometime later. But, you know, it's not plagiarism. It's just the same chord sequence. It's in a different time signature, different key, different context. And it's a very, very fine song that they wrote, so I can't feel anything other than a sense of happiness for their sake. And I feel flattered that they came across that chord sequence. But it's difficult to find a chord sequence that hasn't been used, and hasn't been the focus of lots of pieces of music. It's harmonic progression is almost a mathematical certainty you're gonna crop up with the same thing sooner or later if you sit strumming a few chords on a guitar.
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