RHCP najavili novi album


RHCP najavili novi album

  • MiB  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 17 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 2547
  • Gde živiš: Nis, Srbija

nervous breakdown - nervni slom

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 10 Jan 2004
  • Poruke: 797

Da, nervni slom...

P.S.: Imam specijalno izdanje Greatest Hits-a... A Slane je vec pirat...

  • Pridružio: 24 Apr 2005
  • Poruke: 2530
  • Gde živiš: Obrenovac

Total Guitar SA review

Who They?
Former funky monkeys who became great rock apes following their ultra-successful Californication (1999) and By The Way (2002) albums. Stadium Arcadium, the band’s ninth studio album, is a whopping 28-track double disk set, produced by their long-running collaborator Rick Rubin in the same house where they recorded their 1991 breakthrough BloodSugarSexMagik

Any Good?

Stadium Arcadium sees guitarist John Frusciante let loose like never before. If By The Way delivered a masterclass in melodic restraint, Stadium Arcadium finds him resurrecting the wah-drenched spirit of Hendrix, peppering many tracks with blues freakouts mixed so high they positively burat from the speakers. At other times there’s nods to Led Zeppelin, Oasis and The Eagles yet despite Frusciante’s fireworks, 28 tracks proves a bridge too far even by the Chilis standards with at least half a dozen of the tracks here sounding like filler.

Must Hear:
Torture Me’s thrashy riff and deranged shred solo. Tell Me Baby, a squelchy pop song complete with Hendrix-y wailing. Readymade’s massive 1970s rock groove and Turn It Again’s thunderous guitar outro.

Source: Total Guitar

I pretpostavio sam da su Johnu dali krila na ovom albumu, cant wait anymore...sooo hornyyyy..... Mr. Green

  • MiB  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 17 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 2547
  • Gde živiš: Nis, Srbija

Juce su davali na BBC prime njihovo live izvodjenje Danni California u okviru emisije Top of the pops

Dopuna: 23 Apr 2006 15:34

Okacio sam lyric:
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

  • Pridružio: 11 Dec 2005
  • Poruke: 153

Da ja svima toplo preporucujem da procitaju knjigu "Scar Tissue" od Anthony Kiedisa (u prevodu "Zive rane" ).

  • ona 
  • Građanin
  • Pridružio: 17 Apr 2006
  • Poruke: 98
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Da, odlicna knjiga Jamezdin.
Freakapotamus, skinula sam koncert Slane Castle, hvala na informaciji.Takodje i uzivo sa Hide parka.
Mladjo, kakvo je to specijalno izdanje Greatest hits? Mislis na spotove i ono sa snimanja iza, ili sta vec?
Pozdrav svima a narocito Pepersima.... lol....

  • Pridružio: 24 Apr 2005
  • Poruke: 2530
  • Gde živiš: Obrenovac

sta si skinula, video ili audio?
Specijalno izdanje greatest hits je malo pakovanje sa dva diska, audio disk greatest hits i dvd greatest videos, vredi svaku paru, spotovi, behind the scenes tokom snimanja spotova i jedno sat vremena zezanja sa RHCP.
Knjiga je stvarno cudo, prosto da ne poverujes da se toliko stvari moze desiti jednoj osobi, jedna od retkih osoba za koju mozes reci da je prozivela sve...

Observer SA review

Sunday April 23, 2006
The Observer

After their first four albums, the Chili Peppers were not shaping up as million-sellers, scuppered by hard drugs and near-pathological tunelessness. Four albums later, they reside at the very top of the pile, rock-wise. Approximately one in 35 Britons owns a copy of 2002's By the Way. Not bad for a bunch of wasters with socks on their willies.

The turnaround began with 1991's Blood Sugar Sex Magik, for which the quartet immersed themselves in music at Rick Rubin's mansion/studio in Hollywood. Crucially, the producer got erstwhile funk-grunter Anthony Kiedis to sing properly.

Bravely, they've returned to Rubin now, at this sovereign point in their career. There's no seismic shift this time, just a deluge of material - two CDs, 28 songs, over two hours of music. Unlike other notable rock monoliths such as the Clash's Sandinista, there's hardly any doodling or misfiring to undermine the sheer vastness of Stadium Arcadium

The first disc, tagged 'Jupiter', is the drop-dead-and-gone-to-FM-heaven catchiest thing you'll hear this year. Whatever you think of the Chilis - and this writer has long resisted their Alpha-male LA-ness, their lack of depth or ambiguity, the Flea-centric air of muso self-satisfaction - it's almost clinically impossible to resist those 14 tracks in sequence. Much like late Eighties Prince, on 'Dani California', 'Snow (Hey Oh)', and the dreamily anthemic 'Slow Cheetah', the Chilis transmute their funk/rap/metal into a mellower, 'popular' pop with deceptive ease.

The embarrassment of melody carries over well into Disc Two. This one's called 'Mars', presumably because it's a bit further out there. And while it's home to a few abstract duds, guitarist John Frusciante plays out of his skin throughout, filling every feasible pocket of dead air with ever-delicate solos.

Za sada pozitivne kritike od srecnika koji su vec odslusali album...

  • ona 
  • Građanin
  • Pridružio: 17 Apr 2006
  • Poruke: 98
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Sto se Greatest hits tice skinula sam sa Neta, 17 spotova cini mi se, ako ne gresim, behind the scenes, dokumentarni film sa njihovih turneja i to je to.
Sto se koncerta iz Irske tice puno ti hvala na informaciji, ono je nevidjeno.Zaista zvuce bolje nego u originalnim pesmama a Entoni dobro peva sto mu bas i nije bio obicaj.
No, ljudi, citali ste knjigu, ja sam fascinirana gitaristom Dzonom Frusanteom.Zbilja se ne razumem u gitarske deonice toliko da bih mogla da pricam koliko je nesto tesko odsvirati na gitari ili ne ali mislim da je taj lik neverovatan.I njegova zivotna prica kao i Entonijeva je nesvakidasnja.
Sto se Entonija tice, slazem se sa tobom Freakapotamus.Ono sto sam na sredini knjiige shvatila i rekla jeste:"Da li je moguce da se ovoliko stvari desi jednom coveku?"
Moja ortakinja koja zivi godinu dana u Londonu i radi na BBC-u je gledala Peperse uzivo prosle nedelje.Umirem od ljubomore.....grrrr..... Smile)
Cekam njen podrobni izvestaj o tome kakav je Entoni....lol...

[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

Skinula sam Peperse uzivo sa Hajd parka.
Ima li jos neki dobar koncert, ma bilo sta samo da je video Freakapotamuse?
Usput, odakle si ti?

  • MiB  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 17 Feb 2005
  • Poruke: 2547
  • Gde živiš: Nis, Srbija

Imas fenomenalan koncert u Moskvi na Crvenom trgu, po meni je to najbolji koncert peppersa...
I nemojte vise sa offtopicom.

  • ona 
  • Građanin
  • Pridružio: 17 Apr 2006
  • Poruke: 98
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Thanks MiB no, da li znas kako se tacno zove taj koncert?Pokusacu da ga izjurim preko Neta.
Ok, necu vise sa offtopicom, ali moram reci da sam u svom prethodnom postu dala adresu sa koje se moze videti trejler sa nastupa Pepsa na BBC-u.Nisam otisla potpuno offtopic....lol.....

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