Američki centar za kontrolu i prevenciju zaraza spreman je invaziju zombija, a sada im se pridružuju i pripadnici vojske i policije.
Firma za bezbednost HALO Corp. najavila je da će oko 1.000 pripadnika vojske, policije i medicinskih stručnjaka započeti vežbe koje bi trebalo da ih upoznaju sa svim detaljima eventualne apokalipse koju će predvoditi zombiji u okviru godišnjeg anti terorističkog samita koji će biti održan u oktobru – prenosi Military Times.
Učesnici će biti uprilici da nauče kako da izađu na kraj sa svetskom zombi panedmijom u kojoj će ljudi postati nasilni i mentalno nestabilni. Zombiji će ovom prilikom preplaviti ulice San Dijega u pokušaju da savladaju pripadnike vojske i medicinskih službi.
Ovaj trening zakazan je nakon što je termin „zombi apokalipsa“ postao toliko popularan na Internetu, a nekoliko vladinih sektora već je objavljivalo izveštaje na tu temu.
Početkom godine služba unutrašnje bezbednosti poslala je izveštaj u kom se kaže da „zombiji dolaze“ kao deo kampanje koja za cilj ima da se građani pripreme za pravu katastrofu koja bi mogla da usledi u bliskoj budućnosti.
Kako ne bi došlo do zablude na svetskom nivou, predstavnici Centra za kontrolu i prevenciju zaraza, izjavili su za Huffington Post da zombiji nisu stvarni.
Citat:Kako ne bi došlo do zablude na svetskom nivou, predstavnici Centra za kontrolu i prevenciju zaraza, izjavili su za Huffington Post da zombiji nisu stvarni.
This video is the actual footage of first responder seminar in San Diego, California. The Department of Homeland Security deemed the event an allowable expense, enabling participants to use federal grant funding to pay to go.
That's according to "Safety at Any Price: Assessing the Impact of Homeland Security Spending in U.S. Cities" a report compiled by Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., who chairs the investigations subcommittee of the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee. The report focuses on grants made by the DHS and the Urban Areas Security Initiative. Coburn says the report shows that DHS was "directing scarce dollars to low-priority project and low-risk areas."
Coburn found that, among other things, DHS was spending money on teaching first responders how to stop flesh-eating ghouls. The report said the event was held by the HALO Corporation "at the Paradise Point Resort & Spa on an island outside San Diego 9 (and) the 5-day summit was deemed an allowable expense by DHS, permitting first responders to use grant funds for the $1,000 entrance fee."
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is ready for a zombie apocalypse. Gun owners got prepared for a zombie apocalypse. Now, the military and law enforcement are getting ready.
They're already training, about 1,000 military personnel, police officials, medical experts and federal workers will learned the ins and outs of a zombie apocalypse, as part of an annual counter-terrorism summit , according to the Military Times.
Sure, the lesson is tongue-in-cheek -- and only a small part of the summit's more serious course load -- but a zombie-like virus outbreak is a good training scenario. Visitors learned to deal with a worldwide pandemic, where people become crazy, violent and fearful. Zombies roamed the summit grounds in San Diego, Calif. harassing troops and first-aid teams that will be participating.
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