Napisano: 10 Jan 2013 12:36
šemahenry23 ::Šta treba da uradim kada ovaj program nadje 2 ista programa, kao na ovoj slici mozila fireghoks.
Da obrises (deinstaliras) stariju verziju. Jos bolje obrisi obe verzije i instaliraj najnoviju odavde: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]
To sto ti sistem 'stopa' moze imati milione razloga. Vidoviti nismo ...
Dopuna: 18 Apr 2013 0:48
Cisto da osvezim temu. Verzija 3 je finalna verzija i izasla je iz bete (koju sam spiminjao jos u prvoj poruci ove teme) jos 28. juna 2012. Nakon toga su izasle jos par podverzije, gde su uradjene odredjene izmene i unapredjenja, a trenutno najnovija verzija je:
Citat:This is a minor maintenance release. The primary changes are:
PSI 3 says it doesn't support Proxy. Proxies are not supported for standard PSI installations, so the message is correct for the normal use case. Only if PSI is installed with CSI integration does it have limited support for proxies. Error message updated to reflect this.
Proxy settings. When installing the PSI, and if a previous PSI has been connected with CSI, the user is prompted for proxy settings when installing the new PSI. Fixed.
During setup, my Proxy host name field defaults to an invalid value. Fixed.
Update handling. During the installation of PSI, the user selects Check for updates but let me choose whether to download and update. Handling should notify the user when updates are available. After installation is finished and the first scan is run, the setting is automatically changed from Notify (not recommended) to Update (recommended). Fixed.
Icon Enhancement:
Tray icon is red but the UI shows 100% patched programs. In several cases the icon would stay red to indicate that the update agent had not retrieved scan data which could be confusing if the user interface was indicating that the system was up-to-date, since the red icon was also used to indicate that the system was vulnerable. A grey icon is now used to indicate that the update agent has not retrieved data yet. A pop-up message will now indicate if the update agent cannot contact the Secunia servers.
Minor bug fixes:
In addition to the major changes, a number of minor bug fixes as well as aesthetic and user-experience enhancements have been completed.
Download: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]