World of Warcraft


World of Warcraft

  • Pridružio: 16 Avg 2004
  • Poruke: 2972
  • Gde živiš: Treading On My Dreams

Illidan has gone insane, and already the alliance between the Draenei, Naga, and Blood Elves has begun to crumble. The Naga once again wish to return to the sea, and the Blood Elves' hunger for demonic energies increases day by day... Illidan was tortured by Kil'jaeden after he failed to defeat Arthas - but finally, Kil'jaeden saw another task for Illidan. One that, if he failed, would send him into the twisted nether to be consumed by demons... Kil'jaeden then told him everything that had happened since his defeat.

As unexpected as it was, Illidan returned to his three allies and told them of this new plan to destroy not only the Scourge, but all other enemies that would ever oppose them.

and his Blood Elves were to go to the Forsaken for aid. Though they were undead, Illidan explained that their leader was a High Elf - Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, General of Quel'Thalas... or, used to be, anyways. Kael'thas saw this as a great advantage, as he had personally known her in the past. Though their hatred of the Trolls and Orcs was strong, Illidan told them of the new plague they were creating - to kill not only the Alliance, but the Horde as well.

Illidan told the Draenei of the pact with the Alliance they would have to make. He told them that this Alliance would aid in the slaying of the remaining orcs, the Draenei's most hated enemy. Reluctantly, Akama, leader of the Draenei, agreed to this, though only because they were in debt to Illidan for saving them from being destroyed by orcs years ago.

The Naga were to go into the sea of Azeroth, and cripple the Scourge of Northerend by sneaking in, killing groups of Scourge, and fleeing back to the sea before the Scourge's main forces could catch them. Eager to return to the oceans of Azeroth, Lady Vashj and the Naga agreed to this almost immediately.

Blood Elves have made an alliance with the horde by becoming Allies of Sylvanas. The Blood Elves also have claimed to the orcs to want to be rid of the demonic powers corrupting them, and that they wanted to be redeemed of the dark powers they once tried to harness. The orcs, though slowly and unsure, finally accepted the Blood Elves. In turn, the Tauren and Trolls also followed the example of the Undead and the Orcs, and accepted the Blood Elves as part of the new Horde.

Akama went to the Night Elves to plead. They told them of the demonic orcs that had forced them from their homeland, Draenor, and that they wish for an alliance against the Horde. The Alliance, though suspicious of the Draenei true intentions, has accepted the Draenei plead for an alliance.

Soon after Kael, leader of the Blood Elves, Lady Vashj, leader of the Naga, and Akama, leader of the Draenei, had left Outlands, Kil'Jaeden once again imprisoned Illidan within the Black Citadel and closed the Dark Portal to Azeroth... The Blood Elves, Naga and Draenei were meant to never return.

In the Royal Throne Room of Undercity, Sylvanas entered with many of her most powerful guards at her side. She had found out of the betrayal of Varmithras, and that the natherizim Balnazzar still lived. To her surprise, many undeads had already been slaughtered in the Throne Room... and Varmithras was nowhere to be found.

A dark Nightmare has enveloped the Emerald Dream, slowly corrupting it. Rumors have emerged that Archimonde has found his way into the Emerald Dream by using the powers of the World Tree before he died...

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Btw, evo ja imam 3 lika vec:
[Bloodhoof] Pretendress (level 10 Human rogue)
[Haumarush] Interceptor (level 7 Undead mage)
[Bloodcalp] Pretendress (level 6 Human mage)

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  • Pridružio: 08 Avg 2005
  • Poruke: 268
  • Gde živiš: Bg

Nisu murlocsi vec nage najverovatnije....expanison izlazi to je sigurno ali cemo se nacekati barem jos pola godine.
Pretender je,vidite,nasao neke informacije.
Ja licno mislim da ce pokvariti pricu i gameplay ako uvedu josh rasa...

Dopuna: 26 Okt 2005 21:53

Ajde napravite glasanje za servere na kojima cemo da napravimo serbian guild!

  • Pridružio: 16 Avg 2004
  • Poruke: 2972
  • Gde živiš: Treading On My Dreams

Evo, okačih pa možete da glasate!
Uzeo sam u obzir samo PvP i Normal servere i neću ubaciti servere koji imaju high upkeep ili su puni sve vreme. Znači, igraćemo na što rasterećenijim serverima...
Predlažem stranu alijanse, hajde da vidimo i za to!
Dajte predlog i za ime Guilda, neka početno bude My City Smile

Klikni ovde da bi se vratio na prvu stranicu i glasao!

  • Pridružio: 06 Avg 2004
  • Poruke: 46
  • Gde živiš: Somewhere out there...

shta kazhete na : Sacred Warriors of My City Smile (ne znam da li mozhe ovoliko karaktera)

  • Pridružio: 16 Avg 2004
  • Poruke: 2972
  • Gde živiš: Treading On My Dreams

SWoMC Razz
Ne zvuci loshe, Sacred Smile A Holy Warriors of My City?
Ajde javljajte se josh ljudi!

  • Pridružio: 19 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 2673
  • Gde živiš: u pokretu...

Citizens of My

  • Pridružio: 08 Avg 2005
  • Poruke: 268
  • Gde živiš: Bg

Battalions of fear ?
Zvuci mocno ,a my city ime je nekako neepicko Wink

  • Pridružio: 09 Avg 2005
  • Poruke: 98
  • Gde živiš: Svilajnac

[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

[mod Pretender]
Dodao sam i link ka screenshotovima

  • Pridružio: 19 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 2673
  • Gde živiš: u pokretu...

na temu blood elfova, primetila sam da su im uskice na gore, vertikalne....
videla sam vec takve elfove kod aerie peak-a i jos negde gde ne mogu da se setim....mozda su oni vec unapred planirali expansion novom rasom

  • Pridružio: 08 Avg 2005
  • Poruke: 268
  • Gde živiš: Bg

Ne znam stvarno zasto uopste zele da izdaju expansion?
Od wowa imaju vise nego dovoljno para...mozda zbog fanova.
Ti elfovi su high elfovi sto si videla i nalaze se u teldrasilu blizu tyrande!

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