World of Warcraft


World of Warcraft

  • Pridružio: 19 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 5224
  • Gde živiš: Oslo

Povreda privatnosti, hehe.
Odlicno je, mada mi izbacuje gresku kad izaberem da pogledam karakter. Ali, dobro, vidim da je za sada beta verzija.

BTW, htela sam da nadjem i svoju hunterku, Milicu, kad ono 31 Milica igra WOW, hehe.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Pridružio: 19 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 2673
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da, jos je bagovito, i meni ne radi linkovanje na stranu gde je bilo koji lik - uvek mi otvara pocetnu stranu
inace, mnogo je zanimljivo - provela sam dosta vremena proucavajuci svoje pvp protivnike Very Happy

  • Pridružio: 13 Avg 2004
  • Poruke: 929
  • Gde živiš: Nis

Pretender ::RP server? Sto to?

Sto da ne, super mi je tamo. Igram sa Zecom i jos dosta ljudi koji su dosta uljudni i fini i uvek su za to da pomognu ako zatreba. Teamplay na nivou. Smile

  • Pridružio: 20 Dec 2005
  • Poruke: 56

Onaj wow armory, jeli to neki njihov oficijelni (blizzardov) sajt ?

I kakvi su ovi RP serveri ?
Mislim malo su zbunjujuci oni tipovi servera: PvP, PvE, normal, RP, RP-PvP itd.
Ajde da mi neko objasni kakvi su koji serveri, i koje su razlike izmedju njih ?

  • Pridružio: 19 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 2673
  • Gde živiš: u pokretu...

armory jeste blizzzardov, zvanican
sto se tice vrsta servera, imas ovde:

[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

Realm Types

There are two main kinds of realms (and a special distinction for role-playing realms): Normal realms and PvP realms. The main difference between the two types is in the way in which the player-versus-player game-play mode is activated on each of them.

Normal Realms ("Truce")
hese realms are labeled Normal in the realm selection screen when you enter the game. The main focus of the players in those realms is to fight against the monsters in the game rather than against other players. That is why you can think of the Normal realms as "truce" realms. On Normal realms, other enemy players can't attack you unless you allow them to.

# Normal ImageMain Differences You can create both Alliance and Horde characters (but they won't be able to communicate with the other faction).
# PvP mode is activated differently than in PvP realms
# There are no “contested” zones in the game; the zones that don't belong to a faction are called "neutral" zones.

# Pros You can concentrate on epic fights, quests, and battles against monsters or non-playing characters without worrying about being attacked by other players.
# You can try to develop some relations with the other faction (but without language) and need not fear being attacked.

# You gain PvP rewards less easily because it is harder to get other players to fight you (except when you are in Battlegrounds).
# You lack some thrills and excitement from never knowing what can jump out at you at any time.
# It's harder to have one vs. one fights that show your duel skills.

Sentence to remember: In a Normal realm, I will never be attacked by other players if I don't want to be, except if I enter an enemy capital or a Battleground.

Player vs. Player Realms ("War")

hese realms are labeled PvP in the realm selection screen when you enter the game. You can play the same way you play in a Normal realm, except that PvP mode will sometimes be switched on automatically without any action on your part, allowing the other player characters from the opposite faction to attack you without warning. That is why you can think of the Player vs. Player realms as "war" realms. On Player vs. Player realms, you are in a constant state of war against the other faction.

# Human Main differences You can create only Alliance or only Horde characters in a Player vs. Player realm.
# PvP mode is activated differently than in Normal realms.
# Some game policies are specific to Player vs. Player realms and you should read them before playing in such a realm
# Each zone of the game has a PvP flag color that shows its PvP status. There are no “neutral” zones.

Each time you enter a zone in a Player vs. Player realm, the name of the zone will appear with one of the following colors:

* Green – Friendly (allied with your faction - Alliance or Horde)
* Red – Enemy (hostile with your faction - Alliance or Horde)
* Yellow – Contested (for both factions)

# Pros You will get the thrills and excitement of never knowing what can jump on you at any time. No game session will ever be boring. It's a constant adrenaline rush.
# Your fighting skills against other players will be recognized both by your companions and your enemies.
# You gain PvP rewards more easily.

# It is harder to fight monsters and to complete some quests in contested territories. Basically the game is harder in a Player vs. Player realm because you need to worry about the other faction's players.
# If you want some safety from other players you will have to do more private (instanced) dungeons.

Sentence to remember: In a Player vs. Player realm, I may be attacked by other players everywhere at any time, except in friendly (green) territories and in dungeons (instances).

Role-Playing Realms (RP and RP PvP)

f you enjoy role-playing (RP) and character development and would like to imagine that you are an inhabitant of a fantasy-based world, then a role-playing realm may be for you. Please read our Role-Playing Policy, first, however. Players who choose to play in an RP realm should abide by the Role-Playing realm policies and remain in-character at all times. Role-Playing realms give players the chance to develop characters with a backstory who do not go blindly from quest to quest, but instead assist or hamper the efforts of others for reasons of their own. As far as game mechanics are concerned, there is no difference between a Role-Playing realm and any other realm. You don't get special benefits or special hindrances other than the behavioral rules you agreed to when joining a Role-Playing realm.

Role-Playing realms can either be Normal realms or Player vs. Player realms. When a Role-Playing realm is Normal it is called RP realm and all game mechanics are the same as a Normal realm. When a Role-Playing realm is a Player vs. Player realm also it is called RP PvP realm and all game mechanics are the same as a Player vs. Player realm (for example in a RP PvP realm you still can't attack members of you own faction, it is a RP PvP realm, it is NOT a "full" PVP realm).

# Pros If you want to create a "real life" for your character, a Role-Playing realm gives you the best opportunity to do that
# You can count on many other players to support you by role-playing their characters too.

# Cons There are no automatic game rewards for role-playing, and no game mechanics are altered (if you give a rose to a felhound it will still try to eat you).
# Not everyone will act as you would like and the experience can sometimes be frustrating, especially on the days you don't feel like "speaking in character".

Sentence to remember: If I choose to play in a Role-Playing realm, I will act and speak as my character should, in the World of Warcraft setting.

Player vs. player (PvP) Mode Activation

he main difference between Normal ("truce") and Player vs. Player ("war") realms is the way the PvP game-play mode is activated. This section will tell you how the PvP mode is activated, either automatically or manually. No matter how PvP has been enabled for a character, the PvP mode will remain in effect for five minutes after any PvP action has been accomplished.
To see whether or not your character is in PvP mode, check your character’s portrait. If you see the shield next to it, then you are in PvP mode.

Orc PvE Orc PvP Human PvE Human PvP
Horde PvE Horde PvP Alliance PvE Alliance PvP

Name color coding
The shield allows you to see your own character's current game-play mode. You can see the mode that other characters are in by looking at the color of their character name (the one that appears over the character's head).

* Blue - PvP mode disabled; you cannot attack this character.
* Green - Friendly character, PvP mode enabled; healing or buffing this character will enable PvP mode for your character.
* Yellow - Enemy character, PvP mode enabled; this character cannot attack you unless you attack him first or activate PvP mode in another way (see below).
* Red - Enemy character, PvP mode enabled; this character can attack you, and you can attack this character.

PvP Mode Activation in Any Realms
Actions that will trigger PvP mode are:

* Typing the /pvp command at the chat console. This will trigger the pvp "flag". To remove that pvp flag, you need to type /pvp again or your character will remain flagged for PvP, even after logging out of the game.
* Enterring a Battleground.
* Attacking a non-player character (NPC) of the opposite faction (Horde/Alliance)
* Attacking a player character (PC) of the opposite faction who is already in PvP mode.
* Helping a player character (PC) of your own faction who is already in PvP mode.

PvP Mode Activation in Normal "truce" Realms
Actions that will trigger PvP mode are:

* Entering an enemy capital city.

PvP Mode Activation in Player vs. Player "war" realms
Actions that will trigger PvP mode are:

* Entering a contested zone.
* Entering an enemy zone.

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 54

Pocinjem da igram wow za koji dan , pa ako mozete da mi kazete koju rasu i klasu da uzmem Very Happy

  • Pridružio: 11 Sep 2005
  • Poruke: 621

nemoj da budes LOLijansa XD
salim se
svaki lik moze biti podjednako jak bez obzira na klasu
od svake klase je neka klasa jaca tj slabija

osim shadow priesta...od njega nema jacheg Smile

izabrei sta tebi lezi...tako je najbolje

65 Undead Shadow Priest Server Sylvanas

  • Pridružio: 23 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 54

sta bre koji mi lezi, ne znam nista o igrici Very Happy pa zato i pitam koju klasu i rasu da uzmem Very Happy

  • Pridružio: 11 Sep 2005
  • Poruke: 621

Pa kada udjes izaberes....
ako si more into bad guys onda ces izabrati hordu, a ako si more into good guys onda LOLijansu.

a imash gomilu klasa...prvo odlucis da li hoces da bacas magije...ili da budesh hand to hand. ili oba po malo Smile
U svakom slucaju....niko ti ne moze pomoci... moraces sam da odlucis....
Probaj sa nekom klasom pa ako ti se ne svidi uvek mozes da je promenis...

Mozes da pogledas neke wow in game filmove... pa na osnovu toga da odlucis....a ako vec to budes gledao ukucaj na youtube: "wow addicts" cisto da vidis sta te ceka Smile
Mada verujem koju god da odaberes da neces pogresiti Smile

welcome to wow.

Btw ja ga napustam Smile

  • Pridružio: 19 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 2673
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@Baalzamon, ja i da hocu, izgleda ne mogu....
uradili su mali fix za druid nerf nameravan u sledecem patchu, tako da mislim da cu preziveti Very Happy

*Hotfix 3/06/07

* The Druid ability Lacerate will now land a small amount of instant damage, causing it to generate threat against bleed-immune creatures.
* The Druid ability Mangle (Bear) will now generate 50% bonus threat.
[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] - trebalo bi da patch goes live danas

on another note, nabavih konacno sinoc 'master's key' da mogu da udjem u karazhan

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