U gta v ima mnigo vise tih mutnina,ovo je nista od mutnine ,ne primecujeje se,cak i kad vozis brod mnogo mutnine ima,a u euro truck sim 2 u kamionu je sve uradjeno odlicno
Dopuna: 01 Mar 2015 14:09
Zaboravio sam da kazem da ima podesavanje grafike,kozna dal si stavio na max. To uradio nisi,ovom slikom nemozes da mi dokazes nista napravi video pa cu ti onda verovati.
Nikola, nemam nameru da tebi išta dokazujem jer si jedina osoba na celom svetu koja ne zna o čemu govori i koja misli da ETS 2 ima bolju grafiku zbog nekog tamo levog zaključka do koga si došao.
Međutim samo zato što si napisao ovo : "kozna dal si stavio na max." ću ti uslišiti tu poslednju molbu na tu temu i okačiću ti par screenshotova na presetu na kom verovatno igru ne možeš ni da pokreneš, samo da bih ti dokazao da postoji blur na teksturama.
Tim završavamo diskusiju na tu temu jer ne znaš o čemu pričaš i imaš svoje mišljenje koje nećeš promeniti ni da ti dovedem ovde direktora SCS-a, za razliku od svih nas koji znamo o čemu pričamo i koji ti pružamo ovde ss-ove.
Dakle, ako ti nije jasno nešto sa ss-ova, ovo je Ultra preset, sve moguće na maksimumu osim ogledala, sa 400% scalingom.
Srki94 ::Nikola, nemam nameru da tebi išta dokazujem jer si jedina osoba na celom svetu koja ne zna o čemu govori i koja misli da ETS 2 ima bolju grafiku zbog nekog tamo levog zaključka do koga si došao.
Međutim samo zato što si napisao ovo : "kozna dal si stavio na max." ću ti uslišiti tu poslednju molbu na tu temu i okačiću ti par screenshotova na presetu na kom verovatno igru ne možeš ni da pokreneš, samo da bih ti dokazao da postoji blur na teksturama.
Tim završavamo diskusiju na tu temu jer ne znaš o čemu pričaš i imaš svoje mišljenje koje nećeš promeniti ni da ti dovedem ovde direktora SCS-a, za razliku od svih nas koji znamo o čemu pričamo i koji ti pružamo ovde ss-ove.
Dakle, ako ti nije jasno nešto sa ss-ova, ovo je Ultra preset, sve moguće na maksimumu osim ogledala, sa 400% scalingom.
Nema se šta više diskutovati na tu temu.
Dopuna: 22 Mar 2015 17:33
Srki94 ::nikolas63 ::Jel ima najave da ce izaci euro truck simulator 3
Izlazi American Truck Simulator i izlazi jedna velika ekspanzija za ETS2.
hahahah srki za sad nema 3 ali možda ima će 3 u 2020 GOD
Citat:In one week, the day we have all been looking forward to for so long will finally be here, and the Scandinavia map expansion for Euro Truck Simulator 2 will be released.
What took us so long? It's fair to admit that we have taken much longer to build it than we planned. We are pursuing a lot of goals at the same time, perhaps more than is healthy for a predictable, robust release schedule.
In the past two years, we have doubled the man-power in the company, but we have quadrupled the number of projects we try to handle at the same time. Some of the focus was traded for wider reach. We are committed to expanding ETS2 world with more areas, we have started working on American Truck Simulator, we have several people working on coach buses project, we have the long-term vision for World of Trucks to become the ultimate trucking meta-game with persistent massive-multiplayer online capabilities. We have experimented with virtual reality, we dedicated time to create better tools for the modders, we talk to way more transportation-related companies now about having their brands appear in our games. In the middle of this all, a core team of engineers is constantly working on upgrading our in-house game engine, to improve the graphics and sound capabilities, teach the AI new tricks, make the physics simulation more detailed, while introducing new features and tools for the content creation team - only to have them live through the pain of having to re-do parts of the work to upgrade to the new data formats and processes.
We thought that after over 15 years of making games, we were quite experienced, but switching from the mode of small company with a start-up mindset into a bigger multi-project team has not been an easy ride; obviously we still have a lot to learn. The good thing is, we are still around, stronger than ever, with multiple projects staffed by passionate development teams who want to see them through to completion, and even if the wait was long, we still managed to nurture a very loyal hardcore fan community motivating us in turn to keep pushing.
The next few days are going to be very hectic for us. We are still polishing the 1.17 update to be released early next week, we are working on zero-day update for Scandinavia to make sure it's as optimized as possible on release, we are preparing to re-launch the Euro Truck Simulator 2 website with all new presentation graphics, we have to orchestrate the release of multiple "SKUs" across many digital and retail channels, while loudly trumpeting the PR message that the Scandinavia DLC is better than sliced bread. (Not to speak about having to arrange for an open beta test of update 1.18 which will start immediately after Scandinavia release, wink wink, so that the Mercedes-Benz New Actros truck is introduced into the game at last without additional delays!)
What can you do for us to help spread the message and make Scandinavia a success? Add Scandinavia DLC to your wishlist on its Steam store page, check out and like the new official promotional trailer embedded below, follow us on our SCS Software Twitter account, like us on our Facebook page and make an account on World of Trucks[worldoftrucks.com] if you haven't done so already, register on forum[forum.scssoft.com] and give us feedback on the currently running Open Beta of ETS2 1.17 update, pester your favorite star YouTuber or streamer to take a look at our game!
Also, if you live nearby, come to Truckfest Peterborough[www.truckfest.co.uk] to say "Hi!" and meet SCS Software's CEO Pavel Sebor in the DAF Showtrekker trailer - a presentation of DAF Euro 6 truck as featured in the latest version of Euro Truck Simulator 2 will be taking place there with Pavel as a guest.
Citat:Testirali smo ovaj automobil putevima Evrope, na “Europe 2” serveru. Zadovoljni smo performansama a razvojni tim nam poručuje da će performanse automobila postati još bolje vremenom.
Scout dolazi sa benzinskim i dizel motorom. Benzinac ima 160 konjskih snaga i agresivniji zvuk, dok Dizel dolazi u varijanti od 170 konskih snaga. Ta razlika se gotovo ne primećuje prilikom vožnje kada je brzina u pitanju a sam model table ostaje isti, i čini se kao da obe verzije imaju 7 hiljada obrtaja.
Postoji nekoliko modifikacija koje su dostupne igračima. Na primer : Možete dodati branik sa maglenkama, rotaciona svetla žute ili plave boje, imate mogućnost da izaberete neku od ponuđenih ili sami izaberete metalik boju automobila, dostupni su i skinovi za Pilot i Policijska vozila a tu su i dva enterijera.