Football Manager 2007


Football Manager 2007

  • Pridružio: 05 Jul 2006
  • Poruke: 3
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

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  • pikula 
  • Novi MyCity građanin
  • Pridružio: 11 Avg 2006
  • Poruke: 1

ljudi jel moze neko da mi pomogne ili kaze ako igra Fifa 06 manager koji je najbolji igrac ili jedan od boljih ,veliki sam ljubitelj managera i kada ce novi izaci


  • Bojan  Male
  • Prijatelj foruma
  • Pridružio: 13 Nov 2003
  • Poruke: 11059
  • Gde živiš: Novi Sad

Tesko je reci ko je najbolji, ja licno najvise volim da nadjem nekog mladjeg za kog se jos nezna. Kad sam tek poceo igrati menadzera nsaosao sam Adu-u koji je tad bio jako mlad i od tad ga uvek dovodim kako god izadje nova verzija prvo sto radim jeste da vidim gde je on i kako da ga dovedem. Secam se da mi je i Montolivo bio jako dobar i da sam uveg gledao da ga dovedem. Ima tu jos dosta dobrih ali se ne mogu svih setiti jer nisam igrao menadzer od prosle godine.

  • Pridružio: 12 Jan 2004
  • Poruke: 9661
  • Gde živiš: Čačak

Samo da potvrdim ono sto je Vertigo rekao.

Football Manager™ 2007 for PC, Mac, Intel Mac and Xbox 360ä are set for release Christmas 2006.

[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

Cccc... nacekacemo se jos.

  • Pridružio: 14 Feb 2004
  • Poruke: 142
  • Gde živiš: Ruma, Vojvodina

Probaj da trazis Daniel Fredheim Holm, napadac iz Norveske. Sjajan golgeter a ima i solidne ocene. Cena nije veca od 1.5M eura.

  • Pridružio: 12 Jan 2004
  • Poruke: 9661
  • Gde živiš: Čačak

Mislim da si promasio temu.

  • Pridružio: 27 Jun 2004
  • Poruke: 1268
  • Gde živiš: Subotica

mandrake ::Probaj da trazis Daniel Fredheim Holm, napadac iz Norveske. Sjajan golgeter a ima i solidne ocene. Cena nije veca od 1.5M eura.

Pa cim izadje igra negde na Bozic (katolicki), a ja je nabavim potrazicu ga... :A

Dopuna: 12 Sep 2006 14:46


Miles Jakobson's (jedan od bitnijih ljudi SI-a) blog Part 1:

Football Manager 2007 is evolution, rather than revolution, however, a lot of the new features are revolutionary not just for the game, but for the whole genre. And there are a lot of them

The most amount of new features weve had in one of our games was the 40 in last years Football Manager 2006. This year, there are over 100! I gave up counting at 106, and the dev team keep putting other new things into the game whilst playing and noticing ways to improve it, particularly based around the user friendly mantra thats been a big part of the development process this year. We have had many comments about our game being overwhelming, and seeing features being lost in the mass of screens, so whilst weve added more to the game than ever before, weve also made it so that its easier to use, navigate, control and all options should be more obvious to the user. You can still ignore things if you want to, and still get your assistant manager to help out with some of the more advanced and complicated features, but at least they are easy to spot if you do want the full football management experience.

Now, Im not going to ruin everything by just giving a list of all of the myriad of new features in the game and a brief description because, well, I dont want to ruin the game for when you start playing it J. So what Im going to do over the next 4 weeks is go through a few of the new ideas inside the game, well, quite a few actually, with the blogs on myspace and a round up with screenshots on at the end of each week. The other features will be for you to discover for yourselves

So, wheres a good place to start? One of the internal mantras for this years game has been user friendly, user friendly, user friendly. Weve seen with our PSP game that making the game easier to use is a good thing, although obviously our PC (not forgetting Mac and the new format, Intel Mac or even the Xbox 360 version) the game is a lot more in-depth, and there is no interest from us to dumb down the game. So weve worked very hard to keep everything, and more, but present it better to the user.


The main starting point for this was with the user interface team and the way that the new skin was designed and works. Adding in icons that were used on the Xbox 360 game was the first thing done, and the dialogue boxes and polygon graphical player stat view from that version too, but these soon got expanded upon to include a vidi printer (currently dubbed Football Manager Live!which shows news and other important info, with the ticker bar now showing interesting stats about active leagues.

There are also hints & tips throughout the game, but rather than just a handful, weve got over 300. This should suit both the new users and advanced users, and tell them about things that they can do in game, and how to do them, along with the updated tutorial which has been worked on by the team at The hints and tips have come from a variety of different people to ensure that all peoples style of play is covered, and even Ive learnt things about the game that I didnt know before.

Add to that the introduction of player bios, photos, club bios, logos and other important information to news items, that should certainly save a few mouse clicks. Easier positioning, naming of icons and options, plus the addition of quick links (icons), as well as the Flexion skin being the best looking and easiest skin to use on a Sports Interactive game to date.

The snapshot screen has been massively under-utilised since its introduction, so weve made this appear more often, added more options to be displayed and also made it user configurable, so its a great way to see the info that you want to see, all on one screen. Add to this customisable bookmarks and keyboard shortcuts, and were giving power to you to make it easier for you to navigate.

Part 2 of the "interface" new features will follow in a couple of days....


Dopuna: 25 Sep 2006 15:23


FM 2007 izlazi 20. oktobra i ovo je zvanicna informacija (pokupio sa [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] najbolji sajt za fm u blizem i daljem okruzenju). U subotu noc na nedelju moze se ocekivati DEMO verzija igre

  • Civil Works Team Leader @ IKEA Centres Russia
  • Pridružio: 22 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 7912
  • Gde živiš: Moskva, Rusija

Prenosim sa spisak poboljsanja koja su se najvise svidela beta testerima 2007-ce:

Citat:1 - Scouting overhaul - Much clearer info on players - especially like the ability of scouts to predict the asking price

2. Board intervention on transfer offers - the board accepting offers they deem too good to turn down.

3. Players wanting "matching pay" with a team mate

4. Feeder clubs, particularly merchandising links

5. Clubs being able to build a new stadium


1. Opposition instructions - being able to single out opponent's dangerman and force him into mistakes and take him out of the game..

2. Improved match engine - more realistic. More and more like watching a real match.

3. Feeder clubs - massive upgrade in youth development and encatchment. The different affiliate types all offer something every player can use.

4. Player Interaction - able to ask your players opinions, comment on opposing players. More day-to-day management

5. Improved media - fake transfer rumours, goal droughts etc all make you feel the in-game world around you.


1. Media - Media interaction has always been an important aspect in FM, increase of media communication has definitely made reading news more exciting and realistic.

2. Feeder clubs - Adding in the feeder club feature has also been a huge step to extending FM's knowledge as a true football game. Definitely gives the user an opportunity to develop young talents into decent players.

3. Player tutoring - young players being able to learn from senior players has definitely added more excitement to the game. Young players can improve from players such as Shevchenko - just wish it was me! Great addition!

4. GUI (Graphic User Interface) - FM2007 has managed to excel within the GUI department. Having a graphic background in the games industry, I can comfortably state that FM2007 delivers the goods. A huge improvement without a doubt.

5. Richest clubs - this feature adds a more comfortable way of viewing a clubs success. Definitely a nice little feature to look out for.

Lee Marlow

1. Customisable homepage - the option to fully customise the home page is a nice touch. It saves a lot of time when you just want to know that little bit of information or stat.

2. Staff/Club knowledge - with every member of staff having their specific level of knowledge, it's interesting trying to fill your clubs world knowledge as you work your way up the leagues

3. Richest club list - like the club knowledge, the richest club list is another nice touch to the game. Turning your local Conference South side to world beaters can be even sweeter when you cement your place at the top of the worlds rich list.

4. Multi-line select - possibly the biggest time saving feature ever. Gone are the days of going through your entire squad and requesting a coach report or offering to clubs, this can be done in just a couple of clicks now.

5. Player Interaction - absolutely loads of new features crammed into one here. Ranging from asking your star striker to recommend a new signing or telling that promising young defender that he could learn a lot from the clubs captain.


1. The first thing I really love about the new Football Manager is the option to customise the detail level within the game. This means now I can run more leagues on my useless PC, and not have to worry as much about the speed, plus if I want to manage abroad, it makes it so much easier than having to carry the Spanish league along for ten in-game years first

2. The second thing I've noticed which has made a huge impact is the new scouting system. The fact you now need to have particular knowledge of certain areas really improves the challenge of finding that perfect player to really make a difference in your squad. Added to this, the reports compiled by the scouts are no longer just a one sentence summary - instead they highlight the details you really want to know.

3. The third improvement that I've really appreciated are, of course, the feeder clubs. What better way of getting round that pesky work permit application than signing the player anyway and packing him off to Belgium or Spain for a few years. If it works for Wenger and Benitez, it works for me!

4. The fourth element to imprpess me within the game are specific coaches. A fitness coach and youth coach really give you an option to expand the training regimes of the team, without putting extra burden on the general coaches.

5. The first, and perhaps one of the smallest elements to be added to this version of the game is one you'll only notice when you least expect it. Playing with the 2d engine, team struggling to break down the opposition...and what's that? Your attention is drawn away to..the subs..warming up?!! Small and insignificant, yes - brilliant... damn right!

Alexander Harris

1. Pre-match team talks - an obvious extension of a great feature from the last version

2. Controversial incidents - these make the game even more realistic, which is what we all want.

3. End of season summaries - I'm now always looking for my clubs name in the "best signing of the season" or "overachievers" section of this list

4. Live draws for competition group phases - I imagine a lot of people will have been waiting for this for a long time. The Champions League will never be the same again.

5. Multiple select - I always ship out my squad when I take over clubs, so this will be a marvellous timesaver.

Znaci bruka koliko poboljsanja ima! Bice ovo jos jedan zderac vremena vec vidim...

  • Pridružio: 12 Jan 2004
  • Poruke: 9661
  • Gde živiš: Čačak

Jedva cekam. Evo pre neki dan me je smorio FM2006, pa ce valjda uskoro stici ovaj.

  • tonca  Male
  • Ugledni građanin
  • Pridružio: 15 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 410
  • Gde živiš: Novi Beograd/Nis

Evo linkova za demo verziju:

Probao sam malo da igram i nisam video nesto mnogo bitnijih inovacija. Scouting je malo zakomplikovan i postoji ona stvar sto se tice "filijala klubova", ali to nisam imao vremena nesto mnogo da cackam. Oko takike na prvi pogled nista novo.
Ovo su utisci posle mozda pola sata igranja, a sada sledi "testiranje" od strane mene. Laughing

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