1v1 i 2v2 modovi na HA mapi.
Skinovi :
Snow Bunny Nidalee
Workshop Nunu
Happy Elf Teemo
Earnest Elf Tristana
Old Saint Zilean
Re-Gifted Amumu
Santa Gragas
Reindeer Kog’Maw
Candy Cane Miss Fortune
Ragdoll Poppy
Silent Night Sona
Festive Maokai
Bad Santa Veigar
Mistletoe LeBlanc
Snow Day Ziggs
Dark Candy Fiddlesticks
Toy Soldier Gangplank
Slay Belle Katarina
Passive: Organic Deconstruction
Vel’Koz’s abilities Deconstruct those they strike. After being hit three times by his abilities, minions, monsters and enemy champions are Deconstructed and suffer bonus true damage. Enemies lose their Deconstruction stacks by avoiding Vel’Koz’s attacks for a short while.
Q: Plasma Fission
Vel’Koz fires a plasma bolt that slows and damages the first enemy struck. Once Plasma Fission hits, reaches its maximum range or is reactivated a second time, the bolt splits at a 90 degree angle. The split bolts deal the same damage and apply the same slow.
W: Void Rift
Vel’Koz sends out a straight line blast that tears open a temporary rift to the Void before exploding. Both the initial tear and the delayed explosion damage and apply Deconstruction stacks to caught enemies.
E: Tectonic Disruption
After a brief delay Vel’Koz disrupts a nearby area, damaging and launching all enemies caught into the air. Enemies hit that are close to Vel’Koz are also knocked back slightly.
R: Life Form Disintegration Ray
Vel’Koz channels a ray of infinite energy that follows the cursor for a brief while, damaging, slowing and Deconstructing all enemies in range.
Narode, ima li igraca na EUNE da su voljni igrati?
Da se okupimo, da igramo i zezamo se, pa ako ima i aktivnijih i voljnih mozda i napravimo MyCity Team
Nije bitno ko sta igra, kako dobro igra ili koju mapu voli, samo da se zezamo...
Sam ne volim da igram, a nemam sa kime, tako da u zadnje vrijeme skroz slabo igram League of Legends.
Ja igram na EUNE, ako vas ima jos, ajde da klepamo...
Riot šamara Pro igrače koji su bezobrazni u mečevima.
Dva pro igrača su dobila ban i neće moći da učestvuju ove godine na šampionatu.
Jedan od banovanih igrača je tokom proteklog meseca imao 30% prijava od odigranih mečeva. Ukupno 60% prijava je bilo vezano za "toxic behavior" prijavu.
Jeste da je LoL zajednica užas ali se Riot zaista bori na mnogo načina i treba im udeliti svaku pohvalu za to. Ovim su pokazali da neće trpeti ni pro igrače koji trebaju biti primer ostalima.
Ovaj ban nije mala stvar za njih jer ogroman broj pro igrača živi od igranja LoL-a.
To, ili nam kaži koju ulogu voliš pa da ti predložimo par boljih champova iz te uloge za taj IP.
Dopuna: 02 Jul 2014 1:07
Riot je ugasio "javne čet sobe" :
Citat:"The official public chat rooms have grown rife with RP sellers, scammers and Elo-boost spam. The default four rooms we established can be used by a tiny fraction of our players at a time. Given the number of League players, most conversation spills into private, community-created rooms," Riot explained in a "Chat Systems Forecast" update. "Unfortunately, private chat rooms and even the awesome community hubs like Dominate Dominion and Summoner School lack moderation tools beyond the ignore button. While the experience in private chat rooms is better than the public versions, we still want to provide tools to address unwelcome drop-ins and toxic behavior."