Prvi sajt posvecen crtanom filmu kod nas!!!! :)


Prvi sajt posvecen crtanom filmu kod nas!!!! :)

  • Pridružio: 30 Maj 2005
  • Poruke: 274
  • Gde živiš: Gondor

Joj, Duco, ruke ti se pozlatile. Laughing
Ovako nesto nam je trebalo.
Videcu, imam ja neke cartoone, doduse bez prevoda, pa da ih bacimo na sajt.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • PHP developer
  • Pridružio: 22 Mar 2006
  • Poruke: 3760
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Sajt ima fenomenalnu ideju, vrlo lepu graficku realizaciju, jedino mi se ne svidja sto je tekst na sajtu u stvari slika, a ne tekst... To je jedina zamerka, sve ostalo je super x)

  • Pridružio: 01 Maj 2003
  • Poruke: 1300
  • Gde živiš: Kragujevac

lepo... samo napred

  • Pridružio: 01 Avg 2006
  • Poruke: 63

Sto se teksta tice, iskreno, mrzelo me da seckam slicice i pravim frame-ove da bih posle otkucala text, lakse je ubaciti slicicu Wink

Kad budem imala vise vremena, verovatno cu to popraviti.

Hvala za pohvale! I znate vec- ako i mate neke crtace, saljite! Wink

aj salji to sto imas, da dopunimo kolekciju Smile

  • Pridružio: 16 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 1251
  • Gde živiš: Podgorica

možda ti woo pomogne Wink


VLC Media Player 0.8.5.--> The Latest version!!
Rar Password: Win Z

Size: 7 mb only

  • Pridružio: 14 Avg 2006
  • Poruke: 1

e jel moze neko da mi objasni kako da skinem sliku azdaje i ser zileta a da ne skidam ceo crtac

Dopuna: 14 Avg 2006 16:13

hvala Smile))))))

  • Pridružio: 13 Apr 2006
  • Poruke: 43
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Sajt je odličan.
Pa malo googlaj Exclamation

  • Pridružio: 20 Dec 2004
  • Poruke: 2887
  • Gde živiš: Na Balkanu

Desni klik na sliku, pa Save Picture as

valjda na to misliš?!

  • Pridružio: 01 Avg 2006
  • Poruke: 63

Hvala za linkove!!! Tek sad videh Smile

BTW dodati su novi (stari) crtaci na sajt. Ne znam koliko se vas seca Malog Veseljaka? Smile Da vas podsetim:

Tri epizode Pink Pantera i jos nesto iz Diznijevog Melody Time-a.

Jos jednom hvala za linkove!!!!!!

Dopuna: 21 Avg 2006 12:25

ne mogu da skinem nista sa rapidshare-a... jbg.

  • Data Center Engineer
  • Pridružio: 13 Avg 2004
  • Poruke: 3050
  • Gde živiš: Holandija

Imaš i ovde par crtaća:

Dopuna: 21 Avg 2006 14:57

Citat:Dexter's Lab Episodes (42 episodes so far) - 10.33 Mb
Dexter is watching an Action Hank movie, and just at climax it's interrupted for a test of the emergency broadcast system. Offended by this outrage, Dexter sets about fixing any and all emergencies in the neighborhood, hoping to make the signal go away. - 13 Mb
Fed up with having to clean up after Dee Dee's destructive hijinks in the lab, Dexter creates Timmy, a metal-eating termite, to eat the resulting debris. One day, when Dexter rebuffs Timmy's appeals to play, the despondent termite eats half of the lab. An angry Dexter sends Timmy away, but later wonders if he made a mistake. - 10 Mb
After many, many fine days for science, Dexter wakes up and promptly has a really bad day. Dee Dee explains that astrology is to blame. Dexter, being a Capricorn, is ruled by Saturn; with the moon blocking the planet, she says he has no choice but to endure a bad day. Not so, according to Dexter. He immediately gets into his rocket and flies into space, intending to push the moon out of orbit. - 11 Mb
Three new bullies arrive at school; one hates rich kids, another hates kids with freckles, and the last -- Gary, the biggest of them all -- hates kids with funny accents. When his abuse of Dexter, Lucky the leprechaun, and chef Pierre is interrupted, he tells them to show up at the school statue at 3:00 that afternoon for a severe thrashing. - 10 Mb
When Dexter spots Dee Dee about to step on some ants, he tries to impress upon her the complexity of their highly organized society. When his explanations don't work, he dresses them in ant costumes and shrinks them both down to insect size so that they can walk among the ants and observe. However, Dexter quickly learns that while an ant's life is organized, it isn't pleasant. - 10 Mb
Dexter's class takes an IQ test and Dexter is shocked to learn that he scored only average. Traumatized, he shuts down his lab, ditches his lab coat, and sets out to become completely average. - 7.5 Mb
It's a beautiful summer day and the family are out enjoying themselves in the pool. Dexter, however, is terrified that his father will push him into the water, as always. - 7.8 Mb
Once again, Dee Dee crushes Dexter at Primal Fighter on their home video game system. When their dad comes home with Master Computer, an old video game cartridge he got at a bargain, Dexter plugs it intohis computer so that they can play. In a spoof of the movie Tron, it turns out that Master Computer is no game; it takes over the computer and digitizes Dexter, trapping him in the realm of cyberspace. - 19 Mb
When Dexter returns a lost stuffed bunny to a creepy little girl with large, incessantly staring eyes, he is unnerved when she seems to pop up wherever he goes. - 16.5 Mb
Dexter has discovered a way to shorten those interminable family road trips -- by coating the car with an antimatter formula, he can make it capable of traveling much faster through time. When Dee Dee jumps into the car as he applies the formula, she merges with the car and takes him on the ride of his life. - 8.6 Mb
When the kids on the school bus tease Dexter and his equally nerdy pal, Douglas, Dee Dee grabs his glasses and plays around with them. When he finally recovers them, the lenses are broken, giving him a kaleidoscopic view of the world. The other kids like his new look, and suddenly he becomes the coolest kid in school. His sudden popularity goes to his head, but he has yet to learn about the whims of fashion. - 12.5 Mb
After watching an Action Hank movie on television, Dee Dee exhorts Dexter to become more of a tough guy. Figuring that Action Hank's secret is his rugged beard, he creates the Beard-o-Tron to grow enough facial hair to do the job. However, as soon as he hits the street, the police mistake him for Action Hank and whisk him away to help apprehend vicious smugglers. This episode is the first with Kathryn Cressida as the new voice of Dee Dee. - 9.6 Mb
Dexter gets so wrapped up in his lab work that he forgets his homework. He decides to take a nap before tackling it and ends up sleeping through the night, waking up just a minute before the school bus is scheduled to arrive. Not wanting to ruin his perfect record at school, he risks the danger of using his time-expansion helmet to turn the 30 seconds he has into 30 minutes. - 9.5 Mb
After a long day of science, Dexter hears the jingle of the ice cream truck and decides to indulge. He discovers that he has no money left, and asking his parents results in long delays that make him miss the ice cream truck. Over the next few days, he uses whatever scientific gadgets he can to get his ice cream as the truck driver leads him on a wild chase. When he finally catches up with him, Dexter asks the driver why he never stops for him -- and the driver relates his tale of woe. - 9.7 Mb
Dee Dee and Dexter appear on the game show Sibling Rivalry, where they must use their animosity toward each other in order to win fabulous prizes.
- 9.4 Mb
In an homage to Charlie's Angels, a long, dull school lecture by McBark the Crime Hound inspires Dee Dee, Mee Mee, and Lee Lee decide to form the G.I.R.L. Squad, dedicated to licking crime in the neighborhood. When they spot a mysterious stranger lurking in a neighbor's garden, they spring into action. - 41 Mb - 92 Mb

Filet of soul
When their day-old goldfish dies after the kids overexert him, they're given the responsibility of flushing him down the toilet. Dee Dee balks at the task, and puts the fish on top of the toilet -- out of Dexter's reach -- until he can be given a proper burial the following day. When the ghost of the goldfish haunts them, Dexter decides it's time to get his ghost-busting gear.
Dimwit Dexter
It's finally happened: Dexter's brain has overloaded from too much thinking. Seeing her brother reduced to a drooling idiot, Dee Dee takes advantage of the situation. She puts him in a dress, applies makeup, and makes him her new playmate, calling him Ginger. Things only get worse when he proves too dim even for that and runs through the streets in his underwear, much to the neighborhood kids' delight.
Got your Goat
Dee Dee is playing at being a chupacabra, a goat-eating monster of South American legend. When Dee Dee shows Dexter a shadowy picture from the newspaper, he immediately recognizes it as Charlie, a creature he created that escaped from his lab. Dexter takes off to South America to find Charlie, with Dee Dee along to use her elementary-school Spanish. Not only do they have to deal with superstitious villagers who think they're poachers, they have to be home in time for dinner. - 49 Mb

Dexter's Laboratory: A Quackor Cartoon
After a long day's work, Dexter heads to bed and tells Monkey to watch over the lab while he sleeps. But Monkey's restful vigil is interrupted when Mandark's duck Quackor breaks into the lab, intent on destruction. The two face off in their no-holds-barred combat, until Quackor turns out to be a she.
dexter's laboratory - a story part 2
Dexter's Laboratory: The Continuum of Cartoon Fools

Dee Dee is busy breaking into Dexter's lab, using all of Dexter's scientific tricks to get past his vigilant eyes and ears. As Dee Dee finds ever more interesting ways of getting into the lab, an increasingly furious Dexter seals off her latest access points as he discovers them -- only to find her reappearing whenever he turns around. But his fanaticism causes him to go too far.
Dexter's Laboratory: Dexter's Rival
Dexter, self-declared boy-genius, uses his secret lab to scientifically solve all of life's problems in the Cartoon Network series Dexter's Laboratory. As much an exploration of the psychology of siblinghood as of what it's like to be different as a child, the show emphasizes the importance of intelligence and logic through Dexter's encounters with the outside world -- and the impact of his older sister, Dee Dee, on his life. When a new kid in school, Mandark, proves himself smarter than Dexter, he gives Dexter an ultimatum: Either he has to work under him in Mandark's bigger and better laboratory or he has to shut down his own lab. Mandark, "Dexter's Rival," has a weakness, however, and Dexter finally admits a logical use for Dee Dee. - 97 Mb
--> Uploaded: 27/12/2005

Dexter's Laboratory: Figure Not Included
Seeking acceptance, Dexter wants to join the kids in the Major Glory gang. But he doesn't have the required equipment: a Major Glory action figure. When he pleads with his mother for a figure, she tells him to wait for his birthday, which is too long for him to wait. At Dee Dee's suggestion, he decides to make his own action figure in his lab. When he shows his newfound "friends" his souped-up figure, he unintentionally causes more trouble than he could have imagined.
Dexter's Laboratory: Fantastic Boyage
When Dee Dee comes down with a cold, Dexter decides to shrink down to microscopic size and enter her body so that he can find a cure for the common cold. But when an accident lands Dexter in the dog's bloodstream instead of Dee Dee's, he completely misinterprets the strange results he gets.
Dexter's Laboratory: Down in the Dumps
Frustrated by Dee Dee's continuous attempts to get him to play with her and her teddy bear Mr. Fuzzums, Dexter uses the lab's centrifuge to "accidentally" launch him into the sky through the roof. Mr. Fuzzums lands in a garbage truck, severely traumatizing Dee Dee. When a delirious Dee Dee thinks Dexter is Mr. Fuzzums, he has no choice but to recover the teddy bear using his underground digger vehicle.
Dexter's Laboratory: Dream Machine
Dexter wakes up from a horrible nightmare: While struggling with a basic test question ("2+2=?"), Dee Dee gleefully answers questions on space-time for an amazed Albert Einstein. After enduring these dreams for weeks, he decides that something must be done. He constructs a dream machine which will allow him to have only nice dreams -- provided Dee Dee can stay awake and make sure the machine works properly.
Dexter's Laboratory: Gooey Aliens That Control Your Mind
A tiny meteorite presents Dexter with what he's always dreamed of -- a gooey alien life-form for him to examine. When the alien goo gets into the water, it infects Dexter's family, taking over their minds and commandeering the lab to build a transceiver to communicate with their mothership. Dexter is the only one who stands between them and global domination.
--> Uploaded: 27/12/2005

Dexter's Laboratory: Golden Diskette
In this musical send-up of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Dexter competes with millions of computer nerds for the chance to win Professor Hawk's contest by finding a golden diskette. On a whim, Dee Dee buys the package which turns out to contain the golden diskette. Dexter accompanies Dee Dee to the eccentric professor's mountain home where, along with the other handful of golden diskette winners, she is to compete for the grand mystery prize.
Dexter's Laboratory: DiM
In this largely dialogue-free episode, a blown light bulb in Dexter's lab prompts an angst-ridden trip to the hardware store.
Dexter's Laboratory: Dyno-Might
Dexter and Dee Dee's argument is interrupted by the doorbell; it's the Blue Falcon, carrying an injured Dynomutt, begging Dexter to help him get his companion back in working order. When the revitalized sidekick proves to be as much of a numskull menace as Dee Dee, Dexter "improves" him, creating the menacing Dynomutt X-9. Gary Owens and Frank Welker reprise their roles of the Blue Falcon and Dynomutt.
Dexter's Laboratory: Dee Dee Be Deep
Dee Dee is practicing for the school choir, and her shrill singing is disturbing Dexter's work. He invents a special organ that will transform her screechy voice into a beautiful one. When Dee Dee decides to "help" by boosting the bass, she ends up with a voice deep enough to destroy furniture.
Uploaded: 27/12/2005

Citat:Bugs Bunny:

Bugs Bunny - a Corny Concerto: - 2.6 Mb
Bugs Bunny - Wackiki Wabbit
Two castaways wash ashore of a deserted island. They're extremely hungry and are continually wanting to eat one another. That is, until Bugs comes along. - 2.2 Mb

Citat:Johnny Bravo - Jumbo Johnny

Johnny takes a medicine that will make him "bigger" but ignores the doctor's advice to take it by time and he becomes fat and huge. 12 Mb

Citat:Road Runner - Lickety Splat - 27/12/2005

Coyote tries again to catch the fast bird. As usualy he fails. This episodes runs around a mistake he made: he gets some dinamites with wings and tries to get road runner with these but things go wrong and he falls, and where-ever he goes he has problems with these. They seems to follow him, not the bird.... - 16 Mb
Ready, set, Zoom
-Road Runner (Speedipus Rex) -Coyote (Famishus-Famishus) OFFICIAL ACME PRODUCTS -Acme Glue -Acme Glue, used a second time, results in coyote getting blown up just before falling to safety in a body of water that would have put out the fuse -One Acme Outboard Motor -Acme Jim-Dandy Wagon -One Acme Female Road-Runner Costume ENDING Road Runner sign - "The End"
Rushing Roulette
War and Pieces
Scrambled Aches

Dopuna: 21 Avg 2006 14:59

Bugs bunny and the three bears - 18 Mb

Donald Duck - Put-Put Troubles
Donald and Pluto go fishing, but, as usualy, things aren't going well for the 2. First Pluto has troubles with a frog and Donald tries to make the boat work. They end up destroing the boat...
- 44 mb

Donald Duck - A Good Time for a Dime
Donald visits a penny arcade. He watches Daisy dance the Dance of the Seven Veils, but the light goes out for veil 5 and he misses the end...
-49 Mb

Road Runner - Fast and furry-ous - This is the first episode of Road Runner!
In their first appearance in a Warner Bros. cartoon, the Coyote (Carnivorous vulgaris) and The Road Runner (Accelerati incredibulis) launch their neverending series of chases through the desert, and The Coyote begins his relationship with the Acme Corporation in his quest for the perfect Road Runner-catching device.

Dopuna: 21 Avg 2006 15:01

2 Stupid Dogs

Two Stupid Dogs follows the lives of two dogs, the overly excited Little Dog (the dachshund) and easy-paced Big Dog (the sheepdog). These crazy canines don't know how to fit in the world, and they definately don't have any know-how. They often find themselves in commonplace situations (going to the drive-in, walking through the mall, working on the farm), some not so common situations (stuck on a space shuttle, a contestant on a game show, getting mistaken for the prime minister), and even in some familiar situations (little red riding hood, Noah's ark, and Hanzel and Gretel). But no matter the situation, their stupidity usually leads them to calamitous results.

The show also featured various returning characters. Hollywood was a big burly man who is always saying 'Well isn't that cute, BUT IT'S WRONG!'. Red as the little girl from the Red Riding Hood story on her way to granny's house. Cubby is the nerdy guy who is very passionate about what ever occupation he works at. And finally Kenny, the neurotic school child who's afraid of everything and is always nervous.

Each episode included two 10 minute episodes of 2 Stupid Dogs and one episode of Secret Squirrel shown between the two.

2 Stupid Dogs first aired in September of 1993 and last aired in January of 1995.

2 Stupid Dogs and all related characters and elements are trademarks of Hanna-Barbera.

Citat:101-a - Red - [neverm0re]
Written by: Lane Raichert
Directed by: Donovan Cook
The two dogs meet Red, who's off to her ill grandmother's house to give her some cheese cake. But the dogs lead her to the Three Bears house where they eat their porridge, sit in their chairs, and sleep in their beds.

101-c - Home is Where Your Head Is - [neverm0re]
Written by: Mark Saraceni
Directed by: Donovan Cook
While walking along, Big Dog sticks his head in a hole in a fense. Little Dog panics and starts to devise a way to get his head unstuck. When all seems hopeless, Little Dog decides to adapt to life without Big Dog, but finds it impossible to do.

102-c - Spit Soup - [neverm0re]
Written by: Sylvia Edwards, Mark Saraceni
Directed by: Tony Craig
In a desperate attempt for food, the dogs climb up onto a 3D billboard advertising soup with a giant soup bowl. Upon finding the soup bowl is empty (or as the Little Dog describes it 'dry'), Big Dog begins to fill the bowl with spit. But soon he dries out and Little Dog must find a way to rehydrate the Big Dog.

103-c - At the Drive In - [neverm0re]
Written by: Mark Saraceni
Directed by: Donovan Cook
After seeing the intermission commercial for the concession stand on a drive-in theater screen, the dogs conclude that the food must be just as big. So they go into the lot and get into all sorts of movie related hi-jinks.

104-a - Pie in the Sky - [neverm0re]
Written by: Lane Raichert
Directed by: Donovan Cook
The dogs want to eat at the 'Pie in the Sky' restaurant. But they keep winding up at different stores in the mall that all employ Hollywood, who keeps selling the dogs products and telling them to just 'charge it'.

105-a - Return of Red - [neverm0re]
Written by: Richard Purcel, Lane Raichert
Directed by: Donovan Cook
The two dogs are hungry and want Happy Granny dog food. But it belongs to Red who's once again off to Grandma's house. Upon arrival, Red gives the wolf the classic interigation, while the wolf fights with granny in his stomache. - 99 Mb

Dopuna: 21 Avg 2006 15:02

102-a - Cornflakes
The dogs wander onto a farm run by Hollywood. As Hollywood describes what the purpose of a farm is, the dogs get hungry and decide to want breakfest: Cornflakes! Hollywood goes on to show them the whole agriculture process, while Big Dog simply plants a corn cob in the soil.
103-a - Hollywood's Ark
Hollywood is Noah, building his Ark and gathering two of every animal. When it comes time to get two dogs, he finds Big Dog and Little Dog. But the two prove to be very taxing on Hollywood and the rest of the animals.
104-c - Lets Make a Right Price
The two dogs get to be on Let's Make A Right Price! All non-winners on the show get a box of doggy treats. Little Dog keep bidding a dollar, but he keeps winning everything but the doggie treats.
105-c - Sheep Dogs
The dogs are mistaken as farm hands on Farmer Hollywood's farm. Wanting breakfest, the dogs must first learn how to 'round up the doggies' to earn their meal.
106-a - Hobo Hounds
Big Dog and Little Dog inject their own warped brand of humor into an old-fashioned, black and white, silent cartoon, where they save a young girl from a villanous feline fella, and get into all kinds of wacky hijinks.
106-c - Show and Tell
It's show and tell at Kenny's school. He originally planned to bring his father's bowling trophy, but it breaks before he even gets on the bus. He then finds the two dogs and decides to bring them instead.

Dopuna: 21 Avg 2006 15:03

107-a - Red Strikes Back
The dogs are once again tempted to follow Red (this time with the promise of BBQ-flavored canned cheese). They wind up at the witch's house from Hansel and Gretel. There, they are forced to feed Red until she is ready to be eaten.
107-c - Bathroom Humor
The Big Dog awakes in the middle of the night to 'do business'. When he finds a spot, Little Dog stops him. He then makes the point that this is their home, so they need to find a more suitable place. They wind up in a indoor bathroom, where hilarity ensues.
108-a - Spooks a Popin'
The Little Dog wants to recover some bones he's buried in the 'Paws and Reflect' pet cemetery. But his head becomes stuck inside a skull, the Big Dog becomes afraid of him and hides.

108-c - Jerk
The dogs are at the Grand Canyon trying to solve a puzzle. Upon completion, Little Dog says the word 'Jerk' should've been part of the solution. His voice echoes across the valley, and the two misinterpret the echo as another dog insulting them. The two then embark on a mission across the Grand Canyon to confront the 'other dog'.

109-a - Substitute Teacher
Kenny's regular school teacher is on sick leave (nervous breakdown), so Mr. Hollywood (or Mr. H.) is substituting. But he's in for a challenge when he meets Kenny and his class.

109-c - Las Pelotas!
The dogs happen upon a Tennis Club, where they see many balls being batted back and forth. Little Dog wants to get in and chew on them. Upon getting in, the Little Dog is overwhelmed by how many there are laying about.

110-a - A Quarter
While passing a payphone with the phone of the hook, the dogs are told by the automatic teller to deposit 25c. Not wanting to disobey, the dogs then go in search for a quarter. This leads them to a cash machine, a trip to the psychiatrist, and a money making scheme.

110-c - Love
Big Dog falls in love with a gerbil in a pet store. The two dogs then go into the store only to be hasseled by the store owner Hollywood.

Dopuna: 21 Avg 2006 15:04

Ren and Stimpy

In The Army:
Our boys are somehow drafted into the army. They go through induction and then meet their drill sergeant. They spend most of their time peeling things... Happy Happy Happy... Peel Peel Peel... Almost as psychotic in points as Space Madness.

Big House Blues:
The characters are introduced, then run over and scraped up by the dog catcher. They spend the night in the pound and Ren is rescued by a little girl the next morning (who mistakes him for a poodle after Stimpy coughed up a hairball on him). Ren won't go, though, unless Stimpy comes too.
- 93 Mb

Dopuna: 21 Avg 2006 15:06

Pink Panther - Cat and the Pinkstalk

Bugs Bunny - Ballot Box Bunny

Bugs Bunny & Wile Coyote - Operation: Rabbit

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