Adobe Photoshop CS2 - besplatno


Adobe Photoshop CS2 - besplatno

  • Rogi  Male
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  • Pridružio: 31 Avg 2005
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guta89 ::Kako ne shvatate da to nije legalno,bez obzira sto je Adobe dao taj kljuc. Legalno je,kad ja npr. kupim neki program i uz njega dobijem racun i naljepnicu. A ovako mi dodje isto,ali potpuno isto kao da sam ga skinuo sa torrent-a. Ali dobro,nema veze,necu da ulazim u diskusiju.

Je l' ovo ista ona fora kao i sa dokovima za Windows?
Da su nelegalni.... Mr. Green

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • m4rk0  Male
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  • Marko Vasić
  • Gladijator - Maximus Decimus Meridius
  • Pridružio: 14 Jan 2005
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  • Gde živiš: Majur (Colosseum)

dr_Bora ::Imati serial ne znači imati licencu. Adobe ništa ne poklanja.

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Ili: "You are only legally entitled to download and install with that serial number if you have a valid license to the product!"

Cek, ako neko vec poseduje legalan (recimo) photoshop (a to se ovde postavljaju kao uslov), zasto bi ga uopste ponovo skidao i unosio kljuceve sa adobe sajta ?!

  • Pridružio: 26 Avg 2010
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Napisano: 11 Jan 2013 15:56

Zato što Adobe gasi aktivacione servere za stare verzije CS paketa.

Dopuna: 11 Jan 2013 15:56

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  • Pridružio: 12 Feb 2012
  • Poruke: 1066

Ahrmmm...Iščitah sve sa Adobijevog sajta i moram reći da ono što se zaista dogodilo najbolje opisuju sledeći redovi :

" As far as I can tell, the sequence of events here was as follows.

About 48 hours ago an Audition user encountered the authorisation problem and posted the fix on the AudioMasters web site, which I read. I then drew attention to the availability of the programs and serial numbes on several audio-centric web sites, being careful to post only the "front door" access address which required the use or creation of an Adobe ID.

Nothing much happened for 24 hours apart from some discussion on some of those sites, the discussion being centred on two things -

1 - the legality of accessing and using the files

2 - gratitude to Adobe for making this gesture and general comments about what a good PR move it was.

This morning here in Australia I've woken up to find that the thing has gone viral and clearly it has caused Adobe some difficulty, which as a former moderator here and former long-time active beta tester I'm sorry about - but I acted in good faith and I don't think it can be argued that any downloads by those who did not previously have licences for these products were illegal.

My response yesterday to a forum question about the legal issue was as follows - please forgive the lengthy quote but it's important -

"The download page is deliberately open to anyone who signs up for an Adobe ID (which if you agree gives them an opportunity to include you in email shots). On the download page they give a serial number for each product and that serial number is the same for everyone. When you install the products the licence says that the product can be used by anyone who has "obtained" it from Adobe (they deliberately don't use the words bought or purchased). It would be a highly technical breach of the licence if someone put the files up for download other than from the Adobe site because then you wouldn't be obtaining it from Adobe.

The software is still being sold by third parties on the internet, but suckers who buy it will discover that it cannot be installed as there is no activation server operating. I don't see anything wrong in making it known that instead paying money for non-working copies of these programs, you can download them for no cost direct from Adobe. Adobe do not support these programs any more so they are not losing money if new users download them (apart from cost of sending them out on the net) and there's some chance that some who download them will purchase current versions down the track.

Why did Adobe do this? There must have been some major reason, cost based, for shutting down the activation server. Perhaps they don't have the staff to maintain the old system, who knows. They could (technically) have restricted access to the download page to those who had registered the software against their pre-existing Adobe IDs. But evidently that did not make economic sense. Anyway, they made a business decision to take this step knowing that some people other than paying customers would avail themselves of the download.

It's a whole lot different from the Reaper [audio DAW software] case where the unrestricted software is accompanied by licence terms which require the users to pay after evaluation. There is no such restriction in this case. I cannot believe any legal authority would consider that there was anything remotely illegal about downloading these files and public serial numbers by people who didn't pay for licences in the days when they were available for purchase."

I still stand by those views. Probably there are now enough copies of these files in circulation to prevent Adobe from putting the cat back in the bag, but if they wish to restrict their server load, they could now - I assume - change the page only to allow access by any means to those whose Adobe ID identifies them as previous licence holders, which is an option that presumably they had in the first place. Making the files publically available on their servers, but then expecting "unauthorised" people not to download them, was somewhat naive, especically when the files were accompanied by a licence agreement which did not make the downloading and use of the files illegal. To regularise the legal situation, the licence needs to change the word "obtain" to "purchase". But for those who have already downloaded the files, you can't retrospecitively change the licence.


35. Ozpeter, Jan 8, 2013 2:58 AM in reply to OGWhiz Report
In the other thread, the following has been posted -

"Effective December 13, Adobe disabled the activation server for CS2 products and Acrobat 7 because of a technical glitch. These products were released over 7 years ago and do not run on many modern operating systems. But to ensure that any customers activating those old versions can continue to use their software, we issued a serial number directly to those customers. While this might be interpreted as Adobe giving away software for free, we did it to help our customers.

Please see [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] for additional information.

We are working to restore the downloads page availability. I should have additional updates to provide soon."


Bebee Dol Bebee Dol Bebee Dol Bebee Dol Bebee Dol
Lično,mislim da je neki pristojno plaćeni Adobijev " činovničić-šrafčić " potcenio snagu ekonomske krize koja je žvajznula po džepu (i psihi) Mr. Average Guy-a i nespretno odradio dati mu posao.Nakon lavine poziva da ne naprave kontra-produktivan potez znan i kao "puj-pike-ne-važi" , Adobi (koga uz Koka-Kolu smatram jednim od 4 jahača apokalipse,ostalu dvojicu dopišite sami) je rešio da stisne zube i dozvoli (izvesno kraće vreme) slobodan download.Moguće su i druge verzije,ali su manje verovatne,jer je korporativni kapitalizam još nezasito gladan...Postoje izveštaji da off-line aktivacija radi bez problema,kao i da aplikacije ne zivkaju kući (" E.T. phone home...") . Meni dovoljno . Audition koristim već godinama ( v1.5 / v3.0) i evo,nakon ovakve " legalne / kvazi-legalne / nelegalne " trojke,plakaću izjeden grižom savesti dok sam živ svaki put kada je startujem...Ako ništa drugo,obećavam da ću se probranim rečima izvinuti kompletnom Adobijevom executive board-u kada na njega naletim u prolazu ka posebnom krugu pakla rezervisanom za ovakve softverske neplatiše kakav sam (povremeno) i sam.Naravno,budu li me čuli : priča se da je za direktore mega-korporacija i tamo dole rezervisana VIP-loža , a takve imaju debele zidove...

  • m4rk0  Male
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  • Administrator tech foruma
  • Marko Vasić
  • Gladijator - Maximus Decimus Meridius
  • Pridružio: 14 Jan 2005
  • Poruke: 15766
  • Gde živiš: Majur (Colosseum)

Koji misevi, izbrisali taj thread, ali tu je cache Very Happy

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  • Fil  Male
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  • Pridružio: 11 Jun 2009
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Sada sam probao da preuzmem softver i Adobe Professional 7 sa sve OCR radi sa ovim serijskim brojem.
Na promociju sam naleteo ovde:
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Dakle, nije fake, ovaj matori softver radi stabilno.

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