


  • Pridružio: 16 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 1251
  • Gde živiš: Podgorica

DC++ is an open source client for the Direct Connect protocol. Direct Connect allows you to share files over the internet without restrictions or limits.

The client is completely free of advertisements and has a nice, easy to use interface.

Firewall and router support is integrated and it’s easy and convenient to use functionality like multi-hub connections, auto connections and resuming of downloads.

Here are some key features of "DC plus plus":

· Multi-Hub connections
· Minimize to tray
· /commands
· Logging
· Display Joins & Parts
· Confirm Exit
· Resume check
· Notepad
· Favorites List
· Sounds
· No Advertisments
· Disclude hidden files from share
· Non-crappy interface
· Not Visual Basic (!)
· Menubar
· Open Source
· Firewall/Router Support
· Auto-Connect
· Search Spy
· Multi-Kicking
· Away Message


* If you are using Windows Vista, you are now able to use UPnP.

Download 2

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Recoba20  Male
  • Stručni saradnik
  • Pridružio: 19 Apr 2003
  • Poruke: 2711
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Full Changelog

0.695 (2006-09-10)
PM popup/ignore options updated, in nmdc a hub is any nick which hasn't sent a hello or myinfo, and a bot is a nick with myinfo without connection type
[bug 125] Fixed out-of-order PM/quit
[bug 224] Slots are no longer granted to disconnected users, instead disconnection is delayed a minute
[NMDC] Fixed extra space in chat
[bug 395] Fixed password being blanked
[bug 419] Allowed changing case only when moving file in queue
[bug 736] Fixed escaping of menu items
[bug 1013] Fixed gcc warnings (thanks steven sheehy)
[bug 1023] Fixed some large stack allocations (thanks steven sheehy)
[bug 1026] Fixed some potential buffer overflows (thanks steven sheehy)
[bug 1027] Improved unix socket support (thanks steven sheehy)
[bug 1028] Improved big endian support (thanks steven sheehy)
[bug 1029] Fixed BSD compile issue (thanks steven sheehy)
[bug 1031] Fixed a crash after closing hub window (thanks bigmuscle/pothead)
[bug 1032] Fixed certificates help (thanks pothead)
Added possibility to store configuration files in separate directory
Switched back to unicows for w9x users, opencow was missing too many functions
[bug 876] Fixed lost tooltips (thanks poy and bigmuscle)
[bug 1041] Fixed about tab order (thanks pothead)
[bug 1042] Fixed experts tab order (thanks pothead)
[bug 1047] Fixed possible nmdc crash (thanks guitarm)
[bug 1049] Added tooltip to tab bar (thanks poy)
[bug 1053] Fixed vista detection (thanks ullner)
[bug 988] Fixed duplicate nicks
[bug 1015] Fixed chevron text
Default hub lists updated
0.694 (2006-07-10)
Fixed crash in certificates page
[bug 1005] Fixed linux compile issue (thanks tpo)
[bug 1004] Fixed browse file list on self
Both .crt and .pem files are read as trusted certificates
0.693 (2006-07-09)
Fixed crash bug
Added language code to example language xml
0.692 (2006-07-09)
[bug 927] Fixed OP detection bug really (thanks pothead)
[bug 938] Added a few more ADC info fields (thanks ullner)
[bug 939] Fixed hub info update (thanks ullner)
[bug 940] Fixed a 64-bit compile error (thanks steven sheehy)
[bug 942] Fixed atomic operations on unices (thanks tobias nygren)
[bug 943] Fixed unix utsname compile issue (thanks tobias nygren)
[bug 944] Fixed unix string conversion bug (thanks tobias nygren)
[bug 945] Fixed unix mutex initialiser (thanks tobias nygren)
[bug 946] Tiger hash supports big endian and 64-bit architectures (thanks tobias nygren)
[bug 941] Updated usercount display (thanks pothead)
[bug 951] Fixed issue with high port numbers (thanks tpo)
[bug 958] Search spy tth option automagically saved (thanks ullner)
[bug 959] Code cleanup (thanks pothead)
[bug 966] Max hash speed fixed when fast hashing method is not used (thanks steven sheehy)
[bug 967] Fixed path case-sensitivity issue (thanks steven sheehy)
Fixed auto-reconnect
[bug 936] Fixed duplicate entries in search hubs
Fixed some hub title display issues
Some spring cleanup
[bug 970] Unix file permissions correctly set (thanks steven sheehy)
[ADC] Allowed $ and | in nick/description
Fixed targetdrive bug for temp target location
Fixed a crash bug when hash data cannot be saved
Possibly fixed issues with queue items not being updated
Added warning when someone tries to spam hublist.org or dcpp.net with your client
[bug 968] Fixed unix compile issue (thanks pothead)
[bug 975] Fixed silly warning (thanks pothead)
[bug 978] Fixed 64-bit compiler issue (thanks steven sheehy)
[bug 988] Only unique nicks diplayed in title bar
Added protection from hubs/clients sending junk data resulting in high memory usage / crash
Updated to yaSSL 1.3.7
Added a few TLS options; [U] in transfer status means untrusted TLS (encrypted but certificate not validated)
Added certificate generation, OpenSSL must be installed and in PATH for this to work
[bug 996] Fixed an issue where directories that are hard to delete were created
[bug 1000] Fixed linux compile issue (thanks steven sheehy)
[bug 949] Fixed a crash when reading invalid XML files
TLS port may now be specified in settings and is only opened if TLS is enabled
Added TLS port to /connection
[bug 977] Added copy hub address to hub right-click menu (thanks pothead)
[bug 1001] Fixed assertion on unix (thanks steven sheehy)

  • aloe  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 01 Nov 2004
  • Poruke: 1270
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

A sta je ovo [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] , ovo je neka verzija koja se placa ?

  • pixxel  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 9091
  • Gde živiš: Tu i tamo...

aloe ::A sta je ovo [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] , ovo je neka verzija koja se placa ?To je patka sajt, napravljen da te natera da se prijavis na spam mailing liste i da dobijes bezveze program. Tu ne diraj nista, nego skini sa linkova koji su gore objavljeni.Takvih sajtova danas ima na milione i morate paziti sta radite. Da vam inboxi ne bi bili prepuni spama, od ovakvih stvari se stitite sa gishpuppy ili spamgourmet servisima. (Vise o njima uskoro u posebnim temama.

  • aloe  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 01 Nov 2004
  • Poruke: 1270
  • Gde živiš: Beograd

Pa nije samo za spam, oni traze i pre nego sto skines program da ga platis. Smile

  • pixxel  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Pridružio: 21 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 9091
  • Gde živiš: Tu i tamo...

Jednom za svagda:
DC++ (besplatan): http://www.dcpp.net/

  • Pridružio: 16 Jun 2005
  • Poruke: 1251
  • Gde živiš: Podgorica

DC++ 0.698

Changes in version 0.698, 2006-10-10 :

* [bug 1065] Code cleanup (thanks steven sheehy)
* Fixed readme.txt (thanks ullner)
* More code cleanup
* Fixed trusted/untrusted upload view
* Fixed crash on invalid remote command during upload
* [ADC] Improved GFI command support
* Lowest priority downloads are no longer started if there are other downloads running
* Upgraded to STLport 5.0.2
* Updated compile instructions
* Updated unsigned types to C99
* Removed unmaintained autoconf files
* Reworked match listing to make it slightly faster
* Fixed a few random crashes
* [ADC] Removed obsolete DSC command
* Fixed user list not being updated in some cases
* [bug 1071] Added fasthash for unix (thanks steven sheehy)


Dopuna: 10 Okt 2006 20:16

aloe ::A sta je ovo [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] , ovo je neka verzija koja se placa ?
hahaha a pazite sliku BearShare .... Mr. Green

  • Rogi  Male
  • Mod u pemziji
  • Najbolji košarkaš koji
  • je ikada igrao ovu igru
  • Pridružio: 31 Avg 2005
  • Poruke: 11687

DC++ 0.7091

DC++ is an free open-source, ad and spyware-free client, written in C++ for the Direct Connect protocol originally developed by John Hess, that allows you to share files over the internet with other users.

* Much more stable. It wastes less memory, is faster, file size is smaller and long queue won't freeze the whole program. Neo-Modus Direct Connect eats memory and resources.
* You can connect to many hubs at same time and search for files from all of them with same search.
* You can continue downloading the same file from other users if somebody leaves.
* You can see timestamps in the chat. Chat won't jump to end when you roll back old messages.
* Bot messages wont popup new windows, you can also filter bot messages off.
* No Ads.
* Search is more versatile.
* Hublist is downloadable from multiple servers/sources.

What's new in 0.7091

This is the same 0.709 with updated translations and with the new translated help files. Also fixes a small packaging problem with the branch for 0.709. We're sorry for the trouble, please use this version from now on instead of 0.709

Download: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

  • Rogi  Male
  • Mod u pemziji
  • Najbolji košarkaš koji
  • je ikada igrao ovu igru
  • Pridružio: 31 Avg 2005
  • Poruke: 11687

DC++ 0.762 (Open Source)

DC++ je klijent (program koji pristupa nekom serveru) koji sluzi za razmenu fajlova putem DC Hub-a (servera). Na taj hub se poveze vise korisnika koji onda izmedju sebe mogu da razmenjuju razne fajlove (filmove, muziku, bilo sta).

Za pocetak se preporucuje da pocnete sa osnovnim DC (Direct Connect) klijentom zvanim DC++, a kad se malo naviknete na taj program i kad pohvatate neke cake onda mozete da se odlucite za neke druge DC klijente (koji su, u najvecem broju slucajeva, izvedeni od DC++ klijenta) kao sto su npr: BCDC++, fulDC, LDC++, RevConnect, StrongDC++, ApexDC++, LinuxDC++, CzDC i drugi.

Dakle, pocnite prvo sa DC++ klijentom, pa tek kad to savladate i kad naucite osnove, na kojima je zasnovan p2p sharing (razmena fajlova putem direktne veze izmedju 2 korisnika) putem DC klijenata, onda se prebacite na neki napredniji DC kljent. Osobine vecine ovih klijenata mozete naci na stranici Wikipedije (link na kraju ovog teksta) tj na osnovu prednosti i nedostataka raznih klijenata mozete odluciti koji od navedenih cete koristiti ubuduce.

Preuzeto sa : [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

Promene u DC++ 0.762

* Stability improvement related to menus
* [L#539992] Shell menus for directories when browsing own file list
* Parse separators in titles of user command param boxes
* Fix painting issues with /clear
* Smooth text-box menus
* Add user commands to the chat menu
* OpenSSL 0.9.8n - defends against a remote crash
* [L#548743] Fix broken share regression on non-Windows systems
* Fix 'Share hidden files' checkbox value saved to a wrong setting
* [L#562099] Fix encoding problems
* [L#556011] Respect the font style in chat windows
* [L#551319] Add %[fileMN] to user command params
* Magnet links are now produced with a size (xl) param
* [L#505450] Extend %[line:] to create combo boxes
* Compilation fixes for OpenSolaris
* Help updates
* [L#550300] Fix a possible file corruption
* [L#551184] Fix unnecessary move of downloaded filelists
* [L#556853] Fix sharing a whole drive (root folder) was impossible in random cases
* [L#559544] Don't clear multiline boxes with Ctrl+Alt+A
* [L#545264] Correct ADC hub counts
* Add an "Elapsed" column in finished transfer windows
* [L#539841] Network settings arrangements
* [L#556799] Fix positioning and possible queue problems with downloaded file lists
* Refresh open file lists when they are being opened again

Download: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

  • Rogi  Male
  • Mod u pemziji
  • Najbolji košarkaš koji
  • je ikada igrao ovu igru
  • Pridružio: 31 Avg 2005
  • Poruke: 11687

DC++ 0.781

DC++ is an open source client for Windows for the Direct Connect network. Direct Connect allows you to share files over the Internet without restrictions or limits. The client is completely free of advertisements and has a nice, easy to use interface. Firewall and router support is integrated and it is easy and convenient to use functionality like multi-hub connections, auto-connections and resuming of downloads.

DC++ offers these improvements over its predecessors:

* Much more stable. DC++ wastes less memory, is faster, file size is smaller and long queue won't freeze the whole program. Neo-Modus Direct Connect eats memory and resources.
* You can connect to many hubs at same time and search for files from all of them with same search.
* You can continue downloading the same file from other users if somebody leaves.
* You can see timestamps in the chat. Chat won't jump to end when you roll back old messages.
* Bot messages wont popup new windows, you can also filter bot messages out.
* No Ads.
* Search is more versatile.
* Hublist is downloadable from multiple servers/sources.

Download: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

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