  • Pridružio: 05 Feb 2008
  • Poruke: 2134

Ahaha...ja naviko da "hakujem" pa to ti je LOL LOL LOL

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • Rogi  Male
  • Mod u pemziji
  • Najbolji košarkaš koji
  • je ikada igrao ovu igru
  • Pridružio: 31 Avg 2005
  • Poruke: 11687

jogurtmen ::Evo gde se nalazi opcija za ukljucivanje brisanja:

Mozda je ovo jednostavnije Smile

Ja ovo nisam video. GUZ - Glavom U Zid

Hvala. Very Happy

  • maha  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 06 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 1152

Napisano: 07 Dec 2010 13:12

Gde god da napravim folder za smestaj nece da prihvati...kako to resiti jer bih radio kataloge po zanrovima!?

Dopuna: 07 Dec 2010 19:13

Da pitam i ovo ako neko radi sa ovim programom..kad ubacim filmove u katalog ne idu rednim brojem vec je zadnji ubaceni prvi na listi

takodje i u sacuvanoj listi u tekst formatu

da li ovaj redosled moze nekako da se promeni?

  • Pridružio: 16 Nov 2007
  • Poruke: 277
  • Gde živiš: Republika Srpska

Prebaciš se u drugi "View Mode" : [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] pa sortiraš kako ti volja: po broju unosa, po godini , po abecedi... pa izvezeš u .txt

  • maha  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 06 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 1152

Prebacio i sad? opet ide 3..2..1

To me zanima da ne ide od zadnjeg unosa vec redom 1..2..3!?

  • Pridružio: 16 Nov 2007
  • Poruke: 277
  • Gde živiš: Republika Srpska

Tebi se baš mora crtati Razz

  • maha  Male
  • Super građanin
  • Pridružio: 06 Dec 2006
  • Poruke: 1152

No comment.... GUZ - Glavom U Zid GUZ - Glavom U Zid GUZ - Glavom U Zid Embarassed Ziveli

  • Pridružio: 16 Nov 2007
  • Poruke: 277
  • Gde živiš: Republika Srpska

EMDB version 1.23

What's new:

IMDB Import: Added support for localized pages. In some countries (like Sweden) the localized movie title is displayed as main title. EMDB now supports this and can get the original English title as main title and the localized title as AKA (or the other way around).

Movie Properties: added some additional aspect ratio's.

Movie Properties: added Number of Episodes property for TV Series.

User Interface: Browsing the location for TV series now opens a folder browser rather than a file browser. If a folder is selected the Play button in the main window will than open the folder rather than playing a file.

Translations: updated the Norwegian and Turkish translations.

Download: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

P.S. prekoračio je 1 MB Smile

  • benne  Male
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 2272
  • Gde živiš: From Bissau to Palau

Napisano: 19 Feb 2011 1:44

EMDB 1.24

User Inteface: Added Hi resolution Icon.
User Inteface: Added Insert Button. The Swap Movies feature is moved to the Database section of the Options.
Database: fixed saving of a database with deleted movies when 'Keep current numbering' is enabled.
Swap Movies Screen: fixed displaying when empty (reserved) movies are present.
Edit Multiple Movies Screen: Only load images of selected movies which are visible in the Edit Multiple Movies screen. This speeds up editing large number of movies (e.g. Ctrl-A -> Edit) tremendiously. The number of movies is now shown in the caption of the screen.
Export / Print: Added Seen, Own, WishList and Comments to the possible fields to export or print.
Options: 'First use actors with picture' setting was not saved correctly.
Movie Properties: Added "THEATRICAL VERSION" to the possible version fields.
Movie Properties: Added Romanian to the possible spoken languages, audio-streams and subtitles.
IMDB Import: Added Aspect ratio to the imported movie properties.
IMDB Import: Fixed sometimes user comments were used as plot outline.
User Interface: Added Subtitles to the columns to be select for list view.
User Interface: Improved controls being drawn delayed during startup with a lot of covers on the bookshelf.
System: Added support for *.ts files.
Translations: Proxy Server/Port explanation text was not changed when switching languages.
Translations: renamed the 'Reset All' button in the Add Movie screen to 'Clear All Fields' as this seems more clear.
Translations: Updated the Turkish, Simplified Chinese, Danish, Italian, German and Russian translations.

Download: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

Dopuna: 25 Mar 2011 17:35

EMDB 1.25

User Interface: Fixed exporting/printing of Seen, Own and Which List fields.
User Interface: Added DateAdded to the columns to display in the listview or to export / print.
User Interface: Also take resolution into account when filtering SD / HD.
User Interface: Made the sorting on columns in List View mode faster.
User Interface: Fixed Swap button in Database Options was not translated.
Database: When editing an existing movie and using the Clear All Fields button the new record was saved over the first movie of the database.
IMDB import: Fixed importing of year for video titles (e.g. Held Up (Video 2010)).
User Interface: Changing the season number broke linking to an existing thumbnail.
IMDB Update: Updating in Add / Edit dialog cleared fields if no new data was found.
IMDB Update All Movies: Updating cleared fields if no new data was found.
IMDB Update: Updating in Add / Edit dialog overwrote an existing thumbnail.
Export: export now uses the current search / filter results and shown sort order.
Export / Print: Fixed exporting/printing the IMDB number.
User Interface: Added IMDB number to the possible columns to show in List View mode.
User Interface: Fixed crash when sorting columns in List View mode on a search or filter result.
Movie Properties: Added possiblility to override default IMDB genres.
Translations: Updated the Turkish, Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Danish and Slovak translations.

Download: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

Dopuna: 01 Apr 2011 0:27

EMDB 1.26

User Interface: Fixed crash when manually trying to add an actor in the Add Movie screen.

  • Pridružio: 16 Nov 2007
  • Poruke: 277
  • Gde živiš: Republika Srpska

EMDB 1.27

April 6th 2011: version 1.27 has been released. What's new:

- User Interface: Skin support!!! A skin contains icons for the toolbar, definitions for the colors of the List View and a default thumnail image for now. ComiCons skin is included in the installation and selected by default. The original look and feel can be restored in the Appearance section of the options.
- Export / HTML Export: Added option to choose all movies or the current selection to export.
- User Interface: Added Region to the possible columns to show.
- Print / Export: Added Region to the properties to Print / Export.
- Thumbnails: fixed problem with missing or duplicate thumbnails when TV Series property is changed afterwards.
- User Interface: Using Ctrl-A in Add Movie screen selected all movies in the main window.
- IMDB Update All: Fixed Voice only Actors (in Animation movies) were added as 'Name*'. Existing errors are corrected the first time this version is started.
- DataBase: Fixed problem were Directors got mixed up after a new version of EMDB was installed.
- Translations: Added (native) Portuguese translation and renamed the current Portuguese translation to Portuguese (Brazil).
- Translations: Updated the Greek, German, Spanish and French translations.

[Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

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