  • benne  Male
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 2272
  • Gde živiš: From Bissau to Palau

Napisano: 23 Maj 2011 16:15

EMDB 1.28

Movie Properties: Added support for both User Ratings and IMDB Ratings.
User Interface: Finally added a visible selection to the boolshelf viewing mode. Hope you like the glow effect as much as I do!
Movie Properties: added "Complete Series" postfix when Season is not specified.
Movie Properties: Set maximum of Episodes to 999 instead of 99 (to better support the new "Complete Series" property.
Print: Fixed printing of the Seen column.
Import from HDD: display folder and file name when no single match could be resolved to help user select the right movie from the list.
Import from HDD: Added support for BluRay folder structure.
HTML Export: EMDB now adds a backup of the database to the generated web files.
IMDB Import: fixed retrieving of the IMDB link.
Database: Added option to remove unused thumbnails.
Translations: Updated the Czech, Danish, German, Norwegian, Spanish and Turkish translations.

Dopuna: 02 Jun 2011 15:26

EMDB 1.29

User Interface: Fixed crash in List Mode at the end of the list and using a key to jump to the next title starting with that character.
User Interface: Fixed crash when scrolling and clicking fast back and forth in Bookshelf mode using the mouse scroll wheel.
Add movies from HDD: improved reading of full BluRay disc structures.
Add movies from HDD: fixed names includes path when no IMDB query is performed after search is done.
HTML export: fixed HTML code for User Rating was shown when User rating is not selected to be shown.
User Interface: Fixed some drawing issues in bookshelf selection mode.
User Interface: Fixed incorrect movies are shown when switching from List mode to Bookshelf mode after searching / filtering.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • mcrule  Male
  • Legendarni građanin
  • Michael
  • Spy[Covert OPS], Gathering Intel/Info & The Ultimate Like Master[@ MyCity]
  • Pridružio: 21 Feb 2010
  • Poruke: 16934
  • Gde živiš: 43.6426°N 79.3871°W

EMDB 1.30

What's new:

User Interface: HD movies show up as BluRay boxes with blue selection glow on the shelf.

User Interface: Loan label not correctly updated when changing the loan properties of the current movie in Bookshelf mode.

User Interface: Selection changes sometimes result in partially drawn dvd boxes in bookshelf mode.

Options: Proxy settings were not correctly remembered.

Import / Export: Added IMDB number to the possible fields to import. Added both IMDB and User rating to the fields to import and export.

Export: Exporting duration does not add 'minutes' anymore.

User Interface: added certification to the Movie Detail Panel.

User Interface: Fixed filter on High Definition did not get all HD movies.

User Interface: Added Movies only (excluding TV Series) filter.

Translations: Updated the Slovak, Spanish, French and Finnish translations.


  • benne  Male
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 2272
  • Gde živiš: From Bissau to Palau

Napisano: 02 Jul 2011 21:24

EMDB 1.31

IMDB Import: Fixed the import caused by yet another IMDB website layout change.

Dopuna: 22 Jul 2011 21:29

EMDB 1.32

IMDB Import: Fixed HTML codes for special characters were not always correctly converted during import.
IMDB Update All Movies: Updating a single property did not work in all cases.
User Interface: Added Dropdown with predefined resolutions in edit multiple movies dialog.
User Interface: Loaned label displayed on the cover was not removed when returning a movie in Bookshelf View.
User Interface: Next movie loaned by same person was not automatically selected when returning a movie in Bookshelf View.

Dopuna: 11 Avg 2011 12:59

EMDB 1.33

User Interface: Fixed crash when returning a loaned movie if list is filtered.
IMDB Import: Fixed importing of Directors.
IMDB Import: Fixed incorrect handling of 'ý' and 'Ó' characters.
Translations: Added translation for "All" (Seasons for TV Series).
Translations: Updated the Danish and Dutch translations.

Dopuna: 10 Jan 2012 13:15

EMDB 1.37

User Interface: Fixed sorting on duration.
User Interface: Added an option to apply the last used filter on startup.
User Interface: Made the window title more descriptive when applying a filter.
User Interface: Fixed the option of disabeling BluRay boxes for HD movies.
IMDB Import: Added number of votes for rating.
IMDB Import: Fixed HTML code '"' not being converted.
Search: Added option to combine multiple searches / Filters.
Search: Added option to search on audio streams.
Database: prepared TV Series for support of individual episodes and import from TheTVDB.com.
Translations: updated the Portuguese (Brazil), Swedish, Danish, Greek, Slovak, Czech, Turkish and Russian translations.

EMDB 1.38

IMDB Import: Fixed import of several fields due to yet another change of the IMDB website.

Dopuna: 17 Jan 2012 10:19

EMDB 1.40

IMDB Batch Update: Fixed incorrect rating / number of votes import.

Dopuna: 02 Mar 2012 19:01

EMDB 1.43

- Database: Directors still got mixed up for some people. The database will be completely checked and fixed the first time this version of EMDB is started. You might need to update the directors via the Update All function in the options one more time afterwards.
- User Interface: Added Search for Spoken Languages.
- User Interface: (Re)Added possibility to show both ratings in the main window.
- Database: Added 'Yiddish' to possible Spoken Languages and Audio Streams.
- User Interface: Added Ctrl-P as accelerator key for playing a movie.
- Translations: Updated the Slovak and German translations.

Dopuna: 16 Maj 2012 16:15

EMDB 1.47

File Import: Fixed Comments were not imported correctly.
File Import: Added Nr Discs, Subtitles, Wish List, Own, Date Added, Region and Resolution to the possible fields to import.
File Import: Extended the number of fields to select for import.
User Interface: Added visualisation for HD-DVDs in Bookshelf mode.
Database: Fixed keeping current numbering when deleting a movie.
Add movies from HDD: Added option to use folder instead of file names to query IMDB.
Add movies from HDD: Cut of file or folder names after '(', '[' and '{' characters.
Translations: Updated the Persian and Slovak translations.

Dopuna: 08 Jun 2012 9:59

EMDB 1.51

EMDB 1.51:
General: Fixed some small glitches in V1.50.
EMDB 1.50:
Options: Fixed a crash when opening the Defaults options page.
User Interface: Moved 3D from the top (movie part) to the bottom (medium part) in the Add/Edit screen.
Movie Properties: Added 2D + 3D Movie property.
User Interface: Added a 3D filter.
User Interface: Added 3D to possible columns to display in List View Mode, Export and Print.
HTML Export; Added 3D features to the Index Page and individual Movie pages of the HTML Export.
User Interface: Changed the default button of the Delete confirmation from 'Yes' to 'No'.
Database: Changed the way the thumbnails are stored. This fixes all kind of issues with multiple movies with the same name and TV Series with multiple seasons stored as seperate entries loosing or sharing thumbnails.
IMDB Import: Plot outline retrieved from MovieMeter.nl was not filtered for special HTML characters (e.g. −)
User Interface: added a Sort button in the main toolbar on many requests.
User Interface: When sorting on duration the movies without a duration are now put at the end of the list.
Translations: Updated the Persian and Dutch translations.

  • benne  Male
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 2272
  • Gde živiš: From Bissau to Palau

Napisano: 23 Avg 2012 14:57

EMDB 1.56

· HTML Export: Incorrect movie pages were created when creating a Patch folder.
· User Interface: Columns in list view did not always maintain their width.
· User Interface: After adding multiple movies using Add and Continue the last movie was not saved after using the Ok button to close the Add Movies screen.
· User Interface: After editting an entry from a selection the selection was lost.
· User Interface: Added 'Invert Search Results' to the Filters.
· Movie Properties: Added 'Dolby Digital ES Matrix', 'Dolby Digital ES 6.1' and 'Stereo' (how can I missed this one until now!?) to the possible Audio Stream formats.
· Movie Properties: Renamed the Media Propery 'Hard Disk' to 'Digital Copy' as this seems more clear.
· Movie Properties: Added Studio (for movies) / Network (for TV Series) property.
· User Interface: Personal Rating is rounded to 0.5 when changing the rating in the Add/Edit Movies screen.
· User Interface: Setting the Personal Rating in the Add/Edit Movies screen checks the seen checkbox as you must have seen the movie when you set the rating.
· User Interface: Sorted the entries in the Add / Edit Audio Streams dialog drop downs alphabetically.
· Translations: Updated the Persian, Greek, Finnish, German, French and Dutch translations.

Dopuna: 06 Sep 2012 2:38

EMDB 1.57

· User Interface: Added a QuickSearch function. Just type one or more letters and the first movie which title is starting with these letters is selected. Type them again (or use F3) and the next fitting movie is selected. This works both in Bookshelf and List Viewing Mode. In Bookshelf Mode a visual guidance indicating which letter sequence is currently used is shown:
· System: Fixed crashes when adding movies or navigating in Bookshelf viewing mode.
· User Interface: Made the error message at startup when unable to connect to [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici] to check for updated more clear.
· User Interface: Removed duplicate errors when quering imdb with no network connection.
· User Interface: Filtering and Searching now maintain the current Sorting order instead of resetting the sorting to the default (by number).
· User Interface: Make rounding of the Personal Ratings optional. Although the rounding was requested quite a lot this feature was not appreciated by everybody ;-).
· IMDB Import: Make importing of the Studio optional and add it to the overrule default settings of the Update all movies.
· Translations: Updated the Danish, Persian, Swedish, Turkish and Dutch translations.

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