


  • Dok  Male
  • Moderator foruma
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  • - Profesionalni Vanzemaljac -
  • Pridružio: 01 Jul 2005
  • Poruke: 4703
  • Gde živiš: Tamo gde mi nije mesto.

FrostWire 5.0.7

Promene & Ispravke:

* UX upgrade, send file or send folder support when a file or folder is dropped on FrostWire.
* UX upgrade, file choosing dialogs on Mac now also show mounted volumes.
* UX bugfix, fixes possible UI freeze on startup.
* UX bugfix, sending songs to iTunes is now done in a single process.

Registruj se da bi učestvovao u diskusiji. Registrovanim korisnicima se NE prikazuju reklame unutar poruka.
  • benne  Male
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 2272
  • Gde živiš: From Bissau to Palau

Napisano: 18 Jul 2011 21:36

FrostWire 5.0.8

Dopuna: 20 Avg 2011 23:00

FrostWire 5.1.3

* Search results now arrive under 200ms, aka, Instant Search.
* New FrostWire "Smart Torrent" search. FrostWire will search inside
top matching torrents for individual files matching the current query.
* Core upgrade, if a .torrent fails to download from its HTTP location
FrostWire will download it from the DHT if it can find it there.
* Functionality to see the size of the Search DB and to reset it.
* UX upgrade, ability to hide/show seeding torrents on transfer manager.
* UX upgrade, Phone & Tablets desktop explorer asks before deleting files.
* UX upgrade, New file "Extension" column on search results.
* UX upgrade, Search tabs now have animated indicator to let user know
a search is still going on.
* UX upgrade, New filter by file type. Filter controls re-arranged.
* UX fix, search results can now be sorted by file type.
* TPB has been added to the list of search engines.
* Mininova is back.

  • Dok  Male
  • Moderator foruma
  • - Dok Milioner -
  • - Profesionalni Vanzemaljac -
  • Pridružio: 01 Jul 2005
  • Poruke: 4703
  • Gde živiš: Tamo gde mi nije mesto.

FrostWire 5.1.4

Promene & Ispravke:

* Bug fix where it would not index torrents when the file type filter was in use.
* Bug fix when downloading a secondary file from the second torrent download would not start and would appear as seeding.
* Cleans all empty folders created by a partial download once the download is removed from the transfer manager.
* Fixes issue with transfer manager resetting the order of columns.

  • benne  Male
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 2272
  • Gde živiš: From Bissau to Palau

FrostWire 5.1.5

* Bug fix on setup wizard for some window configurations where controls would not appear unless the user resized the window.
* Bug fix on keyword search filter, wrong keyboard event was being used.
* UX adjustement in the way transfers are sorted when the application is launched.
* UX upgrade where Search Field on the Library now reacts to the DELETE key.
* UX upgrade where the FrostWire left hand side components are laid out correctly after the user resizes the window from much smaller dimensions

  • Rogi  Male
  • Mod u pemziji
  • Najbolji košarkaš koji
  • je ikada igrao ovu igru
  • Pridružio: 31 Avg 2005
  • Poruke: 11687

FrostWire 5.2.3

* Change the order of an audio file on playlist with drag and drop.
* Change the order of multiple audio files on a playlist with drag and drop.
* Drop audio files and folders at a specific position inside a playlist.
* Remembers the column and order you last set on the transfer manager after restart.
* Remembers the last file type you searched for after restart.
* New FrostWire icon compatible with Ubuntu 11.10
* Bug fix, now if you're playing a song and you resort the playlist by any of the columns, the next song to be played will be the one below the current song in the new order.
* Searching inside "Finished Downloads" now yields folder names as search results.
* Fixes lingering popup menu issue.
* Fixed DNS query issue affecting Linux.
* Library tables are now cached in memory, searches are done in the cache speeding up the experience considerably for users with several thousand files.
* Create or add audio files to a playlist right from the Transfer manager.
* iTunes importing after audio transfers finish turned off by default.
* Completed transfers that contain at least one audio file can be sent to iTunes from the Transfer manager.
* Audio status component recognizes an Audio Stream, from an Audio file from an internet stream url. Clicking on it will take you to the Android Tab if it's an android stream or to the Library otherwise.
* Fixes issues with download mediator refresh.
* Fixes out of memory error.
* Real time UI feedback as audio files are being imported into playlist.
* F5, Cmd+R or Ctrl+R will refresh the current Library table.
* Play/Pause player buttons now share the same button depending on state.
* Mac OSX threading bug when importing .m3u playlist to new playlist fixed.
* Pressing space bar pauses/resumes currently played audio.
* Playlist files can be sorted correctly by track number when available.
* FLAC playback support.
* When a playlist has finished importing files, it's shown to the user.
* Transfer manager remembers the position of its JSplitPane.
* Transfer manager sorts downloads by default based on their creation date.
* Transfer manager has new column "Started On" showing the date the transfer first started.
* Drag and drop issues on playlist component for Mac OSX fixed.
* Partial download dialog table can adjust column widths, a horizontal scrollbar will appear if the sum of the columns is wider than the dialog.
* When playing an audio file, if it gets deleted FROM DISK from inside FrostWire, the audio file will stop playing.
* Files can be dragged to the "Starred" playlist and they will be marked as starred. If files are dragged from Disk, creating a new playlist will be offered, and all the elements on the playlist will be starred.
* Files can be deleted from the "Starred" playlist. This will cause the files to be unstarred on every other playlist where they belong.
* The tables on the library remember the last position of their scrollbars during the session.
* Double clicking on a playlist name starts editing the playlist name.
* Fixes bug where downloading an individual file in a torrent wouldn't be marked in the search results as downloading.
* Fixes a memory leak when importing ID3 tags into a playlist.
* Fixes bug where the duration of an MP3 file wasn't calculated correctly by MPlayer, duration is now being calculated with Java library.
* Fixes bug where it would import torrent skipped files to iTunes.
* New Library Tab, code named "Alexandria"
* New Audio Player controls
* New controls to create and manage playlists
* Drag and drop files from Finished Downloads, Audio, File explorer into new or existing playlists.
* New control on status bar that shows current audio file being played with a "Send to friend" button. Clicking on the file name bring user back to where the audio file is being played.
* Export playlists to .m3u
* Import .m3u into new or existing playlists.
* Filter files inside currently selected file type or playlist.
* Audio player can randomize playback order, or repeat playlist.
* New icons all over the application.
* Album art is displayed when an audio file is selected on a playlist.
* Album art can be scaled in real time with split pane.
* Songs on playlists can be starred, Starred songs are added to "Starred"
* Selected songs on a playlist can be deleted with the Delete key, or on right click Delete from playlist.
* Playlists can be renamed.
* Playlists can be deleted.
* When songs that have been deleted from disk are attempted to be played they will be highlighted in red and with an exclamation mark.
* Right clicking on any song on a playlist > Cleanup removes all songs on a playlist that have been deleted physically from disk.

Download: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

  • benne  Male
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 2272
  • Gde živiš: From Bissau to Palau

FrostWire 5.2.7

* Smart search updates uses less DHT resources and fixes logic bugs
that results into faster and better search results.
* New Internet Radio functionality on the Library. Play, Add, Remove
and bookmark your favorite Internet Radio Stations.
* Book/Document search now crawls for .cbr, .cbz, .cb7, .cbt and .cba
file formats.
* New "Show in Library" action for finished transfers. It is now the
default action when a finished transfer has been double clicked.
* Clicking on the currently played audio control should always take
the user to the currently played audio file.
* Top Library tree nodes re-arranged.
* When downloading a single partial file, the transfer manager shows
the proper icon based on the file type of the file being downloaded.
* Add partial downloads, and multiple transfers that contain audio files
to playlists right from the transfer manager.
* The library can now be configured to scan any folder the user desires.
* Files can be added to playlists right out of search results.
* New explore action button on the Library tab.
* New send to friend action button on the Library tab.
* A lot of bug fixes.

  • Rogi  Male
  • Mod u pemziji
  • Najbolji košarkaš koji
  • je ikada igrao ovu igru
  • Pridružio: 31 Avg 2005
  • Poruke: 11687

FrostWire 5.3.4

* New frostwire.exe launcher with extended Unicode support now able to handle .torrent file names with extended Unicode characters.
* Windows build is Windows 8 compatible.
* Windows build will prefer Java 7 if not JRE is found.
* Improvements when sending files on a local area network via magnet link or send file to friend.
* Bug fix when opening magnets from a website when FrostWire was already running.
* User experience improvements on the transfer manager.
* Spanish translation update (93% translated)
* YouTube video search and download support.

Download: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

  • benne  Male
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 2272
  • Gde živiš: From Bissau to Palau

Napisano: 19 Apr 2012 14:52

FrostWire 5.3.5

* Drag and drop files and folders to your Android device running FrostWire. You can upload files to 3 different devices at the same time.
* Fixes glitch where the file explorer would reset the split pane position.
* Removes flickering on album arts when resizing library explorer
* When the FrostWire window is resized to be very small the search filters no longer overlap the "Open" and "Send to" buttons.
* Search box on the Library is now on the upper left and offers contextual hint.
* Search boxes everywhere now have a clear button.
* Playlists are now sorted alphabetically.
* Option panes UI upgrades.
* Better suggestion for a playlist name when a folder is dropped on "New Playlist".
* German translation updated.
* French translation updated.
* Norwegian translation updated.
* Dutch translation updated.
* Japanese translation updated.
* Filipino translation updated.
* Chinese (Hong Kong) translation updated.
* Chinese (Taiwan) translation updated.
* Chinese (Mainland) translation updated.
* Turkish translation updated.
* Portuguese (Brazilian) updated.
* Korean translation updated.
* Italian translation updated.
* Hindi translation updated.

Dopuna: 15 Maj 2012 13:50

FrostWire 5.3.6

* Full support for .m4a audio files (thumbnails, seek)
* AAC downloads from YouTube.
* Fixes issue with search suggestions where the popup wouldn't hide correctly.
* Chinese, Korean character display fixed for Windows and Linux (Gnome only)
* Fixes issue where it was hard to select more than one search result for batch downloads.
* Fixes issue with search results from Now downloads are started using magnet links instead of .torrents.
* Supports dragging files from transfer manager. Useful to send files to iTunes as soon as transfers are done.
* Adds links to Facebook and Google Plus pages on status bar.
* Single file search results now are launched on double click.

  • benne  Male
  • Elitni građanin
  • Pridružio: 14 Okt 2010
  • Poruke: 2272
  • Gde živiš: From Bissau to Palau

Napisano: 27 Avg 2012 1:15

FrostWire 5.3.9

  * BEP 34 compliant. FrostWire now checks DNS TXT records for tracker config.
  * Soundcloud integration (Search, Streaming and Downloads).
  * Fixes issue with partial download title window not showing the name of the torrent correctly.
  * UI Improvement: Action hints on top of search results to stream or download or see the contents of the torrent.
  * UI Improvement: Action hint on top of playable contents in the library.
  * UI Improvement: Search result Source now includes the name of the author if available.
  * UI Improvement: Search keywords are bolded in the titles of search results.
  * UI Improvement: Creation date for non-torrent search results available.
  * UI Improvement: File size of non-torrent search results available.
  * UI Improvement: Opening 'Configure Options' on the Library takes user to the Library Settings pane.
  * UI Improvement: Right clicking on the title of a search tab now shows the only action available (Repeat Search) directly.
  * UI Improvement: A FrostWire   update can now be invoked from the 'Tools' menu.
  * UI Improvement: New Notification update button will be available on the Window header to let the user know visually that there's a FrostWire update available.
  * UI Improvement: Added 'Cleanup Playlist' right click menu item in playlists.
  * UX Improvement: When saving a newly created .torrent, FrostWire will make sure the file is saved with the .torrent extension.
  * Fixes issue with file names   downloaded from FrostWire for Android.
  * Fixes issue adding new radio stations to the library.

Dopuna: 18 Sep 2012 23:57

FrostWire 5.4.0

* No more sound distortion with the FrostWire player volume levels.
* Search engines update.
* UX Upgrade: Only one file type per search. Users were getting confused
 with mixed file types in results.
* UX Upgrade: Forbid multiple selection on partial file selection dialog.

  • Rogi  Male
  • Mod u pemziji
  • Najbolji košarkaš koji
  • je ikada igrao ovu igru
  • Pridružio: 31 Avg 2005
  • Poruke: 11687

FrostWire 5.5.1

* New Clear Inactive button on transfers.
* New setting to use the default system media player instead of FrostWire's.
* New Download Cloud URLs, Torrents and Magnets by entering urls on the search field.
* New toggle full screen video playback with double click.
* Enhancement: Library file tables now show file modified date field and files are sorted by it in descending order so user can easily find newest files added to the library.
* Enhancement: Playlist tables now show the track number column and are by default sorted by it in ascending order to enjoy albums in the order they were meant to be heard by the content creators.
* Enhancement: mime type guessing is faster when sharing files on Wi-Fi
* Bug fix: Library was getting confused with file extensions as part of file names.
* Bug fix: sharing/unsharing popup menu behavior while sharing on Wi-Fi
* Bug fix: resizing issues on preview download dialogs.
* Bug fix: filtering on torrent detail dialog was broken.
* Bug fix: Library continuous playback working from play button.
* Bug fix: Cloud download error fixed.
* Bug fix: Media lib unicode issue.

Download: [Link mogu videti samo ulogovani korisnici]

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